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China’s “God“ absconding 8 arrest, committed suicide by jumping his mother-in-law

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/31 12:19:51 Browse times: 64 Comment times: 0

China’s “God“ absconding 8 arrest, committed suicide by jumping his mother-in-law(中国“股神”潜逃8年落网,他的岳母跳楼自杀)

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China's "God" left for the 8 years left for the _ netted his mother-in-law jumps | news

Original title: "God" eight years in panic down Skynet

"God" eight years in panic down Skynet

--Winking securities, China Galaxy securities company limited Tianjin original administrator Cui Jiazhi confessions

Cui Jiazhi, male, born in 1972, winking securities, China Galaxy securities company in Tianjin primary administrator, allegedly used his position to defraud customers huge trust funds in September 2007, fled Cambodia. In October 2007, the second branch of Tianjin people's Procuratorate against Cui Jiazhi filed for investigation on suspicion of corruption. On May 13, 2015, fled back to the specifics of the Cui Jiazhi was arrested.

I was born in an ordinary family, parents received a good education, know-as a child he was an obedient child, in 1991 with honors went to Tianjin College of finance, studied at the school of business and economics, one of the best professional. To enter College at that time is not much, I was undoubtedly peer leader. After graduation in 1993, I was assigned to the Bank of China, Bank of China International Trust and consulting companies as traders from 1997 to 2007, as a trader at China Galaxy securities limited liability company, also worked as a development manager. Among his colleagues, my business is best, promotion is also the fastest. Remember that I have been in the company, performance on the top, which gives me a great sense of accomplishment, while I valued because of outstanding performance by the leadership. Perhaps it was this young hero, young and restless I gradually lost in the fast-growing, has lost direction. I became more and more arrogant, slowly even when I thought he was the most powerful, crimes committed after this I planted the seeds. Then I took money from customers, and give them higher interest and using customer money to stocks. I think I will be able to pay customers interest and let yourself get high returns, in my opinion, this is a win-win situation. But it is the sentence, I overestimated my ability, I'm losing money in the stock market, which has always been arrogant start to mess my head, even crazy. I started to keep customers on behalf of the sales department borrowed more money, hoping to take this to recoup, but growing losses. In addition, during which consumption changes in my personal life, is my final one of causes irreparable consequences. Because the success of, I think, manage money is my money you can spend, began to use their high spending business customers money, final in these consumption costs hundreds of thousands of Yuan. With the funding gap is growing, initially robbing Peter to pay Paul, but developed into an unmanageable extent. So lost without reason and courage, I decided to play with their feet.

On September 30, 2007, I hide it from everyone, leaving her sick father and elderly mother, leaving my loving family and boarded a plane to Cambodia, began the road to escape. I still think that at that time ran out of the country and impunity can be free from jail, I can work hard, maybe someday get lucky, I can with him filled my shortfall of money, or wave, wind tightly, I can slide back and reunited with his family enjoying. But the harsh reality tells me that people are doing, day watch, absconded foreign consequences can only be so I just punished.

Cambodia's first year, the language barrier and lack skills I had doing odd jobs at a Chinese-owned small restaurant, can only make $ 30 a month, and each month's rent was $ 30. I can't play, because I was a fugitive, on the ground in the most backward rural housing rental, daily dawn, go, wait until dark will dare to come back. Not going anywhere, just curl up in a humid room. In this year, I can't remember how many nights are spent in fear.

Later, I and a Taiwan people, rented a storefront business meal, he Mei, roast duck, I do buns and steamed buns in the daily income of 20 to 30 dollars, I thought open home day was near. But recently, the Taiwan people addicted to gambling, not only stole the store money, rented storefront to our mortgage to go out. At this point, I was almost penniless, even rent is difficult, but I have no idea, because I was a flight of the criminals. I hated myself, I hate myself why such a move, why embarked on the road of fugitive, I didn't really see it at this point is a road of no return.

In 2014, I really can't bear to leave their homes, fearful of life, thoughts are more fed up with growing family, decided to go home broke, thinking if caught would be a relief. And I sneaking back into the country. I naively hoped that my sins even as time goes on will no longer be held accountable. But when I went back to Tianjin realized, fate my punishment may be just beginning. When I left, father with lung cancer has been seriously ill, died not long after I'm gone. I was as far away as Cambodia, cannot and will not come back to send his father a lift. Mother and I never wanted to say anything. Father's portrait, I don't know at the moment of father, bed no I the unfilial son, how sorry he was, and how about me; I don't know if there is no flight, can you keep father time-I do not know if you later encounter with the father in heaven, he would recognize my son. In addition, come back later, I was told my mother-in-law stand me owing a huge amount of debt, abandoned his wife and children left for the facts alone, aggravating the depression. She turned out to be a Chinese Medicine Department of the General Hospital, doctor, medical benevolence, lifetime treatment of people, committed suicide by jumping from the top floor of her home one morning. My mother-in-law has been more attention to me when I heard when my mother-in-law was found by family, flush with notes in their pockets, it was looking forward to my back, think I live abroad. These two things make me really annoyed, regret, feel that death.

I'm sorry my son, not fulfilling a father's responsibility. I left when his son was just a year old, after all these years, the child's mother up children alone, I did not know that children should have the best childhood without a father to accompany how it is spent. At school when the teacher, classmates asked, where is your father, and how he answered. Every time I think about it, I will have a lot of guilt. I was most sorry for is my mother, his mother hope hope I get back 8 years. I remember when I left, she was 120 pounds, but when I saw her again she was only 90 kg, body deteriorated in recent years. Wife alone children himself, although we have divorced, but living with her for so many years and the child did not remarry, so many years of injustice and suffering she endured, I face the two most greatest and most I'm sorry for the woman in my life. They blame me on the mouth of the irresponsible, but they gave me unlimited inclusive, let me return to the family, I sometimes wish they smacked me a meal, let my conscience be quiet.

Who is causing all this destruction of man? Is my own. My selfishness and greed, not only to society and the State have caused great damage, brought irreparable harm to my family, himself will be severely punished by the law. I am keenly aware, when breaking the law should stop in a timely manner, admit error, responsibility, running, can't run. There is a saying that "French life from the long arm", now in jail, I'm saying really was very impressed.

Absconded over the years, my life experiences that cannot be forgotten. Those years of hardship and misery in this life is I created. If I didn't go, it might have been released from prison, has been reunited with his family. Now, I don't know if my mother's illness would have repeated, I did not know his ex-wife will wait for me out of prison, I don't know what my son can thrive.

Now in jail, in addition to deplore or regret, less of a person of a crime have a happy family. I wanted to give my family a good life, the result was the opposite, brought great damage to them. I feel ashamed in front of family members to care for and love, unworthy of trust and reuse, unworthy of the State and society, culture and education. After the case, I have a more profound understanding of their crimes. I will do well in prison reform, positive and strive for an early release, try to make up for all the consequences of my. I hope my lessons to the world as a warning not to follow in my footsteps. Absconded abroad, is at large in the imagination, reality is wherever he is hatred, the detractors. Only plead guilty at an early date will only be socially inclusive, and live a normal life.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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中国“股神”潜逃8年落网 他的岳母跳楼自杀|潜逃_新闻资讯














责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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