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Shenzhen seized 549 tons of smuggled clothes, come from the mortuary dumpster

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Shenzhen seized 549 tons of smuggled clothes, come from the mortuary dumpster(深圳查获549吨走私旧衣服,多来自太平间垃圾站)

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Shenzhen seized more than 549 tonnes of smuggled clothes from the mortuary dumpster | foreign garbage smuggling | old clothes _ news

Shenzhen seized 549 tonnes of smuggled clothes

Original title: waste dump do you dare to wear out clothes smuggled renovation?

The Shenzhen frontier inspection intercepts 549 tonnes of old clothes from their countries, medical experts said the "foreign garbage" containing a large number of pathogens, do not rule out AIDS patients through the

Many citizens may not know, break code "imported high-grade sweater" or "foreign trade", possibly from outside the morgue. Recently, the Shenzhen seized 549 tons of used clothes smuggled into the country from abroad, this is the largest seizure of old clothes in the past years in Shenzhen. New Express Reporter to, such goods mostly from abroad in mortuary, rubbish dumps, salvage station. Acquisition costs are almost zero, outlaws them, after refurbishment, will be sold each of the dozens of prices to consumers. The good news is, this group of "foreign garbage" was seized before they reach their destinations in Fujian, no flow into the mainland market.

  Smuggling of old clothes piled smell smell

Express Reporter the day before yesterday in Shenzhen Dapeng area Ocean dock, colorful bag has become a big mountain, the foot has three storeys high. In spite of the heavy rain, could still smell the acrid smell. The bag is a lot of old clothes, mostly in autumn sweater coat.

"Pretty upscale sweater. "The Shenzhen frontier inspection detachment of border station station in Kwai Chung Liu Xinlin picked up a piece of clothing says, the total seized 549 tons of clothes, Shenzhen seized foreign garbage smuggling history, most of these clothes are from foreign countries, morgue, rubbish dumps, salvage station.

Express reporters picked up a thick coat from the clothes, found on top of a Korea school's logo, in this dark blue school uniforms can also be clearly seen on a student's name. "These clothes are likely to be infectious diseases patients through, did not know how many germs, so dirty. "Liu Xinlin face said with abandon.

  The Centers for disease control: old clothes or HIV

New Express Reporter, sources of smuggled clothes, and "variety" is complete, even children's clothes, selling into the market, the consequences would be unthinkable.

According to the Shenzhen Center for disease control and disinfection and vector control branch, Dr Wei fang introduced smuggled clothes containing a large number of disease-causing pathogens, "into the body through skin, mouth organ." Worth noting is that some old clothes with bloodstains on smuggling, it is likely that HIV/AIDS or serious liver disease through "body weak consumers put on, there is the risk of infection."

He also said that smuggling of old clothes bundled as part of transport, packaging, chemicals cannot be distributed, stimulation to human skin.

  Old clothes destined for Fujian Putian

At the wharf site, workers were using a crane to the old clothes of leiqi "big mountain" a little lift, mounted on trucks, and then covered with old clothes to destroy bacteria. "We're already more than 100 tons, and 400 tons of clothes, at least 10 days time. "A staff member introduced.

New Express Reporter, abroad to collect these clothes is almost zero cost. "Coming from abroad, again with each tonne of 1000 Yuan (at home) sold, amounted to 11 million Yuan. "Liu Xinlin told reporters that offenders using a name to facilitate the arrival of ships for the transportation of these old clothes and use Hong Kong as a transit point, brought into the Mainland to sell home. Even the cargo-ship is also possible, "Li Yun" words can be painted later.

At present, altogether in the smugglers ' boats of the Shenzhen frontier inspection detachment arrested 6 suspects, in which 5 people (4 of whom were Taiwan nationals, 1 Fujianese) detained for smuggling waste crimes, Shenzhen Customs plans to sue them. New Express Reporter, 6 suspects is responsible for freight and absconded after the consignee receives the wind in Fujian, authorities have begun pursuing.

According to the suspected account, after the old clothing into the Mainland, prepared before being shipped to Taiwan, but Liu Xinlin told reporters, Putian, Fujian is the terminus of the these old clothes.

