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Chinese officials counting clutches into officials: Mayor takes all subordinates and superiors

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/17 12:21:24 Browse times: 177 Comment times: 0

Chinese officials counting clutches into officials: Mayor takes all subordinates and superiors(盘点将魔爪伸向下属官员的中国官员:女市长通吃下属和上司)

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Chinese officials counting clutches into officials: Mayor sweep right to subordinate and superior mistress | |-color trading _ news

Lok 109 after the 18 provincial and ministerial level officials, at least 39 people involved "trading power for color, color" or "adultery", which, in part maintained improper sexual relationships with subordinates.

On August 16, the Hunan provincial Commission for discipline inspection on the 20 cadres violating organizational and personnel discipline case.

Two cases concern: Huaihua City Vice Mayor Li Zi-Cheng Wang Jianping, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC, Zhuzhou city, the original positions during had improper sexual relationships with subordinates and subordinates promotions help.

Rights trading, money trading has become a common phenomenon in Lok officials. According to statistics, 18 Lok 109 after provincial and ministerial level officials, at least 39 people involved "trading power for color, color" or "adultery". Among them, some maintaining an improper sexual relationships with subordinates, and a female officer "sweep" cases of male subordinates and male bosses.

  Li Zi-Cheng

According to the Hunan provincial discipline Inspection Commission informed, Huaihua City Vice Mayor Li Zicheng in yuanling County as a county magistrate during Secretary of Youth League Committee in one town and the County had improper sexual relations.

In addition, Li also sent several times its value as 900,000 yuan, yuanling County and promote the Secretary of Youth League Committee to a party member and Deputy Director of the Council.

Li served as Deputy Secretary of yuanling County, County magistrate, Secretary of the County party Committee, and beginning in 2013, Huaihua City, the Deputy Mayor. In May 2015, Li Zicheng for suspected serious disciplinary violations were found, was double after 7 months.

On April 19 this year, Li Zicheng and his daughter Li Wenchu for bribery to be tried together. Prosecutors alleged, Li Zicheng's tenure, using bribes, alone or in partnership with her daughter Li Wenchu, and illegally accepting other people's property amounted to 4.7015 million Yuan, the amount involved is especially huge.

A month before trial, Li Zicheng's written confession. It reads, "the 96 year old father knows how long can I be locked up or live? 2 year old grandson, I was subject to disciplinary review of the previous day, still plays with him, what do I do now? 83 year old mother-in-law immobile and lost depends on what? Daughter and wife in particular, such forays can withstand? All of this, it's all my fault, my SIN. ”

  Wang Jianping

Hunan Zhuzhou City Committee of the CPPCC, former Vice Chairman of the provincial discipline Inspection Commission informed Wang Jianping, apart from improper relations with a female subordinate, and have relationships with other women.

Wang Jianping was Shifeng district, Zhuzhou district, Zhuzhou County party Committee, Secretary of CPC Zhuzhou municipal Committee and other staff. In January 2013, the Zhuzhou City Committee of the CPPCC Vice Chairman. August 2015 under investigation, two months after the double.

According to informed the show, Wang Jianping in Zhuzhou County served as Secretary, improper sexual relations with his subordinate Zhang. Under the care of Wang Jianping, who subordinates served as Mayor and Party Secretary of the work Committee.

In March 2010, Wang Jianping in the case did not seek the views of Zhuzhou County team members, to then-County party Committee Organization Department heads held by County traffic policemen Zhang, Director of the County's transportation management and organization departments to carry out cadre appointment and dismissal procedures, named Zhang, Director of the County's transportation management.

In June this year, Wang Jianping who exposes in the confessions, he in 1999 to 2015 with a number of women not just relations between men and women.

In his view, conveys benefits to the own people just saw their power, and this power is given by the party, if there is no organization to which "hat" own nothing, drink no one respects, speaking not believed, red envelopes send no one, others are directed at the post.

  Jin Daoming

On November 26, 2014, four officials in Shanxi province, was "double", including jinzhong, former Vice Secretary of municipal party Committee says Ms Zhang and former Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor Yang Xiaobo, Gaoping in Shanxi province. Both men have been accused of "adultery with others."

This is first time in disciplinary officials informed the Commission for discipline inspection, "committed adultery with the others".

Says Ms Zhang and their superiors, Deputy Director of the Shanxi provincial people's Congress, the former Jin Daoming closely associated.

According to media reports, says Ms Zhang was Jin Daoming's subordinate, the relationship between the two is unusual, says Ms Zhang Guan Lu smooth due to the expense of a body.

It is reported that in August 2006, Jin Daoming took over as Secretary of the Shanxi provincial Commission for discipline inspection, in two months, says Ms Zhang was promoted to Shanxi provincial Commission for discipline inspection in October 2006, leadership, Standing Committee of the Shanxi provincial Commission for discipline inspection. Since then, says Ms Zhang has served as the Standing Committee of the Shanxi provincial Commission for discipline inspection, nearly 7 years working with Jin Daoming until April 2013, transferred to Central.

