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Tonight the 5 things you shouldn’t miss

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/25 16:23:05 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

Tonight the 5 things you shouldn’t miss(今晚你不该错过的5件事)

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5 things you shouldn't miss tonight | news reviews _ news

  The evening of August 25 news review

  Liaoning informed corrective action: Wang Min political expectations not fulfilled subject to Central

Liaoning Provincial Committee informed on the inspection "look" rectification, former Secretary Wang Min ignores XI Jinping, Secretary of provincial party Committee in Liaoning's "honest, know the rules and discipline" political demands, after the personal political expectations not met, negative down, or even conflict with the Central, leading to weakening of party leading core role. In this regard, the provincial party Committee conducted in-depth analysis, serious reflection, research has developed the Protocol to firmly establish the "four" primary responsibility for effective implementation of resolutely implement Central decisions and arrangements of the views, resolve the profound lessons, paying careful attention to rectification, always do faith, loyalty to the party, firmly in ideologically, politically and in action with comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee was very consistent.

  China's Defense Ministry: Chinese indigenously built both face value temperament (video)

China's Defense Ministry regular press conference on August, a reporter mentioned: recent media coverage at home and abroad of China's first indigenously-built in China, online spread the ship "high face value" photographs showing hull Assembly was nearing completion, construction work drew to a close. How do these true? The ship fitted out for how long? There is no timetable? Spokesman Wu Qian replied: I can tell you with authority that the first Chinese indigenously built go well, as planned. You mentioned "high face value", I think only half of our Chinese-made aircraft carrier "extrinsic face value inner qualities."

  Philippine President says China must respect the sea arbitration results, China's Foreign Ministry responded

Chinese Foreign Ministry's regular press briefing today, the media asked: duteerte, President of the Philippines, said China must respect the arbitration case results of South China Sea. Whether this will affect the Philippines years dialogue? Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said, on the first question, we have reiterated China's position on the so-called sea arbitration is consistent and clear. Philippines, including Philippine Supreme Leader recently expressed on many occasions, hoping to open dialogue with China. Yesterday, I have already said, we are also willing to open Sino-Philippine dialogue as soon as possible. The Philippines is our friendly neighbor, although there are some problems, but did not take the last Ridge, the two sides can resolve their differences through friendly consultations, we have confidence in this. We are active in the Philippines to open talks as soon as possible and welcome.

  Shandong, a college student who was Telecom fraud death parents admission

18 years old girl Xu Yuyu in linyi, before shocked to learn of the early morning of August 23, sophomore from linshu Song Zhenning also suffered after the Telecom fraud, cardiac arrest, unfortunately died! Relatives said the students received scam phone call before she died, and was cheated out of varying amounts of cash, their parents were too sad to live in the hospital.

  Hunan officials for prostitution were double local: glad the girl reached the age of 14

Cili, Hunan state tax Bureau of the former party members, discipline inspection team leader Liu Li for prostitution has been opened. Worth noting is that this is a girl of 14 years and 10 days. Local officials said that Liu was unlucky and lucky. Unfortunately he was double for whoring, glad he was when the girl was just 14 years of age.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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  菲总统称中方须尊重南海仲裁案结果 中国外交部回应

  今日中国外交部例行记者会上,有媒体问到:菲律宾总统杜特尔特称,中方必须尊重南海仲裁案结果。这是否将影响中菲两国年内开展对话?中国外交部发言人回答:关于第一个问题,我们已多次重申,中方对所谓南海仲裁案的立场是一贯的、明确的。菲律宾方面包括菲最高领导人近来多次表示,希望尽快同中方 开启对话。昨天我已经说过,我们也愿意尽快开启中菲对话。菲律宾是我们的友好近邻,双方虽存在一些问题,但没有迈不过去的坎,双方能通过友好协商解决分 歧,我们对此有信心。我们对中菲双方尽快开启会谈持积极和欢迎态度。

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  湖南官员因嫖娼被双开 当地:庆幸那女孩满14岁


责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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