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PLA major general discussion on the South China Sea dispute: who dares to move, I moved three times

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/16 20:47:47 Browse times: 154 Comment times: 0

PLA major general discussion on the South China Sea dispute: who dares to move, I moved three times(解放军少将谈南海争端:谁敢动一下,我就动三下)

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PLA major general discussion on the South China Sea dispute: who dares me three times

With the rising of China's comprehensive national strength, United States faces more and more "how to deal with China" problem. United States some people believed that rely solely on United States single-handedly has been unable to stop the rise of China. In that context, United States tried in China (such as the South China Sea) to create some obstacles in China, to prevent and contain China's development, but both ended in failure. Thus, it was deployed in Northeast Asia Pacific strategic objectives to the anti-missile system. It can be said that China and the United States in the South China Sea, and at Thad's game, is an extension of both power and policy interactions.

Makes clear the United States toward China's strategic thinking, look south and Sadr problems, context is pretty clear--United States think messing around China, the South China Sea and Sade is but a starting point. United States is a manufacturing-led control of international voice player, geo-political strategy is obviously to promote their hidden agenda, is still standing on the moral high ground, the banner of "freedom of navigation" and "preventing nuclear proliferation in North Korea" the guise of trickster.

  The South China Sea issue: we have achieved "initial victory"

In the United States, with the United States in China around causing trouble, China must maintain sovereignty. China countered, is likely to intensify with the Philippines, Viet Nam conflict in Southeast Asia. This is China and the United States hands echoed the so-called "tough on China" and "China threat theory" argument. From that point of view, United States on strategic issues to handle very seasoned, this low cost, high efficiency, and "two birds with one stone".

Faced with this situation, China do? To adhere to the principles, the struggle is struggle. We want to expose the United States conspiracies nature, clarify the rights issue is not freedom of navigation in the South China Sea issue, but the problem of China's territory and maritime rights and interests have been violated. We maintain our own maritime rights and interests and territorial, have any reason to be suppressed? You sway to and fro on my doorstep, I would inevitably means, including military force to maintain my dignity, my sovereign.

Moreover, the United States in the South China Sea issue is a bit self-defeating. It thought to arbitration after the release of results, China would bristle, but we so firmly on the attitude, in terms of specific practices and holding moderate extent, coupled with a series of military actions, diplomatic actions, hold completely cool. This is a great victory, and in a way that is "stage victory".

South China Sea now form a relatively stable state. After arbitration results, China and ASEAN Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement, saying that "are not presently uninhabited islands, reefs, beaches, sand or other natural structures to take action to live and deal with their differences in a constructive manner." This means that we've done has become a reality, who again did not help, what happens in the future, if in the future who dares in the uninhabited island adopt new action, who would dare to move, I moved three times!

It should be noted that some of our practices are very good in the East China Sea. We have worked with Japanese information issued, if you trouble in the South, in the East China Sea in the future will face the unbearable pressure. Now fulfilled! Japan worried now: in the face of China's unprecedented strength, not counter will be lost forever if the counter, will China send warships in the past? Japan in a "dilemma". Sade question: who deal with China to abide by the rules and don't wayward United States an excuse to engage in "missile defense system", its name is defensive in nature, but in fact deploy Thad both military and technical, is a great challenge for China, on China's strategic nuclear counterattack ability is great, but, even more dangerous is the strategic level issues. United States seeks to turn Korea into his strategic system, causing serious damage to China and Korea, and destruction in China and Japan and South Korea the integration process, which United States will on the military, political, geo-economic benefits are huge.

Some comrades said that China not to United States when, not because "Sade" problem with Korea have damaged relations, I do not agree with this view. You know, in international relations, who destroyed the first principle, who will pay the price. Korea despite China and Korea relations overall, to tie himself to the United States of "chariot", the severely damage China and Korea the political basis of the relations, destroyed the pattern of stability in Northeast Asia. Therefore, I argue that China must adhere to the principle of not only counter, measures to better. We have to relentlessly pressure and not slacken off, be sure to make Korea despair. The Korea "lessons" If successful, the rules also set off--a major issue, who wants to stab a knife chenrenzhiwei hurt China's core interests, it would be worth the candle. If, through to Korea press, forcing it to replace radar, narrows the detection range, the result would be different.

Of course, anti-greater China, Korea pressure, the greater, the more likely its antipathy toward China. But we can't stop doing because it annoyed us. In fact, not only for Korea, including to other countries as well. We want to tell you that deal with China is to have principles, cannot do what he want to do, be careful not too capricious, Headstrong was to smack.

Specifically, for China against Korea's measure, I have the following suggestions: first, political, Korea knows that doing so would hurt bilateral strategic mutual trust. As Permanent Representative, Ambassador Liu JIEYI of China on the Security Council said, the problem is very simple, unhappy China, unable to comply with Korea and the United States desires what the statement. This is just the beginning, which means that if you offend China, who did not lead a better life.

