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China’s first global innovation index’s top 25

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/15 14:04:17 Browse times: 166 Comment times: 0

China’s first global innovation index’s top 25(中国首次跻身全球创新指数25强)

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China's first top 25 global innovation index | innovation index _ news

Original title: China's first global innovation index's top 25

August 15 United Nations News Agency, the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Farhan Haq 15th at United Nations Headquarters in New York said, Switzerland retains top spot in the global innovation index, and China ranks among the top 25 for the first time this year.

Huck is 15th, made the statement at a regular meeting of the press. 2016 global innovation index that day by the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization and the United States, Cornell University and other institutions in Switzerland Geneva released.

Global innovation index published annually since 2007, this year's top is last year's first place in Switzerland, followed by Sweden and the United Kingdom and the United States and the Netherlands and Singapore and other countries. Asia top the 11th Korea, 16th in Japan, Hong Kong, China, ranked 14th,

Last year, ranked 29th in the top 25 for the first time this year, China. World Intellectual Property Organization said that in the past nine years, more than 100 of the world countries and region innovation ability of highly developed economies has been occupying the leading position in the global innovation index, and China's progress in its innovation performance in continuous improvement.

World Intellectual Property Organization said that despite China's rise, but between developed and developing countries remains "innovation gap", policy makers gradually realized that innovation is an economic dynamic and the key to competitiveness, awareness remains patchy.

In 2016, the global innovation index rankings, Japan and the United States and the United Kingdom and Germany in "innovation and quality" stand out. "Innovation and quality" are considered University level, scientific publications and international patent applications, a top-level index, China is "innovation and quality" rose to 17th place among middle-income economies first, followed by India.

Sumitela·duta Dean of the Cornell University points out that investment improving the quality of innovation is important for narrowing the innovation gap. Despite all the institutions to set up the basic framework, but economies should focus on education reform, improve their research capacity, to cope with the rapid development of global competition.

China's State Council has issued the "Thirteen-Five" national program for scientific and technological innovation, described the blueprint for the future five-year science and technology innovation development, proposed national integrated innovation into the top 15 in the world ranking and other targets. (End)

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Innovation index

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  中新社联合国8月15日电 联合国秘书长副发言人哈克15日在纽约联合国总部称,瑞士蝉联全球创新指数榜首,中国今年首次跻身25强。








责任编辑:张淳 SN182



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