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Henan police pursuit of the escaped car shot, 3 were still at large

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/24 11:36:07 Browse times: 140 Comment times: 0

Henan police pursuit of the escaped car shot, 3 were still at large(河南民警追击逃跑轿车遭枪击,3人仍在逃)

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Henan police pursuit of the escaped car shooting 3 still at large (photo) | | | corn _ the shooting of suspects news
Suspect Yu Hongze
Suspect Yu Jiuhua
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Beijing times (Xinhua reporter Chen Yujing Zhang Heng practice) today, NHTSA, Xinxiang, Henan police while chasing an escaped black sedan, 1 people in yanjin County in a car of 3 men da Han Cun around gun shooting after police, 3 flight, civilian police was not injured. Investigation, police found a car containing a crowbar, hammer, bolt cutters and other instrumentalities. After looking up owner Yang Xia, guannan County, Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, and her husband Yu Jiuhua, Yu Hongze is the son of former staff, which staff have significant car suspected of the crime. Currently 3 people fled into the street corn, and local police are conducting the search.

, Xinxiang city, Public Security Bureau informed said, 8:40 A.M., Henan, Xinxiang city, Public Security Bureau traffic management detachment duty police in plain road and 107 State Road cross mouth inventory a car black no licence KIA K5 car Shi, driver ran card Hou along plain direction East, and by eight to North, and Hou along 307 province road to East fled, escape to yanjin confer upon urban and rural big hancun North to Shi, side turned fell into roadside ditch within, from car Shang down 3-4 name men by corn to to South absconded.

Network according to a Henan provincial public security department directives, abandoned the vehicle and escaped suspects in about 30 years old, 1 suspect to the police shooting, gunman suspect's body is thin and flat. Instructions to Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Chinese public security authorities immediately set up checked posts, such as inventories, while strengthening armament, pay attention to safety to reduce unnecessary losses.

Xinxiang city public Security Bureau command center officer said no one was injured during the shooting. Suspects now at large, held gun model is not confirmed.

Reporters reached the scene one of the civilian police, said police were corn tensions in search, say more merits.

One witness said that at 9 o'clock in the morning today, he passed yanjin 307 national highway when the great Han Cun road, I saw a white car parked on the road, car rear-view mirror on the left falls, car body scratches. Drivers say 8 o'clock in the morning more than more than 40, the drive along route 307 national highway running from East to West, a black car speeding from West to East, and after the rub two car, black car crashed into the roadside ditch, car of 3 men, police after the man fled. As to whether there is shooting, the man evaded.

Witnesses said this morning, the 307 national highway were blocked a few kilometers around the great Han Cun. There at least more than more than 30 police cars, hundreds of police, armed police guard. "Cornfield next to the armed police with dogs searched, and drone hovered over the cornfields."

Xinxiang city public Security Bureau reported that crime scene investigation, and found inside the vehicle there is a crowbar, hammer, bolt cutters and other instrumentalities. Public security website, the owner Yang Xia, guannan County, Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, and her husband Yu Jiuhua, Yu Hongze is the son of former staff, which staff have significant car suspected of the crime. Under the search footprint judgment, car by officers to hancun fled Southwest and the Southeast, one of them covered in mud. Draw public attention to suspicious persons and immediately reported to the police.

Police said the discovery provides clues to reward 10,000 yuan in cash directly captured listed, bonus cash of 30,000 yuan.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Suspect shot corn

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Beijing times
河南民警追击逃跑轿车遭枪击 3人仍在逃(图)|嫌疑人|枪击|玉米地_新闻资讯

  京华时报讯 (记者张恒 实习记者陈玉静)今天上午,河南新乡市交管局民警追击一辆逃跑黑色轿车时,车上3名男子中1人在延津县大韩村附近持枪射击民警后,3人逃跑,民警未受伤。 经勘查,民警发现车内有撬杠、大锤、断线钳等作案工具。经查车主杨霞,系江苏省连云港市灌南县人,其丈夫于九华、儿子于洪泽均为前科人员,据此判断车上人 员具有重大作案嫌疑。目前3人逃入路边玉米地,当地警方正开展搜寻工作。

  新乡市公安局通报称,上午8点40分,河南新乡市公安局交通管 理支队执勤民警在平原路与107国道交叉口盘查一辆黑色无牌照起亚K5轿车时,驾驶员闯卡后沿平原路向东、经八路向北、后沿307省道向东逃窜,逃至延津 县胙城乡大韩村北地时,侧翻掉进路边沟内,从车上下来3-4名男子经玉米地向南潜逃。




  现场一位目击者称,今天上午9点多,他路过延津县307国道大韩村路段时,看到一辆白色轿车停在路上,车左侧后视镜掉落,车身有刮痕。司机称上午8点 40多,其开车沿307国道从东向西行驶,一辆黑色轿车从西向东迎面疾驰而来,两车发生剐蹭后,黑色轿车冲入路边沟中,车上下来3名男子,民警到后男子逃跑。至于是否有枪击,男子避而不谈。


  新乡市公安局通报称,经现场勘查,发现车内有撬杠、大锤、断线钳等作案工具。经公安网查询,车主杨霞,系江苏省连云港市灌南县人,其丈夫于九华、儿子于 洪泽均为前科人员,据此判断车上人员具有重大作案嫌疑。目前根据搜索足迹判断,车上人员分别向大韩村西南、东南方向逃窜,其中一人浑身泥泞。请广大群众注 意发现可疑人员,并立即向公安机关报告。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

嫌疑人 枪击 玉米地


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