Second, the military. At present, China has been through the relevant channels to Korea signals, that is, if you want to deploy Sade, that your missile bases on the face may be affected, so you must be safe. If Korea makes a final decision, our military will keep up, will be able to make them see, it will be "hard kill".

Third, the economy. Some time ago there were reports, if China were to respond to the deployment of Thad, Korea Tourism, hotels and luxury retailing will usher in the winter. In fact, Korea is most vulnerable to the loss of the Chinese market, loss of China's market and strategic trust in China, Korea would be disastrous. Around strategy: "234" State is most critical in the next ten years, China and United States forces the crucial stage of the game. In particular, "Fourteen-Five", the Chinese economic influence in Asia will be way ahead, on the security of dominance will continue to decrease and the United States the gap, this time China and the United States both the key to psychological adjustment.

At present, the United States is in the midst of a general election. It should be said that Trump, Hillary, or even, who came to power will not change to maintain United States interests ... However, the new United States President's governing style will be different with Barack Obama. Therefore, China strategically, diplomacy must keep a cool head, to catch the United States newly hired, lest we be caught off guard.

For larger strategic layout, how do we do it? In my opinion, China needs to do "two, three or four" work. "Two", refers to the Chinese and United States interaction problems. China and the United States will have conflicts and frictions, but try to control a State without pit bull. "Three", and refers to the three major regions of the three variables, that is, Russia, and India, and Japan. Russia problem, China and Russia are strategic coordinating partnership, India with China is basically in the same stage of development, the two countries are developing their own strategic objectives, while Japan is the most important variable. We should fight, by pressure, work done by a variety of means, do not let Japan completely dead set in the United States, of course, this might be our wishful thinking. "Four" refers to in China and the United States in the course of two masters against, there are four countries is a critical weight: Viet Nam, Indonesia, Korea and Burma. I tell Americans said they were very unhappy: "the United States more than ever before," care "to us, and we do not like before," care "you." With the United States than China Asia with geo-geography, geo-economic strategy and the three major advantages. We now present "along the way", "Asian Investment Bank" strategic direction, if countries can reap the benefits of cooperation with China, and the United States the people do not have access to the benefits of cooperation, slowly, people will naturally think of change as long as we adhere to the road of peaceful development, adhere to the policy of cooperation and win-win, our road will become wider. (National Defense University Professor, a famous Chinese author Yang Yi was military critics of the strategy, based on the author in the World Wide Web sponsored by "senior ambassadors, generals pulse China and United States relations" to speak at the Forum on finishing and finishing/Zhai Yafei)

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-08-17 05:27:32
The World Wide Web
解放军少将谈南海争端:谁敢动一下 我就动三下



  南海问题: 我们已取得“阶段性胜利”





  还有一点要指出,我们在东海的一些做法是非常好的。我们曾与日本人发出过信息,如果你在南海捣乱,将来你在东海就会面临着难以承受的压力。现在应验了!日本现在很焦虑:面对中国空前的强势,不反制就要败下去;若反制,中国会不会派军舰过去?日本陷入了“两难困境”之中。萨德问题:跟中国打交道要守规矩 谁也别任性美国借口搞“导弹防御体系”,美其名曰是防御性质,但实际上部署萨德无论从军事上还是技术上,都对中国是一个巨大挑战,对中国的战略核反击能力形成很大的制约,但是,更危险的是战略层面的问题。美国意图把韩国纳入自己的战略体系,严重破坏了中国和韩国关系,还破坏了中国和日本韩一体化的进程,从而美国会在军事上、政治上、地缘经济上都获益巨大。







  对于大战略布局,我们该如何去做?在我看来,中国要做好“二、三、四”的工作。“二”,是指中国和美国关系良性互动的问题。中国和美国会有矛盾和摩擦,但尽量要控制在不撕破脸皮的状态下。“三”,是指三大地区的三大变量,就是俄罗斯、印度、日本。俄罗斯问题不大,中国和俄罗斯是战略协调合作伙伴关系,印度跟中国处于基本相同的发展阶段,两国都有发展自己的战略目标,而日本是最关键的变量。我们应该通过斗争、通过压力、通过做工作等各种方式,不要让日本完全死心塌地站在美国一边,当然这可能是我们一厢情愿。“四”,是指在中国和美国两大高手过招过程中,有四个国家是很关键的砝码:越南、印尼、韩国和缅甸。我跟美国人说过一句话,他们听了很不高兴:“美国比以前更加“在意”我们了,而我们不像以前那样“在意”你们了”。与美国相比,中国亚洲地区拥有地缘地理、地缘经济和战略的三大优势。我们现在提出“一带一路”、“亚投行”等等大战略方向,如果可以让与中国合作的国家可以得到好处,而与美国合作的人得不到好处,慢慢地人心自然会思变,只要我们坚持和平发展的路线,坚持合作共赢的政策,我们的道路会越走越宽广。(作者杨毅是国防大学教授、中国著名军事战略评论家,文章根据作者在环球网主办的“资深大使、将军号脉中国和美国关系”座谈会上的发言整理而成 整理/翟亚菲)

(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-08-17 05:27:32

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