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Looking on! Corrupt officials “bottom line“ even lower than you think

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/18 8:01:28 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Looking on! Corrupt officials “bottom line“ even lower than you think(围观!贪官的“底线“比你想的还要低)

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Looking on! Corrupt officials "bottom line" even lower than you think
Author 丨 Xing Ying edit | Fan Yang

On Lok corrupt official, there are two types of information governance I know that you would carefully look at: is corrupt "double" informed it could understand the indiscipline of officers; the other is corrupt confession, also known as "How do I become a prisoner of" or "how bad is corrupt."

These two days, and one corrupt official confessions, the author is the original in Huaian city, Jiangsu Province, China industrial Dr. du guoqing, Director of the national development and Reform Committee, he was sentenced to three years for bribery 265,000 yuan.

"I remember when, for the first time accept the gift from the others is a Chinese cigarettes, two bottles of liquor. At that time, I was refused twice, but could not resist the giver's repeated persuasion, finally accepted. …… When the recipient, I have absolutely no serve the purpose of philosophy, ... ... Becoming cynical, apathetic. "Dr. du guoqing thinks he will be on the road to corruption, is due to raise money to send their father's illness worries and greed for money.

Note that rout Du Guoqing corruption, the bottom line is nothing but a Chinese cigarettes and two bottles of liquor, probably thousands of converted into Renminbi Yuan. And many corrupt official bottom-line loss process is similar to Dr. du guoqing, from a meal began, hundreds of blocks, eventually lose their freedom.

  Corruption began to drip a small over time is difficult

"Today everything is from a meal, a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of wine to a card, and then to the 1000, 2000, 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 Yuan accumulated, before money, I failed to keep the bottom line, over time, add up, and made a big mistake today. "This confession, xuyi County, Jiangsu Province, is the urban management Bureau Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director Wang Xiaohua.

November 2011 to 2013 period, Wang Xiaohua, xuyi County, in the knowledge that a project has no architectural drawings, Sinotrans did not meet waste disposal cases, three fouls and approval, causes loss of 1.2 million Yuan to the State; he used bribes, to help others, occasions for accepting bribes totalling 187,000 yuan.

Starting from little corruption failed to receive stop Wang Xiaohua was sentenced to six months for the crime of abuse, plus bribery sentence in prison, in the end, he spent two years and eight months in prison.

  Heard someone sent money there is a sense of accomplishment

Was slightly shocked, a University leader of corruption could amount up to more than 4 million. Even more surprising is that the College Professor was an "ignoramus", he had long considered accepting gift cards are not accepted bribes, received money and goods of less than 10,000 at a time is not a crime. Have these terrible and embarrassing mistake was former Party Secretary Xu Tongwen qilu University of technology.

He recalls, "once, in 2003, during the planning of linyi University, raised a building Fund for the school, I will feel a sense of accomplishment. Can be after 2012, every time I hear someone sent money to his family, I will not feel a sense of accomplishment. "From 2000 to 2014 period, Xu Tongwen making use of his facilities, for a number of units and individuals benefit, solicit or receive bribes equivalent to more than more than 4.23 million Yuan illegally. In May 2009, he also fraudulently listing spending, acquiring research funds of more than 14,000 yuan for himself.

Bribe received from the first step by step less than 10,000 yuan to "snowball" up to 4 million of the huge, not refusing anything from your money collection, whose money, Xu Tongwen crimes for personal gain on the road to go further.

  For more than 800 Yuan and lose five years free

And accepting a bribe of less than 10,000 yuan for the first time compared to university professors, college students village officer Su Ruiwu experience even more exaggerated. His illegal proceeds of crime more than more than 800 Yuan, was for up to 5 years in prison.

After graduating from College in 2008, Su Ruiwu by unity college students in Henan province were "village officials" exam, assigned to Gao Cun Zhen er lang Miao village served as members of the party branch, concurrently as accounting functions. He raised funds to start a goat farm, farm village men not as expected by the business to get rich, but also solved the employment problem of some villagers. At this time, Su Ruiwu, like many college students village officer, uphold the "one for all" Beginner's mind.

However, after you marry and have children, Su Ruiwu initially led the faith prosper in the village began to fade, instead, how to let your family become wealthier.

July 2012 to October, he assisted the GAO Cun Zhen Government engaged in the management of national land compensation and distribution, using the convenience of duty, misappropriation of 250,000 yuan in profit-making activities, and illegally obtained proceeds 852.27. It is just more than 800 Yuan, road to ruin Su Ruiwu village officials.

  A piece of clothing was the bottom line loss

Also found that leading cadres have received its first "benefit" is not a small sum of money, nor less than thousands of tobacco and alcohol, but a "not worth the money" clothes.

Case hero Guan Zhiqiang Qi County, Henan province, was by the General Auditor and audit trade and economic infrastructure unit, from 2010 to 2014, he is in charge of the Government audit of their positions, many accept someone else's property amounted to 152,900.

He recalls, the day spring of 2012, foreign investment, Qi accompanied by a developer asked him to buy some clothes, and insisted on sending him a suit. Holding a dress not worth money, accept it is no big deal attitude, Guan Zhiqiang took the developers of clothing. Since then, he step down, many times developers go out to dinner and play invitation, shopping cards, specialty items, and later upgrade to the 50,000 yuan in cash bribes directly to developers.

Later, Guan Zhiqiang only 6 years in prison caused by reflection from a piece of clothing in the "massacre".

  Proofreading | Kun Wang

  Information 丨 procuratorial daily

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-08-18 00:02:05
撰文丨邢颖 编辑 | 杨凡


  这两天, 又看到了一篇贪官忏悔录,作者是原江苏省淮安市中国国家发展改革委员会工业处处长杜国庆,他因受贿26.5万元被判处有期徒刑三年。








  令 稍感到震惊的是,一位大学领导贪污受贿的金额竟可以高达400多万。而更令人吃惊的是,这位大学教授竟是个“法盲”,他曾长时间认为收受购物卡不是受贿,一次收受钱物不到1万元不是犯罪等。有这些可怕又可笑的错误认识的是原齐鲁工业大学党委书记徐同文。













  校对 | 王坤


(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-08-18 00:02:05

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