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Millennium village in Shanxi province lack protection, ancient half face risks

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/14 18:43:12 Browse times: 156 Comment times: 0

Millennium village in Shanxi province lack protection, ancient half face risks(山西千年古村落欠缺保护,一半古建面临倒塌危险)

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Half Millennium ancient villages lack the protection of ancient buildings in Shanxi province faced danger | Millennium village | heritage _ news

Original title: visit the Millennium village in Shanxi Province: peach faced "existential" crisis

Large ancient village in Shanxi province, Yu pin Xiang Liang Jia Zhai in mountain valleys, the village of more than more than 50 small courtyards are built on a whole mountain, nestled among hills, from the bottom up, forming a unique shape; Village trails is also in accordance with the mountain and go cut out steps in the winding mountain, connecting families, formed an indivisible whole. Liu Xiaohong photography

CNS, Yang Quan, August 14-questions: visit the Millennium village in Shanxi Province: peach faced "existential" crisis

Author Liu Xiaohong

"Our village was discovered, has been said to protect, but until now no one repaired, now is in the unchecked state. "Due to disrepair, several houses collapsed, at the Millennium village has large pin village for nearly 60 years, said Liu Daniang.

Large ancient village in Shanxi province, Yu pin Xiang Liang Jia Zhai in mountain valleys, the village of more than more than 50 small courtyards are built on a whole mountain, nestled among hills, from the bottom up, forming a unique shape; Village trails is also in accordance with the mountain and go cut out steps in the winding mountain, connecting families, formed an indivisible whole.

The hillside Shi TOU Cun, outsiders rarely because of the rugged roads. In recent years, the PIN was accidentally discovered, surprised with its peculiar architectural styles in the world, by the visitors as "mountains of the Potala Palace". Subsequently, tourists, artists, photographers, architects in many countries will follow.

Aunt Liu Yuan within one housing. Liu Xiaohong photography

Gradually warm up the ancient village, some villagers found an opportunity to start selling goods and commodities, some still open simple farmhouse.

Liu Daniang reporter met in the courtyard of her home. 14th noon, after Liu aunt and uncle Han he was 80 years old wife sitting at home laughing in the yard, humble and warm the Middle, on a table covered with a commodity to be sold. See visitors, Liu woman rapidly got up and began to heartily recommend her homemade goods.

Chat room, Liu Daniang told reporters that her 17 years old married to pin village, when there are hundreds of people in the village, but as time goes on, the old man in the village died, young people have to work, which is now the village only 14 tribal elders who depend on each other together.

For many years used to the life in the village, two elderly people are reluctant to move away from the village with their children live. Body is in good old couple, keep doing farm work in the fields. "We eat vegetables that are growing their own," said aunt Liu.

Talk about small business a few years ago, Liu woman happy, now more people in the village up, business is good, every month there are 600 Yuan (RMB, same below) about earnings.

Liu Daniang yard photos hung in many ancient buildings of the village, a site called "little Potala Palace in the mountains" arising from the work of the authors note. The work was taken on a few years ago, presented at that time the entire village's many historic houses.

However, I travel the entire village found that pin has no photos of ancient houses in the village of scenes, not only reducing the number of house building, even surviving houses are dilapidated, or walls collapsed, or Windows broken, or roof sloping, overgrown with weeds.

Aunt Liu said that village are mostly elderly, remain in living people can only repair their houses in the village, nothing left of the vacant.

Facing collapse and severe pin village, Liu Daniang helpless. "Told to protect the ancient village, but has no one to repair it. "The only change is a new asphalt road to replace the original rugged mountain, drive can be directly reached the village.

Nevertheless, the large village of pin protection is still imminent. Data show that from 2000 to 2010, the Chinese village by 3.63 million dropped to 2.71 million. 10, 90duowange village disappear.

Province of Shanxi is China's cultural relics, has been facing a dilemma. Chang Sixin, Vice-Chairman of China folk literature and Art Association has said, ancient building area of 20,000 square meters of ancient village, Shanxi has about 2000. But because of insufficient funds, property disputes and other reasons, most of the ancient village crumbling, nearly half of the buildings facing danger.

It is understood that the official, Yu Yu introduced the tourism development master plan, according to the relevant pin village development will act as the short and medium term tourism, Yu (dot) key construction projects. Reporters learned from the project developers, investment of 30.4 million Yuan to protect the large pin village construction.

However, due to many reasons, the project has not yet started. (End)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Millennium village heritage conservation

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山西千年古村落欠缺保护 一半古建面临倒塌危险|千年古村|文物保护_新闻资讯


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  图为刘大娘院内其中一间房屋。 刘小红 摄














责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

千年古村 文物保护


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