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Shandong Texas police denied that police beat reporters beating for company employees

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/12 12:12:12 Browse times: 173 Comment times: 0

Shandong Texas police denied that police beat reporters beating for company employees(山东德州警方否认警察打记者:打人者为公司员工)

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Shandong Texas police denied that police beat reporters beating employees | | reporter | Texas _ news

Reporter Qian Yunfei lying on the bed.

Original title: Texas police denied that "police beat journalists" call batterers involved employees

Beijing News newsletter (reporter Wang Yu) today (11th), Shandong police "reporter was beaten" response, denied the involvement of police, said the attacker Department employees involved in the interview, has been summoned by the Police Department.

This morning, the Shandong broadcasting station of the people's livelihood through train column posted a message on its official Twitter said on August 10, dezhou geruidenan factory fire in the leasing business. 10 o'clock that night, as the livelihood through trains end in an interview with the reporter, "over more than 20 Texas police suddenly appeared in front of reporters, press cameras, cell phone away and cruel beatings, then sped away, the injured reporter dropped in the scene of the fire." Dezhou city people's hospital emergency department checks injured journalist was hit on multiple fractures.

It is reported that the wounded reporter named Qian Yunfei, 36 years old, Shandong radio and television section senior correspondent for the people's livelihood through train. This column questioned Texas police arrested for violations of the law enforcement process and tough law enforcement.

Earlier today, Texas police have responded, and has been involved in the investigation. Today afternoon, dezhou Public Security Bureau on thing again response, denied has police participation beat reporter, said parties reporter in dezhou Decheng district days Qu industrial park Grand company South factory fire site interview shooting during, "by holding camera was the company employees Zhang a, and Liu a snatched, then the company head yin a and and reporter money a occurred conflict, number name company employees came participation, occurred body conflict, to reporter money a injured. ”

Beijing News reporter from Texas police learned that batterers have been controlled by the public security organs at present, reporter camera was found in the factory Office of the parties, will return the party press. At present, the matter is still under investigation.

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Reporter Texas company police

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  原标题:德州警方否认“警察打记者” 称打人者为涉事公司员工







记者 德州 公司 警方


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