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Foreign Media: South Chinese sovereignty after the arbitration firm

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/14 18:43:00 Browse times: 133 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: South Chinese sovereignty after the arbitration firm(外媒:南海仲裁后中国维护主权立场坚定)

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Foreign Media: South Chinese sovereignty after the arbitration firm

Reference news, August 14, foreign media said about disputes in the South China Sea territorial force and war rhetoric have long dominated the headlines in Asia. For example, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin, warned in mid-July, not the birthplace of war into the South China Sea.

Austria August 7 issue of the standard newspaper's website claims, is the background of this, China's Government said the Permanent Court of arbitration at the Hague, "void", proceedings were a "farce", the verdict should be discarded, "a piece of paper." China has repeatedly stressed that prior to the arbitration results, will not accept the verdict and will be resisted.

Berlin Germany Southeast Asia expert at the Foundation for science and politics feilikesi·haiduke said that the Hague Tribunal verdict can only be "little change" South China Sea "complicated the situation".

Article said that in 2013, appeal to the Court of arbitration in the Philippines, asked it to explain the disputed South China Sea Islands, reefs or a low tide heights. China area claim to the waters around 85%, it is based on the draw in the history of covering the area of "nine lines". China says it is the discovery, development and exercise of sovereignty over the region first nation. In addition to the Philippines and China in the Northeast conflict, conflict in the South China Sea also relate mainly to the Paracel and Spratly Islands in the South. In addition to China and the Philippines, Viet Nam, and Malaysia and Brunei also claim them.

Article said that the waters are very important: every year, worth more than $ 5 trillion of carriage of goods by road through the South China Sea – a full one-fourth of the total global trade. The South China Sea are very attractive, but also because there are some parts of the rich fish resources, estimates also contain large quantities of oil and natural gas.

The geo-strategic importance has led to tensions in the area over the past two years, a significant increase. China also is said to have set up the system. In addition, the waters became the site of numerous military exercises. Germany Foundation for science and politics expert John hejduk said: "after from the Philippines to the Permanent Court of arbitration in the Hague, Chinese are rapidly turning hard. ”

Article said, highlighting the importance of the South China Sea also explains why the fierce war, also underscored the dangers of this source. "The risks are rising, as China will continue to develop and armed in the area, in order to ensure that they can access and control it," Singapore risks in Southeast Asia analyst at control risks danei·chamoluo said.

Article said, now have a different perspective of China's diplomacy, have different strength. 19th century treaties with the colonial powers rightly referred to as "unequal treaties". That era as the "century of humiliation" branded into the collective consciousness. In addition, China in the late 70 's and 80 's almost no capacity to react to geopolitical developments.

Therefore, from a Chinese perspective, is seen as catch-up time for action in the South China Sea. John hejduk said: "even small expansion and militarization of the island before, and China is very weak, have been forced to accept this. Now, China has been keeping up with. ”

In addition, the situation because the United States becoming parties to the conflict and become more complex. On one hand because the United States and the Philippines concluded a military alliance, on the other hand because of Viet Nam and other countries fear China's dominance of the United States to move closer. United States China's growing self-confidence is considered a threat to United States strategic interests in the Pacific.

Article says, the consequences could be in South-East Asia will be in China and United States arena of conflict. "The possibility of a military confrontation is limited, but it is not small," France's foreign trade Bank, Hong Kong Branch Chief Asia-Pacific Economist Laurie xiya·jiaxiya-Errero said, "could see the United States directly involved in the proxy war."

Ailisi·BA, a Professor of political science and international relations at the University of Delaware commented that the American focus on South-East Asia, and in particular the conflict in the South China Sea have increased interest for countries in the region is "a double-edged sword".

On one hand, United States commitment in Southeast Asia against China's territorial claims. The other hand, "China and the United States the sensitive power" also affects the relations between Southeast Asia and China. She said "This makes the search for compromise is becoming more complex. ”

Chamorro, a risk analyst, as most observers think that deliberately caused the risk of conflict is low. Although China surpassed all other neighbouring countries in military power, but it will avoid directly challenging the United States.

Garcia-Errero that, in any event, China and including Viet Nam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, ASEAN will inhibit the fight against growing economic ties between risks, risks to economic response to the growing tensions involving conflict in a dilemma--if they insist on sovereignty claims in the South China Sea, but also wants to attract investors and deepen trade. (Compile/Nie Litao)

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-08-14 05:17:26
China News Network

  参考消息网8月14日报道 外媒称,关于南中国海领土争端的武力和战争言论长期占据着亚洲的媒体头条。例如,中国外交部副部长刘振民7月中旬就警告说,不要把南海变成战争的发源地。















(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-08-14 05:17:26

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