Says Ms Zhang is "double" a month later, Central Commission for discipline inspection on the Jin Daoming's examination situation. The investigation, Jin Daoming used his position to seek benefits for others, ask for and accept bribes; receiving gifts gifts of adultery with others.

In February this year, Jin Daoming bribery case trial, he is accused of illegally accepting others for its property amounted to more than 123.73 million Yuan.

  Xiaobo Yang

Says Ms Zhang on the same day was "double" Xiaobo Yang, Gao-"Mayor of beauty," said. Before Yang Xiaobo, two-term Mayor of Gaoping had been checked.

It was reported that Xiaobo Yang admitted in the investigation "with a number of subordinate long-term relationship." Yet there is more information to show who her lover was.

Yang Xiaobo, born in 1971, in May 2011, the 40 Yang Xiaobo from Jincheng City Committee, Member of the Minister's position was promoted to the Mayor of Gaoping city, known as "the rocket." Local official believe promotions directly from the propaganda Minister's Mayor is rare or counterintuitive – Dr term in the Organization, the Communist Youth League and other organs, there is no grass-roots work experience.

Last November, the prosecutors disclosed for the first time the charges against Yang Xiaobo, Taiyuan in Shanxi province, Yang Xiaobo illegally accepting other people's property worth more than 14.3 million Yuan bribery objects in addition to Emerald jewelry, gold bars, and watches such as Patek Philippe and Cartier.

After the Lok Ma, Yang Xiaobo once cried, wept tears of repentance, "himself thought he was to his family, but the family more important than money, 100 million are envisaged his life, planning a 100 billion, did not think of how I got to this step. ”

  Guo Yongxiang

Federation Chairman Guo Yongxiang, Sichuan province after Chuncheng Li is Lok's second Vice-provincial-level cadres in Sichuan province.

"" (App ID:gcxxjgzh), Guo Yongxiang survey, has "moral turpitude" wording of the staff of the Central Commission for discipline inspection said: "moral turpitude", refers to the three above and three Mistresses (husband).

According to public reports, the Sichuan provincial SASAC bit-level women officials ' improper relationship directly with the Guo Yongxiang. Number of SASAC, Sichuan province, confirmed that Guo Yongxiang was later the Deputy-level women cadres were taken in for questioning.

A female cadres met with this official, the woman cadre in his native Chengdu, more than 30 years old, looks excellent in quality, she used to work at the General Office of the provincial Committee, Guo Yongxiang was appointed provincial party Secretary-General, Director of the General Office of the provincial party Committee, "the relationship between the two close, very close." "She drives an Audi Q5, usually not much. 2012 was promoted to Deputy Division level, recently adopted a year earlier period, and didn't think it was wrong. "A staff member at Sichuan provincial SASAC said.

It is reported that Guo Yongxiang while serving as a Chief of staff, was supposed to be a reception two pretty girls call into the Office of the, but party leaders say, was transferred to another Department.

  JI jianye

Original, Nanjing Mayor JI jianye also after having sex with a female subordinate, it promoted experience.

According to media reports, JI jianye official during the terms used not only severe violations of accepting bribes, and keeping several mistresses, and even some of the women officials to commit adultery, luxury private life extremely is fornication.

Yangzhou city, according to people familiar with the matter said, public mistress in Yangzhou. One allegedly was originally a typist in the Office of the municipal government, fair-skinned, often send files to bypass the Secretary personally gave quarter by quarter after promoted to Deputy Director of China's national development and Reform Commission of the city. Another guest house service from staff was promoted to slender West Lake scenic spot Management Committee. In addition, the Yangzhou municipal environmental protection Bureau, former Director Jin Qiufen also revealed one of the JI jianye mistress.

April 07, 2015, JI jianye was sentenced to 15 years and confiscation of personal property of 2 million Yuan.

After the Lok Ma, JI jianye wrote Word confession book of remarkable literary talent at all, but never mention the instances of corrupt practices by a mistress.

Written by: Beijing News reporter Wang Shu proofreading: Guo Liqin

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Mistress power trading

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  权色交易、钱色交易已成为落马官员中的常见现象。据 统计,十八大后落马109名省部级官员中,至少有39人涉“权色、钱色交易”或“通奸”。其中,有部分与下属保持不正当性关系,而且还有女官员“通吃”男下属和男上司的案例。






























  “ ”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)发现,郭永祥的调查表述中,有“道德败坏”的措辞,中纪委的工作人员曾表示:“道德败坏”,是指三个及三个以上情妇(夫)。










   撰稿:新京报记者王姝 校对:郭利琴

责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

情妇 权色交易


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