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Japan’s Foreign Minister summoned the Chinese Ambassador, said China and Japan relations deteriorated significantly

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/9 14:13:01 Browse times: 175 Comment times: 0

Japan’s Foreign Minister summoned the Chinese Ambassador, said China and Japan relations deteriorated significantly(日本外相紧急召见中国大使,称中国和日本关系明显恶化)

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Japan's Foreign Minister summoned the Chinese Ambassador said China and Japan relations deteriorated significantly | China and Japan relations | Diaoyu Islands _ news

August 9, according to media reports, there were 15 Chinese corporate ships 8th sail within 24 nautical miles of the Diaoyu, prompting Japan dissatisfaction. 9th, Japan's Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio urgently summoned the Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng yonghua, Ambassador in protest. Cheng yonghua said that the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory, China and Japan should be based on consensus, and don't let the situation complicated.

The morning of August 9, Japan's Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng yonghua. (Source: Japan Sankei Shimbun )
Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng yonghua/information

On August 9, the Japan foreign Kishida Fumio at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng yonghua, public service ship on China's maritime police vessel entered the 12 nautical miles of the Diaoyu protest in recent days. Japan says Chinese public service ship on Friday (the 5th) and fishing boats into the 12 nautical miles of the Diaoyu, increase in the number of public service ship after Japan repeatedly protested the situation did not change, it was decided by the Foreign Secretary to protest.

According to Kyodo, Kishida said the "marked deterioration in the situation surrounding the Japan-China relations are" and stressed, should never be allowed to unilaterally increase the tension of the Chinese side, called for the early sailing vessels. This is the 5th China boat and after the boats sailed into the waters of Diaoyu, Japan Cabinet members protesting directly to the Chinese side for the first time. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Sugiyama, who protested several times, but because of the situation does not change, Japan considers it necessary at the political level.

Standing day Ambassador Cheng yonghua in meets end Hou said, "I clear to said fishing island is China of inherent territory, China of related ship in related waters carried out activities Shi granted of, day party not should said, but on about waters appeared of events, China and Japan both also is should according to November 2014 both reached of four points consensus of spirit to tube control events, don't let events further expanded and complicates. ”

Cheng yonghua also said that due to increased fishing, Chinese ships at the scene to guide fishing boats, did not make things complicated Japanese Chinese corporate within the meaning of the ship was carrying weapons, he pointed out that the Coast Guard vessel also carried the same equipment.

On August 6, the Chinese Foreign Ministry at a regular press conference, foreign media to ask questions, "found in the waters of Diaoyu Chinese maritime police vessels and a large number of Chinese fishing boats, Japan's Foreign Ministry made representations to the Chinese side. How do you respond to the Chinese side? ”

Hua Chunying, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman in response, China's stance on the Diaoyu Island issue is clear and consistent. Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory, and China has indisputable sovereignty over these islands and their adjacent waters. Meanwhile, China is taking steps to properly control the events in the area. We strongly hope that the Japanese side will adhere to the relevant principles of consensus spirit, calm look at current developments and to refrain from any act that may lead to tensions and complicate and make constructive efforts for the stability in the waters concerned.

7th business adjacent to the sea-going ship (Japan 11th district Coast Guard provided in this part)

According to Nikkei network on August 9 in Chinese quoted Japan Coast Guard news 11th district, from Japan to 8th on 2:13 P.M., 15 Chinese civil ships at the same time in the islands called the contiguous zone 24 nautical miles from the Japanese side navigation. In 2012, Japan after the Government nationalize the Diaoyu Islands, Chinese corporate ship while sailing in the area up to 12 ships. But after the 7th of 13, 8th once again set a new record. Also, seems to have 200-300 Chinese fishing boats were sailing around.

Although in Japan the Islands after the nationalization and business ship began normalization in the region, but in most cases 3 sailing ships at the same time, 15 it is rare; generally will be 3 days a month, but in August as of 8th up to 3 days.

8th Japan Foreign Ministry Secretary for oceans Jin Shanxian governance in Asia to China's Guo yan, Minister twice to protest. Japan's Chief official Yoshihide Suga stressed at a press conference on the same day, "the Coast Guard are institutional strengthening to deal with". Now Japan is transaction-level protest, being discussed by Japan's Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio protested by telephone to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

It is reported that Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 6th indicates, "said relevant departments should cooperate, in accordance with international law and domestic law, calmly and resolutely to tackle"; Meanwhile, he stressed that with the United States and other relevant countries to co-operate closely, while providing accurate information to the national and the international community.

Japan foreign analysts in Beijing China aim to, a large number of Chinese fishing boats are likely to contain militia, wish to undermine Japan's actual control.

Nikkei in Chinese also noted that Japan next response raised concerns Japan would not immediately release boats command only when Chinese warships entered the 12 nautical miles of the Diaoyu, Japan would discuss such issues, so the coast guard is responsible for. Coast Guard patrol boats currently has 12, quantity is not enough, it is from the national deployment of patrol boats rushed to the Diaoyu Islands.

(The observer network, Japan's Kyodo News Agency and the Nikkei in Chinese, and so on)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
China and Japan Islands

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日本外相紧急召见中国大使 称中国和日本关系明显恶化|中国和日本关系|钓鱼岛_新闻资讯




  据共同社报道,岸田还称“围绕日中关系的局势正在明显恶化”;并强调,决不能容许中方单方面加剧紧张的行为,要求尽早驶走船只。这是5日中国公务船与渔船 一同驶入钓鱼岛海域后,日本阁僚首次向中方直接抗议。外务省事务次官杉山晋辅等人多次抗议,但由于状况没有变化,日方认为有必要在政治层面处理。

  驻日大使程永华在会见结束后称,“我明确地表示钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土,中国的相关船舶在相关海域开展活动时理所当然的,日方不应该说三道四,但是关于有 关海域出现的事态,中国和日本双方还是应该按照2014年11月双方达成的四点共识的精神去管控事态,不要让事态进一步扩大和复杂化。”



  中国外交部发言人华春莹回应,中方在钓鱼岛问题上的立场是明确的,一贯的。钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国的固有领土,中国对上述岛屿及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主 权。同时,中方正在采取措施妥善管控有关海域的事态。我们强烈希望日方恪守双方有关原则共识精神,冷静看待目前事态,不要采取任何可能导致局势紧张和复杂 化的行动,共同为有关海域的稳定作出建设性努力。


  据日经中文网8月9日援引日本海上保安厅第11管区消息,从日本时间8日凌晨1点35分到下午2点13分,15艘中国公务船同时在钓鱼岛24海里日方所谓 毗连区航行。自2012年日本政府将钓鱼岛国有化以后,在该区同时航行的中国公务船最多时为12艘。但继7日的13艘之后,8日再次刷新了新高。同时,周 边似乎还有200-300艘中国渔船正在航行。





  日经中文网还指出,日本下一步的对应措施引发关注,日本应该不会马上发布海上警备命令,只有当中国军舰进入钓鱼岛12海里的时候,日本才会探讨这样的问 题,所以依然由海上保安厅来负责。目前海上保安厅的巡逻船有12艘,数量并不够,因此正从全国调配巡逻艇紧急赶往钓鱼岛


责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

中国和日本关系 钓鱼岛


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