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Shanxi province, villagers sold 10 days limit sheep, official response: grazing

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/9 14:13:38 Browse times: 176 Comment times: 0

Shanxi province, villagers sold 10 days limit sheep, official response: grazing(山西蒲县限村民十天卖光羊,官方回应:为了禁牧)

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Shanxi province, villagers sold the sheep official response 10 days limit: for grazing _ | | |, Lipu sold sheep grazing news

Original title: Shanxi province,: "limited to ten days to sell the sheep" only for grazing

Breeding season cannot be considered selling the sheep to suffer heavy losses, is not conducive to poverty

Yesterday, Shanxi province, "sold within ten days of sheep" issue attracted wide attention on the Web, rich dreams of raising households move to crush them. Net claims that local sheep sold within ten days of the deadline for organized visits to the countryside, saw a sheep raised seedlings. In this regard, the South reporter learned from the information Office, Lipu, asking farmers to sell sheep because of irregularities within backyard rebound much, Lipu, incidents of deforestation of grazing in the field, a threat to the local afforestation, resulting in ecological damage.

  Stocking goats fined buy sell

Yesterday, Shanxi province, "sold within ten days of sheep" raised public attention. It is learnt that the Pu County, in rural areas, many villages sheep retail notified, some also was called to a meeting in the town, within 10 days to sell the sheep. South reporter from a PU County, issued a circular on strengthening the grazing, "any man herding goats in the wild is strictly prohibited"; "where the grazing of goats in the wild, fined each sheep 100 Yuan, and sold off the deadline." Which clearly states that ban is a goat.

South reporter was informed that the farmers said it would be worth more than 90,000 yuan of sheep sold for more than 20,000 Yuan within a few days.

Pu County animal husbandry Bureau official told the South reporter, Pu County, the County is Mountain grazing, the State has invested a lot of money to returning farmland to forest vegetation recovery after grazing policies soon, check is very strict. That year, the County only eight thousand or nine thousand sheep, "that people cannot easily be money a few years, the forest service grazing also found loose", leading to Yang more and more. It said, "we give sheep vaccinations last year, a statistic found that the County had more than 40,000 sheep, 90% above are cage-free."

  Pu County does not have the sheep in captivity conditions

The animal husbandry Bureau officials said, though, Lipu had introduced policies to encourage the development of aquaculture, but that was "developing cattle pork chicken, contain the growth of sheep". In his view, on behalf of the many sheep are bred in captivity, Lipu, was actually cage-free, "captivity captive standards, the grass must have hydrogen chloride ammoniated pools must have."

He said, the County issued the deadline to sell the sheep had asked the Bureau of animal husbandry and captive standards policy.

Press Office Director Zhang Peng told the Southern Metropolis reporter, Lipu, although in theory allowed the sheep in captivity, but the County does not have the sheep in captivity conditions, basic is free range, catch, catch the punishment, so period as required to sell.

Large local sheep Mr Cheung admitted that his sheep are bred in captivity and are free-range, but shrubs, not trees, and abundant rainfall this year, did not affect vegetation.

"Sheep on the mountain too badly, and Dale run, how high one sapling, Yang rode directly to bite off the bud, there are people sheep saplings down, people spending money to plant trees, not give States money to waste? "Said livestock officials insisting that sheep destroyed the forest.

  Losses will no longer be strictly enforced policy

"Grazing direction is good, but above do not understand grass-roots, it is not to sell the sheep season, selling sheep to suffer heavy losses, raising households have lost a lot of money. "Zhang thought, the County Government issued such a policy there is not unreasonable.

Mr CHEUNG described, Pu County, he was retired, had served three terms before he retired County CPPCC and a PU plant Director, retired after much investigation decided to raise sheep, sheep that he is fighting for more than 20 years trying to form seeds, cashmere cut money, meat is fit for consumption, is the County Government to support the project.

Zhang told the Southern Metropolis reporter, "recent Forestry Bureau, forest police, the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor are all here, let me sell sheep. "Mr Cheung said," I would say to them. You can not change the Government's policy, eventually they said sell, did not agree to sell. "In the view of Mr CHEUNG, escaped unscathed, selling the sheep can disappear.

However, the information Office Director Zhang Peng stressed, Lipu, within a sheep sale policy has been strictly enforced. Peng did not find the policy at the grass-roots resistance, "most of the people understand."

Postponed to the autumn and then sell a sheep, Zhang Peng think are unrealistic, "there is no summer grazing pine point, winter was tight. "Reporter for the South is selling goats or sell all sheep question, Zhang Peng did not respond, only emphasizes that the farmer had to sell sheep according to deadline.


  Since 2000, Lipu grazing

In order to illustrate the reasonableness of deadline to sell the sheep, Zhang Peng on grazing, Lipu, sent reporters a copy of description of the situation, shows "Pu County, is located in the luliang mountain eco-fragile zones, in the face of a hill barren of trees, soil erosion, a serious situation in the County, implemented in the province took the lead as early as 2000, Lipu grazing. County Governments in a wide range of consultation with the cadres and masses all based on grazing report to the county people's Congress, District 12 the 18th meeting of the NPC Standing Committee unanimously adopted the decision on the grazing of the western counties to form normative documents having the force of law. ”

According to the Southern Metropolis reporter, in Shanxi, grazing is not first, Lipu, belong to the luliang mountain ecological fragile area in zhongyang County of luliang city, as early as 1990 auction of "four wastes" began, introduced grazing policy, after which the County ban on slope of 15 degrees above the cultivation of arable land, the full implementation of cropland. As compensation, in accordance with the number of farming acres a year to farmers must be compensated, the County has since then not allowed to free-range sheep, captive captivity permits shall be made, the policy continues.

In addition, the information Office Director Zhang Peng, Lipu also sent reporters a copy of the "grazing special rectification action" notice, 2007 year, Shanxi province people's Government of Shanxi province, that the release of the grazing approach (Government order No. 210), controlled grazing ban free-range sheep. In 2014, the County Government also established the grazing regulations.

"Through more than 10 years of unremitting efforts, the county environmental protection effective, forests and vegetation to recuperate, the County's forest coverage increased from 31% in 2000 to 53.5% today. The County has been awarded ' national afforestation model County ', ' outstanding contributions in national three North protection forest construction units ' and ' the province Forestry ecological County ' honor. ”

Display related materials, Lipu, the County of grazing was adamant, not because of the sheep farmers opposed to wayside.

Mr Cheung believed that resources, Lipu environmentalism, not making it difficult for sheep farmers.


"Sheep on the mountain too badly, and Dale run, how high one sapling, Yang rode directly to bite off the bud, there are people sheep saplings down, people spending money to plant trees, not give States money to waste? ”

---Animal husbandry Bureau, Lipu County officials

"Grazing direction is good, but above do not understand grass-roots, it is not to sell the sheep season, selling sheep to suffer heavy losses, raising households have lost a lot of money. ”

---Large sheep Zhang Yun

"There is no summer grazing pine point, winter was tight. ”

---Pu County information Office Director Zhang Peng

Interview: the South reporter Ji Shi

Intern Yang Anping

Author: Ji Shi

Responsible editor: Gao Yuying

Article keywords:
Pu County, selling sheep grazing

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The Southern Metropolis daily
山西蒲县限村民十天卖光羊 官方回应:为了禁牧|蒲县|卖羊|封山禁牧_新闻资讯



































  采写:南都记者 嵇石

  实习生 杨安平



蒲县 卖羊 封山禁牧


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