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Chinese army rockets across the first Army combat walkthrough

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/29 14:19:55 Browse times: 45 Comment times: 0

Chinese army rockets across the first Army combat walkthrough(中国陆军第一集团军进行火箭炮跨海打击演练)

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Chinese army rockets across the first Army combat walkthrough

Published on August 29, the PLA daily reported, the people's Liberation Army first army in recent days in the eastern coastal region sea-crossing landing exercise, which refers to the artillery brigade of the force training are included in the "Marina array, night-time reconnaissance across the sea" and targeted drilling. 25th of the Liberation Army daily has reported that the trip was "to sea combat exercises". These reports, military observer network commentators, the PLA remote rocket 1 Army Brigade equipped with new long-range precision-guided rockets after, practical walkthrough to long range rocket launcher system across the Strait for the first time directly provide fire support for the landing operation capability, the sacred mission of the motherland for the PLA to perform is the progress of the times.

First group army of the PLA is the emphasis on military readiness forces.

In mid-August, 1 army far from the fire brigade in the Northwestern desert for live-fire drills

1 artillery brigade of the new column mounted 122 mm 40 tube light modular rocket

The 29th issue of the cross-sea, the Liberation Army daily published the fourth edition of the article, and skills cannot just "voyage far" and dispensed reviews the winning sea sight to go beyond the "Normandy".

Mentioned in the report, in mid-August, 1 Army Division (observers network Note: amphibious Infantry Division), TSC, "31 consecutive hours of uninterrupted contest between defence and attack."

Article refers to the forces in order to improve the training of naval capabilities as the standard story, mentioned in the report of the force "broke through the direct sea limit distance also further regulate maritime search and rescue, supply more than more than 10 sea training subjects such as the new standard. ”

Part 1 is introduced later in this article some of the other units in this year's sea training new tactics and training methods.

Such as "amphibious vehicle group came close the first Beach, Zhu Wei, head of a mission based on maritime surveillance in real time back to the battlefield, timely adjustment of operational deployment and to the operational unit; special soldiers dropped to the target after the island, using the laser system, precision-guided air strikes inland;

  Coastal artillery brigade arrayed, night-time sea reconnaissance, artillery angle alternating lateral shoot and a number of high risk subjects performed "

This indicates that 1 artillery brigade has sea-crossing combat as an important practice subjects.

1th group military forces including the equipment PLZ-05 52 times a times size of remote self-propelled howitzer artillery brigade and one equipped with 300 mm long range rocket launcher system and modular rocket 122 mm long-range rocket launcher brigades.

Today's Liberation Army daily mentioned in the article may be one of the forces.

While going through army newspaper article a few days ago, you can see, the 16th, the PLA daily reported, 1 remote rocket brigade then went Northwest China conducted live-fire exercises. Equipment can see the force of a new 122 mm rocket launchers with 300 mm long range rocket launcher system joint live-fire exercise.

In an interview on national television on the exercise, we can see the Brigade Sun Weigang interview footage.

25th, 2nd Edition an article of the East China Sea coast of the PLA, the army's firepower on the seas of precision fire and referred to the Eastern war zone of a military rocket Brigade in recent days days of remote rocket to the sea shore in the East China Sea combat exercises, and the Brigade was Sun Weigang. In other words, 1 army rocket launcher brigades moved northwest, Southeast in just a month, live firing exercises in a row.

1 distant fire brigade Sun Weigang in an interview on CCTV's programs

This article refers to: "the beginning of the year, new equipment of the Brigade will be firing at sea was established as key topics, organize technicians study on tactics use of artillery firing at sea, has 15 invited universities and factory technicians share in project demonstration and technical problems ... ... Full advantage of the latest bomb special combat effectiveness for different target nature of innovation in a variety of difficult high damage play. ”

"As a true test of the new style and new play the kind of operational effectiveness, the Brigade is not afraid of risk, take the initiative to set hard ... ... Marina strange environment will try for the first time high risk innovative play, take delivery of the combat tasks admirably battlefield reconnaissance, the Provisional Airport Authority and the Provisional Airport Authority organizations to determine targets, occupying positions admirably, the authority for inspection artillery, Polish troops in the combat environment. ”

