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Media: China to capacity was adamant heavy layoffs in the expansion

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/22 9:46:12 Browse times: 160 Comment times: 0

Media: China to capacity was adamant heavy layoffs in the expansion(日媒:中国去产能态度坚决,重工业裁员在扩大)

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Media: adamant heavy layoffs in the expansion of production capacity in China | | cut capacity _ news

Reference news August 22 Japanese media said, the Chinese Government put forward the "supply side reforms" to address the overcapacity problem. The Central Government is urging local governments to take action.

According to the Japan economic news, August 19, August 16, the national development and Reform Commission spokesman Zhao Chenxin said, at the end of July, steel capacity to achieve the annual target of 47%. Stressing China's structural reform is smooth. For 2016 45 million tons to capacity goals, January-July progress is close to 50%, plans to further accelerate in the latter.

Reports that local governments and large companies because of fears of reduced taxes and increased unemployment, negative attitudes towards structural adjustment. 2016 years years later, the Central Government set up a 100 billion yuan of unemployment benefits, as layoffs "safety net". Requires local governments to develop capacity goals, according to capacity to increase subsidies.

To this end, local governments have rushed to open to capacity planning. Proposed production capacity of 7 million tons of iron and steel industry of Anhui Province plan, Hunan province, plans to offer the coal industry to the production capacity of 15 million tons. According to Chinese media reports, the local Government's goal totals have exceeded the Central.

Reports that it can smoothly push forward to future capacity, is not clear. In principle the unemployment subsidies to state-owned enterprises as objects.

According to the Japan economic news, August 19, layoffs in the industrial sector in China is expanding. In particular heavy industry beset by overcapacity. Large State-owned enterprises such as steel, coal and oil as the Center, many enterprises due to the layoffs of tens of thousands of people. In the international community, criticism of China's excess capacity leading to deteriorating market more and more. In this context, China has cut capacity up to national policy.

Shougang group will in the 2016 across the group to cut 16,000 employees, has started in Hebei and other plant to ask for early retirement. Suffering from the Asian financial crisis troubling in the 1990 of the 20th century, the global economic downturn since the second half of Shougang started a comprehensive layoff is the first time. In China, where excess capacity leading to deteriorating market for steel, Shougang 2015 fiscal year (ending December 2015) a final loss. In addition, the continued production of the Wuhan iron and steel group also plans to divert about 40,000 people, the plight of the iron and steel enterprises are becoming clear.

Reports that China's economic growth is slowing, with raw materials such as steel and coal industry as the Center, "overcapacity" problem is becoming more serious.

Layoff action also extends to areas such as energy. China Petroleum natural gas group also experienced attrition. The deterioration of corporate performance, were forced to shut down and consolidated subsidiaries.

Criticism of the international community, accelerate the structural adjustment of China stepped up gestures. "Supply side reform" was presented.

Reported that because of the Government's adamant had ensured the employment of State-owned enterprises have been laid off. In the implementation of large production enterprises, there are a lot of people into a temporary leave or shorter working hours cut and arrears of wages are on the rise.

Reports said, the problem is that the negative effects of structural adjustment with the extent to which will be expanded. If the "supply side" reforms progress in speeding up, the State-owned enterprises will be forced to implement further cuts. According to Government estimates, only the steel and coal industries will have 1.8 million people out of work.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Capacity cuts

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日媒:中国去产能态度坚决 重工业裁员在扩大|去产能|裁员_新闻资讯

  参考消息网8月22日报道 日媒称,中国政府提出了“供给侧改革”以解决产能过剩问题。中央政府正在敦促地方政府采取行动。

  据 日本经济新闻网8月19日报道,8月16日,国家发展改革委员会新闻发言人赵辰昕表示,截至7月末,钢铁去产能完成全年目标任务的47%。意在强调中国结 构改革正在顺利推进。对于2016年4500万吨的去产能目标,1~7月的完成进度已接近50%,计划后半年进一步加速推进。




  另 据《日本经济新闻》网站8月19日报道,中国工业界的裁员行动正在扩大。特别是受过剩产能困扰的重工业。以钢铁、煤炭和石油等大型国有企业为中心,不少企 业出炉了数万人规模的裁员计划。在国际社会上,对中国过剩产能导致行情恶化的批评越来越多。在这种背景下,中国已将削减产能上升为国家政策。

  首 钢集团将在2016年内在整个集团削减员工1.6万人,已开始在河北等的工厂征集提前退休者。自饱受亚洲金融危机困恼、全球经济低迷的20世纪90年代后 半以来,首钢启动全面裁员尚属首次。在中国,钢材产能过剩导致行情恶化,首钢2015财年(截至2015年12月)出现最终亏损。此外,持续减产的武汉钢 铁集团也计划分流4万人左右,各钢铁企业的困境日趋明显。






责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

去产能 裁员


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