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Original Director of Shandong business was charged with 3 deadly sins involved 13.46 million Yuan

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/18 8:01:32 Browse times: 176 Comment times: 0

Original Director of Shandong business was charged with 3 deadly sins involved 13.46 million Yuan(山东商务厅原厅长被控3宗罪,涉案1346万元)

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Original Director of Shandong business charged 3 13.46 million yuan in connection with anti-corruption | | |, Shandong LU mode _ news
Source map: Lv Zaimo. China economic NET

Original title: original Lv Zaimo, Director of Shandong provincial Department of Commerce case the first instance charged 3 in connection with the 13.46 million

CNS, Jinan, August 17 (reporter Liang 犇)-from August 16, 17th, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee on Foreign Affairs on overseas Chinese Affairs, Shandong province, the original Director, Director of the provincial Department of Commerce the original Lv Zaimo was arrested for taking bribes, embezzlement, misappropriation of a case in the Zibo city intermediate people's Court heard. Prosecutors charged since 1993 to 2014, the defendant Lv Zaimo used bribes, alone or in partnership with others, taking bribes, embezzlement, misappropriation of public funds on three counts, 23 cases of crimes involving a total equivalent to total more than 13.46 million Yuan.

17th announced that the people's Procuratorate of Shandong province, the official start of the trial from the 16th, at 9 o'clock in the morning. Prosecutorial organ indictment allegations, 1993 to 2014, accused Lv Zaimo using served as Yantai Fushan district Chang, and district Secretary, and Yantai Deputy Mayor, and, Jining city, Mayor, and province business Office Director, positions Shang of convenience, has for more than company, and units and personal, in contract project, and investment introduction funding, and project approval, and zone upgrade, and personal positions promotion, aspects seek interests, illegal received units and personnel give of Yuan, and dollars, and shopping card, and bank card, property, Amounts equivalent to RMB more than 4.286 million Yuan, suspected of bribery.

The indictment, from June 2010 until April 2014, the defendant Lv Zaimo served as Director of the Shandong provincial Department of Commerce duties, several times in the Shandong provincial Department of Commerce and the Shandong international business under the limited reimbursement of confinement fees, travel expenses, meals and so on should be determined by the individuals and families at a total cost of more than 175,000 yuan, appropriation, suspected of corruption and crime.

Indictment allegations, November 2010, accused Lv Zaimo using served as Shandong province business Office Director of positions convenience, directed Shandong international business limited original chairman Liu xxx (the other case processing), privately will Shandong province business Office 9 million Yuan public funds turned to to Liu xxx personal name established of Yantai a limited, by CAI xxx (the other case processing) will the 9 million Yuan public funds for in Yantai purchase housing, and decoration and purchase vehicles, to for Lu in die personal using. In March 2014, to hide the facts of the crime, Yantai die Lui Liu to a limited changes to Shandong international business limited is a member, suspected of embezzlement crime.

The case designated by the people's Procuratorate of Shandong province, by the end of the Zibo Prosecutor's Office investigation, on June 23, 2015 submitted for examination and prosecution, December 31, 2015, to prosecute the Zibo city intermediate people's Court.

During the hearing, prosecutors prosecutors read out the indictment, 23 criminal facts of alleged Lv Zaimo, showed his interrogation and a handwritten confession, testimony of witnesses, documentary evidence, material evidence evidence such as photographs, expert opinion, and audio-visual materials. Prosecutors believe he shall Lv Zaimo of the accused taking bribes, embezzlement, misappropriation of the conviction and sentencing of the crime.

Prosecutors said, this case transferred review prosecution Hou, began Lu in die is can confessed, late change for said, on more pen bribery, and corruption, and misappropriated public funds are be denied, in 16th and 17th of court Shang, accused Lv Zaimo face prosecutors show of large evidence, on more pen bribery crime, and corruption and the misappropriated public funds crime still no pleaded guilty penitential, please Court full consider accused Lv Zaimo of pleaded guilty performance and penitential attitude, integrated full case facts and evidence be sentencing.

It is reported that the trial until the end of the 17th, the court adjourned, selective sentencing. (End)

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Shandong Lu anti-corruption in die

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China News Network
山东商务厅原厅长被控3宗罪 涉案1346万元|反腐|山东|吕在模_新闻资讯


  中新网济南8月17日电(记者 梁犇) 8月16日至17日,山东省人大常委会委员、民族侨务外事委员会原主任委员、省商务厅原厅长吕在模涉嫌受贿罪、贪污罪、挪用公款罪一案在淄博市中级人民法院开庭审理。检察机关指控,自1993年至2014年,被告人吕在模利用职务便利,单独或者伙同他人,涉嫌受贿、贪污、挪用公款三项罪名,23起犯罪事实涉案金额共计折合人民币共计1346万余元。








责任编辑:张淳 SN182

反腐 山东 吕在模


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