  Smuggling of used clothing can sell 1000 Yuan per ton

New express reporter from Shenzhen border inspection brigade found in the Mainland, these foreign garbage can sell 1000 Yuan per ton, low profit. Illegal businessmen buy refurbished old clothing, again with "exceptionally low price" and "trade goods", "export", nominal sales, favored by some young people. Shenzhen foreign garbage seized on more than one occasion in recent years, this time for the worst.

According to the Shenzhen Customs charge, nearly ten years, Shenzhen to combating smuggling of old clothes, a total of 14 criminal cases administrative cases, 36. "Sources of used clothing is the United States, and Japan, Europe and other developed countries." But the official said that in recent years, the reduction in the smuggling case of old clothes, "lower than the proportion".

In fact, China produces a lot of waste every day clothes, outlaws why not collect the clothes to the renovation of the Mainland, but troublesome smuggling abroad of old clothes? In this regard, Liu Xinlin explained: "they simply seized the Mainland consumers love to buy foreign goods, like the psychology of foreign brands. ”

  Sold old clothes for smuggling accounted for only a small number

Since smuggling clothes into the Mainland, where do they appear?

"In Baoan, Longgang, Shenzhen, Buji, and, xixiang town, especially in the vicinity of shops, some jeans will sell 15, who knows where these goods come from. "Shenzhen garment Association official told the new Express Reporter, let these bacteria-stained clothes distribution in the Mainland, are driven by interests, but he also pointed out that selling contraband old clothes on the market businesses and buying old clothes are just a few of the public, used clothing more smuggling appeared in the factory area. "Some foreign trade unions to buy some of these clothes, after all, fashionable".

The official said it was his understanding, refurbished old clothes back into the markets, more in the last century, 890, "then some serious psychological of public worship, this situation does not exist now."

New Express Reporter, more than 10 years ago, second-hand clothes dealers are active in major residential areas of the city and urban villages, now more second-hand clothes was sold to remote areas in the Mainland, or sold to Africa.

  Brand chain stores will not sell problem clothing

Shenzhen retail business association responsible for checking the production of Mr Deng, general stores and big clothing brands acquisition of unknown renovation sales of clothing. "They have a quality control Department, and has its own-brand apparel design requirements. If you cheat on their sales of clothing, pear-shaped sign. "Mr Tang said, consumers need to keep in mind is that branding is not high, non-store of the self-employed. He advised consumers to buy foreign trade clothing to stores when viewing certificates.

New Express Reporter to smuggling clothes often have only one style, code number it is difficult to put together. When consumers buy apparel, you can watch the same styles are there other sizes or other colors, because even if the merchants fault codes, inventory liquidation is a selling point, not all garments in the store only a code number of extremes. If it is found that the sale of clothes only 1; trademark look old, standard and a standard curling and yellowing old; key positions such as the armpits, elbows, neck and other old sweater Pilling, then consumers will have to pay attention.

  A busy street "buy buy buy" little consumers to "apparel" fortification

Shenzhen dongmen old street, huaqiang North, cross gang warehouses, shopping area, a lot of fashionable young men and women every day "buy buy buy". "Array" clothes, consumers ever think these clothes came from? New express reporters interviewed some people yesterday in downtown Shenzhen, most of the respondents to "apparel" was not fortified.

Miss Chen engaged in foreign trade exports for 3 years, she told the new Express Reporter, "general standards of export products higher, particularly exports to the developed countries", so, although she is not engaged in the garment export sales, but the "garment" prefer. Shopping see claiming to be selling "foreign trade" stores, go have a look. She had never thought about it, "foreign trade" might have come from outside the morgue and refuse collection points. "Go pick, won't have such a mentality is thought all fault codes or export of clothing. "She said.

And sauntered along the huaqiang North Ms Leung said she had learned, Huizhou has combat smuggling "foreign garbage", but no mind, because she thought it unlikely there is smuggling of old clothes in the city center.

  Suspect shipments "salary" of 8500 Yuan

The biggest used clothes smuggled in Shenzhen's history, what is the process of the crime? Yesterday, the express reporter had an exclusive interview with the suspect Huang Yi and Zheng, and engaged in a dialogue with them.

New Flash: do you know what luck is? Where is destined for?

Hwang: it should be like old clothes, destined for sanjiangkou in Putian, Fujian, to then anchored in the estuary of three rivers, waiting for the "rented" instructions. When the time comes, "Jiang" will inform us by port of discharge, unloaded and shipped to where I do not know.

New Flash: the goods there is no legal procedure?

