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Shandong collision crushed criminals in civilian death case this was executed

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/12 12:12:09 Browse times: 149 Comment times: 0

Shandong collision crushed criminals in civilian death case this was executed(山东冲撞碾压民警致死案罪犯今被执行死刑)

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Shandong collision crushed criminals in civilian death case this is implementing death penalty | | manslaughter _ news

Cui Sifeng

Court Twitter

# Green # method information [collision crushed criminals in civilian death case this execution] the morning of August 12, 2016, approved by the Supreme People's Court, Shandong province, Qingdao City intermediate people's Court on the Cui Si Feng committed intentional homicide offenders according to law the death penalty. China's Supreme People's Court review considered, Cui Sifeng deliberately unlawful deprivation of a person's life, their behavior constituted the crime of intentional homicide. Cui Sifeng knowing the civilian police mission, refused to accept checks, for escape purposes, disregard for the lives of police safety, rapidly driving back and forth, causing victims after Wang Xin were knocked down by vehicles rolled to death, victims of a certain slight injury, aggravated crimes, crimes are extremely serious. Cui Sifeng has twice been sentenced for having committed crimes, within five years after the completion of penalty made murder, recidivist, subjective evil deep, personal danger and harm to society and should be punished according to law. A judgment of first instance and the second instance ruled that the facts are clearly ascertained, the evidence is true and sufficient, the conviction is accurate, appropriate sentencing, the trial procedure is legal. Accordingly, the Shandong provincial higher people's Court approved by the Supreme People's Court according to law criminal convicted and handed a Cui Si peak commands execution of prisoners. Shandong high @ method

Origin: Qingdao intermediate people's Court of Twitter

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
The death penalty of intentional homicide

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  #青法资讯# [冲撞碾压民警致死案罪犯今被执行死刑]2016年8月12日上午,经中国最高人民法院核准,山东省青岛市中级人民法院依法对犯故意杀人罪的罪犯崔思峰执行死刑。中国最高人民法院经复核认为,崔思峰故意非法剥夺他人生命,其行为构成故意杀人罪。崔思峰明知民警在执行任务,拒不接受检查,为达到逃跑目的,不顾执勤民警的生命安危,来回急速驾车,造成被害人王鑫被车辆撞倒后碾压致死、被害人包某某轻微伤,犯罪情节恶劣,罪行极其严重。崔思峰曾因犯罪两次被判处刑罚,在刑罚执行完毕之后五年内又犯故意杀人罪,系累犯,主观恶性深,人身危险性和社会危害性大,应依法从重处罚。第一审判决、第二审裁定认定的事实清楚,证据确实、充分,定罪准确,量刑适当,审判程序合法。据此,中国最高人民法院依法核准山东省高级人民法院的刑事裁定,并下达了对罪犯崔思峰执行死刑的命令。@山东高法



死刑 故意杀人罪


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