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Shandong linyi cheated death case lock 2 suspects

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/27 18:44:43 Browse times: 145 Comment times: 0

Shandong linyi cheated death case lock 2 suspects(山东临沂另一起被骗猝死案锁定2名嫌疑人)

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Shandong linyi cheated death case lock | 2 suspects _ news by Shandong linyi cheat death |
Information: Song Zhenning.

Original title: Xu Yuyu cracked the case, Song Zhenning case identified two of the suspects, arrested in progress!

Luozhuang district, linyi city, Xu Yuyu telecommunications fraud 26th cracked, the main suspect Chen (male, 29 years old, Anxi County, Fujian), Zheng (male, 29 years old, Yongchun, Fujian people), yellow (male, 35 years old, people of Anxi), bear (male, 19 years old, Fengdu County, Chongqing people), four people were arrested. The same day, the Chinese Ministry of public security issued class a arrest warrant for public hunting for two at-large suspects Chen (male, 22 years old, people of Anxi), Zheng Xiancong (male, 26 years old, Yongchun County, Fujian province).

August 26, at 7 o'clock in the evening, this reporter went to Xu Yuyu, Xu Yuyu parents in half an hour ago that news of criminal suspects have been caught, so early detection so that they did not expect. "Kids came back, caught the crooks can make a lot of children are no longer deceived. "The couple told reporters. 8 o'clock in the evening, good news coming from the Fujian Provincial public security organs, the suspect Jody Xiong was captured.

As the College season approaching, the three students tuition fees within a bank card or funds being tricked, suspects led to a man and a woman, two students to death, cause social concern. On August 19, luozhuang district, linyi city, Shandong province, village 18 years old girl Xu Yuyu in high street received a fraud call, will attended Nanjing University of post and telecommunications Department of English, she was tricked 9900 Yuan tuition fees. Alarm with his father on the way home, poor Xu Yuyu sudden cardiac arrest and died in hospital. Xu Yuyu cheated the same day, in Hedong District, linyi city, female university student Li Xiaqin was tricked 6800 Yuan tuition fees. August 23, linshu County of Shandong University students about to enter college to study Song Zhenning also in the event of cardiac arrest after Telecom fraud, unfortunately passed away. 26th Song Zhenning fraud detection work to make significant progress, have been locked out for 2 suspects, arrest is in progress.

Xu Yuyu cheated female students by the fraud phone calls is the 171th segment, has been verified by the Ministry is a virtual operator far (Beijing) communication technology co, the other numbers involved are China Unicom, according to the two numbers involved real-name registered user information. Li Xiaqin fraud received by fixed telephone call showed that beginning was 021, Song Zhenning got cheated of the boys are fixed line telephone, has modified its software to turn over.

Against the light part of the MVNO market in marketing audit, in order to expand market share, tacitly illegal opening act, applications for the implementation of real-name system as a virtual network operator by the Ministry to expand the business scope, increasing the business licenses of numbering resources, issued a formal veto.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Cheated death in linyi, Shandong province

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  临沂市罗庄区徐玉玉电信诈骗案26日成功告破,主要犯罪嫌疑人陈某某(男,29岁,福建安溪县 人),郑某某(男,29岁,福建永春县人)、黄某某(男,35岁,福建安溪县人)、熊某(男,19岁,重庆丰都县人)四人被抓获归案。同日,中国公安部发布A 级通缉令,公开通缉两名在逃犯罪嫌疑人陈文辉(男,22岁,福建安溪县人)、郑贤聪(男,26岁,福建永春县人)。


  随着大学开学季临近,三名学生银行卡内学费或资金被骗走,疑由此引发一男一女两名学生猝死,引发社会关注。8月19日,山东省临沂市罗庄区高都街道 中坦村18岁女子徐玉玉接到了一通诈骗电话,即将进入南京邮电大学英语系就读的她被骗走9900元学费。和父亲报警回家的路上,家境贫寒的徐玉玉突然心脏 骤停,经医院抢救无效死亡。徐玉玉被骗的同天,在临沂市河东区,女大学生李夏芹被骗走6800元学费。8月23日凌晨,临沂市临沭县即将进入大二学习的山 东理工大学学生宋振宁也在遭遇电信诈骗后心脏骤停,不幸离世。26日,宋振宁被骗案侦破工作取得重大进展,已锁定2名犯罪嫌疑人,抓捕工作正在进行中。

  被骗女学生徐玉玉接到的诈骗电话是171号段,工信部已查实属虚拟运营商远特(北京)通信技术有限公司,另一涉案号码属中国联通,据查两个涉案号码 均登记了用户实名信息。李夏芹接到的诈骗电话显示是021开头的固定电话,被骗男学生宋振宁接到的也是固定电话,都用改号软件改过。


责任编辑:张淳 SN182

被骗猝死 山东临沂


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