Huang Yi: Hong Kong is the only "agent Yuan" give me the list of goods.

New Flash: in addition to this, you will look "Ah-" how many times transporting goods from Hong Kong to Fujian Putian?

Hwang: I probably have "rented" delivered 15 times, are like old clothes, rags.

New Flash: each shipment you can make a lot of money?

Zheng Qiang, (recommend this job to me) "Chan" said discharged in order someone will give me (wages), 8500 Yuan a month.


  "Vessels of 4 meters height difference when his comrades jumped nearly fell into the sea"

On June 8 the wind high swells, remembering that night case to catch the suspects, officers and men of the Shenzhen frontier inspection detachment was impressed.

Long Yuxiang, Director-General of the public relations section of the Shenzhen frontier inspection detachment said that officers in speedboats with nearly 40 speed through the waves, sailing after 1 hour, the sea suddenly began to Thunder, intense waves, the boat tossed from time to time issued a high alert.

After arriving in scheduled waters, commanding officers ordered to begin the search. Visibility less than 1 nautical mile of 1 cargo ships on the seas, difficulty is not small. "Border troops in the night, more than 20 ships out on the fairway, until you find the 11th ship to find them. "Long Yuxiang said that after nearly a half hour search, border troops finally leave sea 6 nautical miles to find a target vessel at the specified location.

At this point, the border officers kept shouting, indicating smuggling cargo ship had been suspended, "but they did not listen, and sailed on and turned to signs in the waters of Hong Kong, nervous. According to Lu Weirong led by Commissar introduced face-off of more than 10 minutes. ”

Liu Xinlin told the new Express Reporter, after the message invalid, border officers and soldiers forced ships to check, with their own boats around between each other. This "Li Yun" goal displacement, some more than 1000 tons, and border detachment dispatched a vessel of less than 10 tonnes, and wide vessel tonnage. "4 metres height difference between us, soldiers put their ships, plans to use the wave struck when they shortened the distance between the ship and the opportunity to seize the moment, to jump for it. "Liu Xinlin said.

New Express Reporter, 8 winds, Liu Xinlin target ships had just discovered a cable hanging down, but in an instant, by virtue of their years of experience, he roared out "." Ludo, kicked his body jumped, climbed up the target ship. "The wave, small space between two boats, I command the allies quickly jumped on the (target) ship, with a fellow soldier hesitated a little bit, a little too slow, I almost fell into the sea. "Liu Xinlin said.

After the soldiers who boarded the target ships, cargo lift, is found some clothes, a pungent smell of disinfectant blew. "They are afraid of these waste materials are bacteria, viruses, disinfection for the first time. "Liu Xinlin said that at this point," Li Yun da "was not successful," force stop ".

Source: Express Zheng Yanhong Long Yuxiang

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Foreign garbage smuggling of old clothes

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深圳查获549吨走私旧衣服 多来自太平间垃圾站|洋垃圾|走私旧衣服_新闻资讯


  原标题:垃圾站掏出的衣服 走私入境翻新 你敢穿吗?


  许多深圳市民也许不知道,断码的“进口高档毛衣”或“外贸服装”,有可能来自国外的太平间。近日,深圳查获549吨从国外走私到国内的旧衣物,这是深圳历年来查获走私旧衣服最多的一次。新快报记者了解到,这批衣服中绝大多数来自国外太平间、垃圾站、废品收购站。收购成本几乎为零,不法分子将它们翻新后,将 以每件几十元的价格卖给消费者。所幸的是,这批“洋垃圾”在到达福建目的地之前就被查获,没有流入内地市场。

  走私旧衣堆成山 臭味扑鼻










  新快报记者了解到,在国外收集这些衣物几乎是零成本。“从国外运来,再以每一吨1000元(在国内)卖出去,金额达到1100万元。”刘新林告诉记者,违 法人员利用一艘名为利运达号的船只运送这批旧衣物,以香港作为中转站,运进内地后卖给下家。连这艘用来运货的船也有可能是套牌的,“利运达”几个字可能是 后来涂上去的。















  闹市街头“买买买” 鲜有消费者对“外贸服装”设防




  嫌疑人运货 “月薪”8500元











  “双方船只高度差4米 战友跳帮时差点掉进海里”








  来源:新快报 郑雁虹 龙宇翔

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

洋垃圾 走私旧衣服


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