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10767 m! China’s unmanned submersibles to create deep diving record

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/24 11:35:07 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

10767 m! China’s unmanned submersibles to create deep diving record(10767米!中国无人潜水器创造深潜纪录)

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10767 m! Chinese unmanned submersibles deep diving record | diving _ news

"Sea-Doo" unmanned submersibles

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 23 (reporters Wu Jingjing and and Cui Jing)-Chinese Academy of Sciences announced on 23rd, China "research first" scientific ship from June 22, 2016 on August 12 in the Mariana Trench, Challenger deep to carry out China's first comprehensive million-meter abyss expedition. In the section examinations, China independent development of "sea bucket", no diving device success for has once 8-kilometer level, and two times 9-kilometer level and liangciwan meters level Xia dive application, maximum dive deep up 10767 meters, created has China no diving device of maximum Xia dive and the job depth records, makes China became following day, and beauty two zhihou third a has development million meters level no diving device capacity of national.

"The success of this expedition of the abyss shortening between China and the United States, Japan, Britain and other deep sea Doo scientific pioneer countries in million meters gaps in research capacity, marks China's deep research into meter times. "Deep ocean science and engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of voyage leader Liu Xincheng said that results achieved this voyage showed that thousands of meters deep ocean technology sector, China is no longer a closed area, this is the craft's 7-kilometer after a successful sea trial another milestone for marine science and technology.

"Exploring the first" China 4500 m manned submarine mother ships and common deepwater expedition expedition ships, marine engineering practical ability. The abyss expedition lasted 52 days, completing tasks on 84. Except "sea bucket", no diving device two times Xia dive over million meters, China independent development of "Cape", and "end", abyss landing device, and "in situ experiment", abyss lifting device also for has 17 times big depth Xia dive, which "end", and "in situ experiment", three times breakthrough million meters depth, in harbour stay job are over 12 hours.

This section has achieved a series of important breakthroughs. As "in situ experiment", abyss lifting device carrying experiment device in million meters depth success for has abyss bottom nitrogen cycle of in situ training experiment, and "end", abyss landing device single times gets is greater than 100 rose harbour water, this in international equal or similar equipment Shang are no precedent; China domestic Harbour earthquake instrument work depth first breakthrough 7000 meters, first in challenge who abyss West carried out active source artificial earthquake exploration, success get a article full earthquake profile ; China's independently developed underwater glider depth 5751 meters, close to the current international underwater glider maximum dive depth (6000 meters), setting a maximum dive depth of China's underwater glider record.

Scientists pit Lander and regulator conducted a total of 13 potential trapping experiment, 5-kilometer to more than 10,000-meter depth to obtain the more than 2000 biological samples, including hook lionfish and unknown species of shrimp, exclusive of the abyss. Scientists have also successfully obtained a depth series full of sediment samples as well as the Mariana Trench samples. These samples to fill the deep especially on China for a long time unable to get super million metres of data and samples of blanks, to reveal the abyss on eco-environmental evolution, global climate change, and to provide a valuable sample of deep abyss, China will greatly promote scientific research development,

CAs President Bai chunli, said current human knowledge of the ocean is still at an initial stage, especially for 11000 meters to deep ocean awareness than knowledge of the lunar surface. Wan m deep scientific expedition, China's first success marked the deep scientific and technological innovation ability in China are from the "tracking" to "parallel" and "lead" change to fully implement the national "Thirteen-Five" focus on developing plans to deploy thousands of meters deep diving manned/unmanned strategic objectives the first step. (End)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Deep dive

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Xinhua News Agency


  新华社北京8月23日电(记者吴晶晶、崔静) 中国科学院23日宣布,中国“探索一号”科考船于2016年6月22日至8月12日在马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊开展了中国首次综合性万米深渊科考。在此次科考中,中国自主研制的“海斗”号无人潜水器成功进行了一次八千米级、两次九千米级和两次万米级下潜 应用,最大潜深达10767米,创造了中国无人潜水器的最大下潜及作业深度纪录,使中国成为继日、美两国之后第三个拥有研制万米级无人潜水器能力的国家。

  “这次深渊科考的成功缩短了中国与美、日、英等世界海斗深渊科考先驱国家在万米科考能力上的差距,标志了中国的深潜科考开始进入万米时代。”中 科院深海科学与工程研究所航次领队刘心成表示,本航次取得的成果表明万米深海已不再是中国海洋科技界的禁区,这是继蛟龙号七千米海试成功后又一个海洋科技 的里程碑。

  “探索一号”是中国4500米载人潜水器母船及具备通用深水科考、海洋工程应用能力的科考船舶。此次深渊科考历时52天,完成作业任务84项。 除了“海斗”号无人潜水器两次下潜超过万米,中国自主研制的“海角”号和“天涯”号深渊着陆器、“原位实验”号深渊升降器还进行了17次大深度下潜,其中 “天涯”号和“原位实验”号三次突破万米深度,在海底停留作业皆超过12小时。

  此次科考取得了系列重要突破。如“原位实验”号深渊升降器搭载实验装置在万米深度成功进行了深渊底部氮循环的原位培养实验、“天涯”号深渊着陆 器单次获取大于100升海底水样,这在国际同等或类似装备上都无先例;中国国产海底地震仪工作深度首次突破7000米,首次在挑战者深渊西部开展主动源人 工地震勘探,成功获得一条完整地震剖面;中国自主研制的水下滑翔机下潜深度达到5751米,接近目前国际上水下滑翔机最大下潜深度(6000米),创下了 中国水下滑翔机的最大下潜深度纪录。

  科学家们通过深渊着陆器和升降器共进行了13个潜次的大生物诱捕实验,在五千米至一万米级深度获取两千余个大生物样品,其中包括钩虾、深渊专属 的狮子鱼以及未知物种。科学家们还成功获得了深度序列完整的海底沉积物样本以及马里亚纳海沟水样。这些样品填补了中国长期以来无法获得超大深度特别是万米 海底数据和样品的空白,为揭示深渊生态环境演变、全球气候变化等提供了珍贵的研究样本,将极大地促进中国深海深渊科学研究的发展,

  中科院院长白春礼表示,当前人类对海洋的认识仍然停留在起步阶段,尤其是对11000米以深的海洋的认识程度还不如对月球表面的认识。中国首次 万米深渊科考的成功宣示了中国深海科技创新能力正在实现从“跟踪”为主向“并行”“领先”为主转变,为全面实现国家“十三五”重点研发计划部署的万米载人 /无人深潜的战略目标迈出了第一步。(完)

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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