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United States media comment on China’s wealthy new symbol: eat Chinese-American-made Apple

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/21 9:41:59 Browse times: 277 Comment times: 0

United States media comment on China’s wealthy new symbol: eat Chinese-American-made Apple(美国媒体评中国富裕家庭新象征:吃得起美中国国产苹果)

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United States media comment on China's wealthy new symbol: eat Chinese-American-made Apple | richest family | family _ news

Reference news, August 21 US media say, forget the bulaiaoni suit, forget the wine collection, Maserati cars and is located in St Tropez holiday home. In some developing countries, the latest status symbol is a Washington State produces a Apple, a frozen steak in the refrigerator or a bowl full United States Red cherries.

According to the United States, the Washington Post, August 15, thanks to the world-wide industrial cold storage capacity has increased significantly. It makes the more perishable food, especially dairy products and meat from the farm – access to global consumers ' plates.

A report in the Wall Street Journal recently noted this trend. Known food cold chain supply chain systems development is particularly rapid in China, while in India, and Chile, and Mexico, and Costa Rica, and Turkey, and Indonesia and the Philippines also received some development.

Reported as temperature-controlled logistics companies on behalf of the global cold chain Transportation Union International Vice President lichade·teleixi said: "now, people want to go to the store, buy the high quality security products and are willing to pay for that product than in the open market at higher prices. ”

In other words, the refrigerator is now one of indispensable gear teeth on the gears of upward social mobility.

Tracy said: "to the apples produced in Washington State, for example. In many countries, they are considered to be rare imports, and was respected as a symbol of wealth. In many emerging countries, you can put it on the table and said, ' look '. ”

The United States also has the advantage of agricultural enterprises.

Pork exports to China, cherry and Kraft's "security sources" trading company jielimi·hafute, said: "cold storage industry with the development of China from the United States to import more selling goods possible. ”

Pedro Halffter also United States goods export to China has written a book, titled non-Chinese manufacturing-the hidden truth behind China's economic miracle.

Pedro Halffter: "frozen food industry development in China means the United States can overcome the limits of crops and products of higher-value exports such as pork. Smithfield Foods Company in the United States live pigs slaughtered, then whole pigs cut into six pieces of frozen and shipped to China. These fully frozen pork. China Refrigeration capability makes it possible for the exports of these commodities. ”

Reports in 19th century, the gusitafusi·siweifute initiated the train of ice for cooling, making cheap beef in meat processing companies to be able to ship to the United States in every corner. Since then, the United States consumers are able to buy in the past 150 years to distant places-produced beef, pork and dairy products. Feilipu·amuer, followed by others is well known.

Cold chain is essentially a harvest-based cold chain, both slaughterhouses, the garden can also be an orchard. Cold chain to ensure uninterrupted frozen starting from harvest locations, from the grocery store until you pick up the ribs, frozen shrimp or until ripe peaches.

Tracy said of the fruit's ripening process, said: "the work of maintaining the cold chain is actually to slow the ripening process. By cryopreservation, it wasn't going to rot. ”

Thanks to swift, Amur, refrigerated trucks and cold storage, refrigerated train Jet, United States has by far the world's most sophisticated cold chain system.

Tracy said: "the United States consume processed foods a lot, there is also demand for cold chain. ”

Reports said Europe also has a highly developed set of cold chain system. But economically backward countries are only now beginning to catch up, which is why they tend to eat meat and poultry cause less. Bought on the open market on the street after a chicken then slaughter it once than to transport thousands of frozen chickens to the much more expensive grocery store.

Tracy said: "in developing countries, due to no refrigerator at home, people go to the market every day. Indicate an informal indicator of the rapid development of the country is the increase of household refrigeration equipment. Domestic refrigeration market boom means higher demand for cold chain, because people can make up for the last link of the cold chain. ”

Tracy said many members of his Alliance in refrigerator sales in China are rising after refrigeration in China invested in infrastructure. China's 1.35 billion people now eat pork, poultry and protein are more than in the past. (Compile/Li)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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Wealthy families and family status

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责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

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