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2015 global survey on countries: China’s overall image of steady improvement in

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2015 global survey on countries: China’s overall image of steady improvement in(2015国家形象全球调查:中国整体形象稳步提升)

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2015 global survey on countries: China's overall image of steady improvement in

The Group of 20 (G20) leaders ' Summit will be held in Hangzhou, China has once again become the focus of the world. Other than contacts at Government level, how do ordinary overseas Chinese and Chinese people? To the rise of China with what to look forward to?

These issues in China's Foreign Office international communication Research Center recently published the fourth global report on China (2015) in the response. Survey found that China's overall image has increased, and new features.

The investigation, conducted by the cipg's external communications research center and China entering the two international cooperation research and consulting firm. Research Center survey topics, partners provide global Samples Gallery, survey answer online questionnaires and strictly implement the international standards for online surveys. Survey covers the 19 members of the G20 for the first time, covering Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America and Oceania, the respondents up to 9500.

  Young people of high praise

In this report, China's overall impression scoring 6.2 points (a total of 10 points), 0.3 points higher than in 2014. Cipg the Center for communication research communication strategy, Vice-Director Sun Jingxin said in an interview with "China's overall image lift, especially more and more recognized by the elite. "This is Sun Jingxin 4 image survey depth observations, combined with the many conclusions of the research, a think-tank.

Survey shows that overseas young Chinese received more. Analysed by age, younger groups (18-35), the impression of China scored the highest, 6.6 minutes. At the level of understanding of China, and on China's future development, China's development path and model, "the" evaluation of the initiative, brand trust in China, and many other issues, the younger age groups have shown a more positive attitude.

Overseas respondents intend to increase in China, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong to become preferred cities, is planning to come to China in the next 3 years studying, working or travel of up to 31%, up from 2014 26%. Plans to visit the region in the top 3 most popular Chinese cities followed by Beijing (48%), Shanghai (30%) and Hong Kong (23%).

In the image of Chinese products overseas improved, especially with regard to after-sales service the remarkable progress. Quality remains an important factor in China's overseas development, accounting for 60% of the. But in 2014, respondents in the overseas food safety, service and price in terms of satisfaction respectively, and 6% and 9%, China's progress is particularly evident in domestic service.

  High-speed lines cost the biggest names

China is becoming the focus of overseas people, technology is one of they most hope to know by Chinese media. 61% overseas respondents expressed approval for the China's technological innovation capability, a figure even more than the Chinese respondents (57%).

In the field of science and technology, most high-speed lines cost for cognitive science and technology achievements, 21% per cent of respondents indicated that they understand the "China's high-speed railway operating mileage of 19,000 kilometers, ranking the world's high-speed rail mileage to the top."

A series of innovative science too, increasingly familiar to people overseas. Lenovo, Huawei, Alibaba, ZTE and Haier to occupy top 5 most respondents who are familiar with the brand, and millet, tiny letters, familiarity with emerging technologies such as UC browser brand rankings also improved significantly.

  China remains stable

In the survey, "has a long history, full of charm" has become China's most prominent national impression, proportion of respondents selecting this option to 43%, including the choice of developing countries the proportion is as high as 54%. China's national image is said to be "hardworking and dedicated" second respectively to be characterized by collectivism, warm and friendly and honest.

Many of the changes in this year's report, there is also a Chinese elements – remained stable. Overseas respondents believe that TCM, martial arts and diet is the most representative Chinese elements, select up to and 50%, and 39% respectively. Additionally, the presentation of the Chinese language and culture of people interested in 34% per cent of respondents overall overseas.

  Cooperation initiatives concern

3 survey is different with previous years, this a questionnaire released "global issues" section. Investigations revealed that in the future of global governance of overseas respondents hoped that China would play a greater role in the economic sphere (64%), followed by the field of science and technology (58%).

China cooperation initiatives also concern. Overseas respondents to understand "along the way" respondents accounted for 15% of the initiative, respondents percentage of developed and developing countries close, 16% and 14%, respectively. Overall view, overseas by visit who think by China Government advocate of most cooperation initiatives is useful at of, row in Qian 4 bit of followed by is: "from your imports more of products to China" (60%), and "strengthening and your of technology cooperation" (59%), and "encourages more China visitors to your tourism" (59%), and "increased and your of trade cooperation" (57%).

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-08-31 06:13:48
People's daily-people's daily overseas edition



















(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-08-31 06:13:48

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