"Journalists at the drill site, long-distance firepower of assault in the first round is complete, the officers and soldiers to evacuate positions, on the way of transfer after completing the full pipe filling once again target neutralization on the sea. It is understood that the walkthrough set a total of 7 classes 44 entity objectives, collected more than 300 teams of real and effective operational data for the army firepower into the sea, land and road trip opening a new joint system. ”

From the articles mentioned in the walkthrough above the goal set in type and quantity information, if this is the walkthrough used rocket launchers to attack naval vessels, obviously there are a lot of contradictions. It can be inferred that "targets on the sea fire suppression" should be "fire strike across the sea," a euphemism. Of course, judging from exercise, may 1th army in its train station near the base, walkthrough, shooting the target is indeed a sea of simulation across the goal, from the walkthrough for nature, are indeed "target shooting", but in fact the actual content of the walkthrough is "across the sea".

25th army newspaper reported about 1 artillery brigade and today's walkthrough content, it can be said that this is the first time the people's Liberation Army confirmed that army rocket forces directly across the Strait to attack the landing beaches Beach apt's ability to target in depth.

It was reported that the PLA PHL-03 rocket equipped with a range of more than 140 km of remote-guided rockets. When fired from the coastal parts of Fujian, the full range of rockets covering Taiwan Hsinchu dozens of kilometers area near the beach.

The army mentioned in the newspaper article "went to the beach for the first time a strange environment", "gun angle of lateral shoot" and other subjects, this may indicate that the PLA drills are used in certain coastal was not specifically designed for rocket firing positions, therefore need to make rocket launch vehicle to launch a special attitude.

Fired from the Pingtan Islands, Fujian province 140 kilometers of beaches near Hsinchu simple depth of coverage for rockets, enough to cover for landing operations. Besides, the PLA troops trade rockets also have a far greater range of 300-mm rockets

Dragon 140A 300 mm guided rocket (left)

CCTV footage appeared of long-range precision-guided rockets and accurately hit more than one target screen

"Han Kuang" exercise to set up artillery position near the beach

"Han Kuang" exercises during the establishment of the beachhead tank cover

"Han Kuang" exercises to retain subjects "chariot against assaulting the beaches" ... ... These goals will be perfect for distant fire brigade combat target

Also, "latest play species of special combat effectiveness, for different target nature innovation out variety high difficulty high damage play", may showed that the forces of remote rocket except based of high burst play, may also equipment has anti-armored target of late sensitive play, and anti-personnel or soft target cluster play, and for destroyed coastal substantial bunker of drill to play (filling aluminum hot agent explosives), variety type of ammunition.

Military observer network commentators, the PLA PHL-03 remote rocket equipped with a range of 70-kilometer early in the development, with ballistic correction of simple guided rocket. Although China's military-industrial sector but now has developed a series of range of 100 km, even more than 200 km of long range rocket launcher system, such as the WS-1,WS-2,WS-2D,A-100,A-200 model, but the accuracy is poor, can only be sold to some small country to the neighbouring "strategic deterrence", or the price is too high, only a small number of "local" can afford to buy. Therefore our own until recently PHL-03 issued new guidance rocket projectile fitted out, really is equipped with a range of more than 100 km of remote-guided rockets.

PLA PHL-03 rocket launcher

From 140 km-range guided rockets mounted, 1 army rocket launcher brigades to form cross-sea strike capabilities, and after about a year's time. Here, the Brigade has also increased the modular new 122 mm rockets, the rockets a distance of 40-60 km, mainly for the release of Terminal-sensitive projectile or cluster bombs to suppress enemy group targets at close range. It can be presumed that such rockets following the amphibious landing force during the war on common land to fill existing PHL-03 also cannot span gaps across the sea attack targets in depth.

(Editor: Yang Chen Hong)
2016-08-29 14:19:22
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  观察者网军事评论员认为,解放军PHL-03远程火箭炮在研制之初只装备了射程70千米,具备弹道修正技术的简易制导火箭弹。虽然中国军工部门后来研制了一系列射程100公里,甚至200公里以上的远程火箭炮,如WS-1,WS-2,WS-2D,A-100,A-200等型号,但这些要么命中精度太差, 只能出售给一些小国用于对邻国进行“战略威慑”,要么价格太高,只有少数“土豪”国家购买得起。因此我军自己一直到最近PHL-03配发的新型制导火箭弹列装,才真正装备了射程超过100公里的远程制导火箭弹。



2016-08-29 14:19:22

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