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Print media speculation that Foreign Minister visits the intention, said about India the South China Sea

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/8 16:09:35 Browse times: 176 Comment times: 0

Print media speculation that Foreign Minister visits the intention, said about India the South China Sea(印媒猜测中国外长访问意图,称打探印度南海态度)

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Print media speculation that Foreign Minister intended to spy on India, Nanhai | foreign | India | sea _ news

Original title: print media speculation that Foreign Minister intended to spy on India "South China Sea"

Press wenzhurenzhong

China and India, China's Foreign Ministry recently announced that Wang Yi, China's Minister of Foreign Affairs from the 12th for a 3-day visit to India, India media talking about the news. Critics say China and India relations have many problems have arisen recently, the agenda of the Foreign Ministers of the two countries will be involved in these "differences". India times, believes that one purpose of Wang's visit, was over the South China Sea to seek "India to help" make every effort to ensure that the Indian side for next month's G20 Summit not to join the United States and other countries of the "China camp". India the Deccan Herald said 7th Chinese Foreign Minister's visit will be to alleviate tension in recent days between the two countries started.

5th China's Foreign Ministry announced that Foreign Minister Wang Yi will be held from 9th to 14th on Kenya, Uganda and India for an official visit. According to the global times, a reporter, Wang is expected to be India's Prime Minister MODI, Foreign Minister siwalaji and national security adviser Dorval, India officials. In addition to New Delhi, Wang will also visit in October this year the BRICs leaders ' Summit venue – India South of Goa. India says the daily news and analysis on 6th, the spokesman for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anand Swaroop said, during Wang's visit, Sino-Indian talks would cover bilateral, regional and global issues. He stressed that Wang visit is part of regular high-level dialogue in China and India. India business times said Wang's visit will be China and India Summit will pave the way for G20 Summit meeting in Hangzhou. The Chinese Foreign Minister last visited India in June 2014. In April this year, Foreign Ministers of the two countries met in Moscow.

India 7th, commented the times of Bad Gastein, China blocked India joined the nuclear suppliers group (NSG), bilateral relations "in trouble". India Press Trust said that in addition to NSG, issues of recent Sino-Indian relations, including China blocking India leaders of armed groups on its blacklist last month, and the Chinese army "invasion" of India North akendebangchamoli region, China-India foreign ministers hold talks expected to include the NSG and "transboundary" and other issues.

South China Sea is India mentioned in media reports than any other topic. India times said 6th Chinese Foreign Minister one of the goals of this trip, was over the South China Sea to seek India's support. On the G20 Summit next month, MODI will work with United States President Barack Obama meeting China very concerned, including the United States, some sea arbitration case will be on the Summit agenda. Chinese Foreign Minister to the wish to persuade India to support China's position in the South China Sea on the arbitration case, want MODI not joining the other countries in the G20 Summit about the South China Sea. India Times says "previously on India more neutral stance displeased." India Zee News Network, "said not long ago, China against India joining the NSG organization ambitions soon began to India for help." Vincent wrote of Internet users, China wanted to spy on India's attitude, see if India to contain China's rise. Netizens Graham Rahal said, "we don't just retaliating against China, should be doing to India beneficial things". He argues that India should tell India's demand in China, and China exchanged a number of conditions, in Exchange for China's support on the NSG.

India Deccan Herald, believes that Wang's visit is the beginning of Sino-Indian relations – both will start in the next few months a series of contacts, increase new impetus for the bilateral relations forward. India Times reported on the 7th of Bad Gastein, India Foreign Ministry will soon host a think tank Forum together with academic institutions in China and India, to discuss many important issues between the two countries. Officials familiar with the Forum revealed that the objective of the Forum is a robust exchange of views to push public opinion on mutual understanding between China and India. This person said, the Forum will help policy makers make a correct assessment.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Foreign Minister of India of South China Sea

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印媒猜测中国外长访问意图 称打探印度南海态度|外长|印度|南海_新闻资讯

  原标题:印媒猜测中国外长访问意图 称打探印度“南海态度”  

  记者 文朱 任重  







外长 印度 南海


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