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Chinese writers Hao Jingfang, by virtue of the Beijing, folded by the Hugo Award

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/21 9:41:39 Browse times: 191 Comment times: 0

Chinese writers Hao Jingfang, by virtue of the Beijing, folded by the Hugo Award(中国作家郝景芳凭借《北京折叠》获雨果奖)

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Chinese author Hao Jingfang, with Beijing, folded, the Hugo Awards | | Hao Jingfang | Hugo Award Beijing, folded _ news
China Beijing, folded by science fiction writers Hao Jingfang won Hugo Awards.

Original title: China Beijing, folded by science fiction writers Hao Jingfang won Hugo Awards

Xinhua News Agency,, August 20 (reporter Guo Shuang)-following Liu cixin, by virtue of the three-body after ' became the first winner of the Hugo, generation of women Beijing, folded Hao Jingfang, with works of science fiction writers of the 20th to regain an important honor in the science-fiction.

2016 Hugo Awards ceremony the night of 20th in the United States Kansas City Convention and Exhibition Center. Hao Jingfang piece Beijing, folded for the 2016 in the Hugo Award for best short story award, this award goes to 7500 words to 17,500 words work.

According to reports, Hao Jingfang Beijing, folded in the building in a different space, different walks of life in Beijing, like "Transformers-like fold of cities", and "with a more sobering reality." Daily stories from her own life, factual reality of human feeling warm.

Beijing, folded English translator is a science fiction writer and translator of Liu Yukun, he is the third English-language version of the translator, which is the translation of his works won the Hugo Award for the second time.

The first Hugo Award winner, science fiction writer Liu cixin had earlier told the media that "science fiction in China is still at an immature stage", but the consolation is that in recent years a number of "new generation after" science fiction writers emerged they constantly on the imagination, experiment, ideological breakthrough and try and form their own unique style.

To commemorate the 20th century world renowned science fiction writer Hugo Spock, World Science fiction Association set up Hugo Awards. At the world science fiction Hugo Award and the United States established by the Association of science fiction and Fantasy Writers Nebula Award is considered to be one of the most authoritative and influence of the two worldwide science fiction awards.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Hao Jingfang Hugo Award Beijing, folded

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  新华社洛杉矶8月20日电(记者郭爽) 继刘慈欣凭借《三体》成为中国第一位雨果奖得主后,80后女科幻作家郝景芳凭借作品《北京折叠》20日再次获得这个科幻界的重要荣誉。






责任编辑:张淳 SN182

郝景芳 雨果奖 北京折叠


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