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Shenzhen rented house fire 7 dead, 4 injured: 5 persons responsible be detained

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/31 12:20:37 Browse times: 131 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen rented house fire 7 dead, 4 injured: 5 persons responsible be detained(深圳出租屋火灾致7死4伤:5名相关责任人被刑拘)

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Shenzhen rented house fire 7 dead, 4 injured: 5 persons responsible be detained | | rental housing | the responsible person of the fire _ news

Original title: House fire in Shenzhen 7 dead, 4 injured: 5 persons responsible be detained

Beijing, August 30, 29th, shajing Street, Baoan district, Shenzhen, an Shan Road, Ma On Shan community rental housing in case of fire, fire has killed 7 people were killed and another 4 wounded hospitalized. According to the latest official report, the police have taken control of 11 persons responsible, in which 5 persons were detained.

29th 2:45, shajing Street, Baoan district, Shenzhen, an Shan Road, Ma On Shan community rental housing fires. At about 3 o'clock the fire was extinguished, the fire caused 5 deaths, another 2 people escape the stampede and accidentally falls to the hospital died. Another 4 injured people admitted to hospital because of smoke inhalation in respiratory tract Burns, vital signs stable.

According to the official, fire cause preliminary judging for charging electric vehicles fires.

, Baoan district, Shenzhen City Committee propaganda Department official micro-blog post today reported that police had taken control of 11 persons responsible, in which 5 people were detained. In the case is under further investigation.

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Responsibility of fire for letting people

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  中新网8月30日电 29日,深圳市宝安区沙井街道马鞍山社区安山四路一出租屋发生火灾,火灾已造成7人死亡,另有4人受伤入院治疗。据官方最新通报,警方已经控制11名相关责任人,其中,5人被依法刑事拘留。





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