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China launches world’s first quantum scientific experiment satellite

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/15 14:04:10 Browse times: 165 Comment times: 0

China launches world’s first quantum scientific experiment satellite(中国发射世界首颗量子科学实验卫星)

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China launches world's first quantum scientific experiment satellites _ | | | satellite quantum Institute of satellite news
World's first quantum scientific experiment satellite "mo". PLA

Original title: quantum scientific experimental satellite China successfully launched the world's first "mo"

Xinhua News Agency, Gansu, Jiuquan August 16 (reporters Wu Jingjing and and Yang Weihan and and Xu Haitao)-August 16, 2016, at 1:40, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China with a long second d carrier rocket successfully put the world's first quantum scientific experimental satellite "Mozi" is launched. This will make China the world's first satellite and quantum communication between ground, quantum communication and scientific experiments of construction of integrated vehicle and ground system.

Quantum satellite's Chief Scientist, academician Pan Jianwei introduces security based on the principles of quantum physics in quantum communication, integral to single photon and quantum States cannot be copied to ensure that the information is not hacking and uncrackable, in principle, ensure that the authentication, transmission encryption, and digital signatures, unconditionally secure, but fundamentally, permanent address information security issues.

December 2011 quantum satellite project, is the Institute of space sciences pilot project one of the first scientific experiment satellite. The main scientific goal is to star high-speed quantum key distribution experiment, carried out on the basis of wide experimental quantum key network, with a view to practical quantum communication has made significant breakthroughs in space; the other is quantum entanglement in spatial scale distribution and quantum teleportation experiment, spatial validation theory of quantum mechanics.

Engineering construction, including Nan shan, Delhi, is booming, Lijiang 4 quantum communication ground stations and Ali quantum teleportation experiment station, the ground application system, and together constitute the integrated vehicle and ground quantum science quantum satellite system.

Pan Jianwei said quantum satellite developed by China to break through a number of key technologies, including high-precision pointing and polarization, star with the basic vector correction, satellite sources such as quantum entanglement. The successful launch and in-orbit operation of quantum satellite will help China in quantum communications technology on a practical level to maintain and expand leading position and achieve the country's level of information security and information technology leaps and raised, is expected to promote China's scientists have made significant breakthroughs in quantum science frontiers, for the promotion of space science satellite series is of great significance for the sustainable development of China.

The Mission developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences thin atmosphere was also equipped with launch scientific experimental satellite and Spain scientific experiment satellite. Quantum launch into orbit will be carried out after about 3 months of on-orbit testing, and then transferred to the in-orbit operation.

Quantum satellite engineering by CAS national space science center caught total is responsible for; China Science and Technology University is responsible for Science target of proposed and science application system of development; CAS Shanghai tiny satellite innovation Institute caught total development satellite system, CAS Shanghai technology physical Institute joint science development effective load points system; CAs national space science center led is responsible for ground support system development, and construction and run; on to observation and digital Earth Science Center, units participate in.

According to reports, long second d carrier rocket by the Shanghai Academy of spaceflight technology affiliated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation developed. The launch was No. 234 flight of long March series of launch vehicles. (End)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Satellite Institute of quantum satellite

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Xinhua News Agency


  新华社甘肃酒泉8月16日电(记者吴晶晶、杨维汉、徐海涛) 2016年8月16日1时40分,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丁运载火箭成功将世界首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”发射升空。这将使中国在世界上首次实现卫星和地面之间的量子通信,构建天地一体化的量子保密通信与科学实验体系。








责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

中科院 卫星 量子卫星


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