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Foreign Media: Japan confrontation with China will eventually lose, Chinese army large

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/8 16:09:22 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: Japan confrontation with China will eventually lose, Chinese army large(外媒:日本与中国对抗终将处下风,中国军队庞大)

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Foreign Media: Japan and China eventually losing the huge Chinese army | China and Japan relations | comparison _ military news

Reference message network August 9 reported Singapore Strait Times website August 7 published entitled Japan of China dilemma of articles, the reported standing European reporter qiaonasen·aiyaer in articles in the said, reality of situation is: despite Japan seems to is determined to and China against, but Japanese still in stumbled to into and Chinese of strategy competition in the--they looks is are not understand this competition, and Ann times Prime Minister in Japan domestic also and no on this competition get necessary of political consensus.

Said Japan rearming ambition is no longer in doubt. However, purely from a data perspective, Japan military army is still trivial compared with potential adversaries: Japan only 243,000 soldier, is China's 1/10. Japan's air force is less than the number of equipment 1/3 of the Chinese air force. At each level, Japan is seeking to meet the quality. They had been successful. Because although the dispute around the Diaoyu Islands appeared such as Sabre, but Beijing's military planners knew that China's Navy is still unable to Japan naval fight. Although Japan's leading technology has been maintained, but China's sheer size means that Japan will Asia take edge and secondary status, and is always downwind of China.

  Tokyo refused to acknowledge?

Adapt to the secondary position will ultimately require Japan in thinking and action make a great psychological change, no signs that Tokyo had even thought of this adaptation process. Because most understandable for diplomatic reasons, the latest Japan defense white paper does not address this issue. But even in private, Japan's leaders and strategic thinkers are more likely to be looking for every excuse to avoid answering the more important issues.

Article said that Japan is not eager to have to deal with China is both feasible and logical policies in force and have the opportunity-and is usually a waste of effort – the only country: there is a similar situation in many other countries. But the dilemma for Japan is more serious and urgent, Japan politicians use deceptive argument as dealing with the reality of an "Exchange" is not worse than anyone.

One such dispute unrelated to modify Japan postwar Constitution with a view to the Elimination of Japan the need for restrictions on using military force: Abe has long claimed that this is Japan an essential part of the new defense strategy, the latest defense white paper spent a whole chapter on this issue, it is the first time ever.

But, as every decision maker in Tokyo knows, such a constitutional amendment does not have any possible, but not necessary. Although Abe has launched the amending of the necessary parliamentary majority support, but, as he was part of the ruling coalition, the new komeito party in where you need to modify the Constitution didn't agree with his views on the issue. Japan also disagreed with most of the public, many of them still loves the Constitution "peace" clause. But although this will give Japan troop aid in future against the allies means some restrictions, the Constitution itself gives Japan full scope for the Government to defend the country.

  Regional Alliance

Article said that Japan avoided to current security dilemma depends on State-building alliances with like-minded--this is not an attempt to contain China, but in order to improve Chinese policy makers in considering any subversion of the final battle of the regional strategic balance will have to be faced in the context of risk. Japanese has done quite well in that regard. They strengthened and United States coalition, expanded with India, and Australia and many ASEAN countries ' security ties. They even improve and Korea security ties, in part because of Seoul itself also was disappointed with China's regional, but also because of North Korea's continued belligerence.

Nevertheless, Japan in resolving historical disputes surrounding its World War II record specific inability or reluctance will continue to undermine the efforts of the Global Alliance. There is no solution with China and Korea over Japan brutal colonial rule, terrible massacre and slave labour and the "comfort women" of historical, political, legal and emotional disputes a panacea for problems.

Article said, however, Japan appointed a new Defense Minister now whether it is really wise? This person is famous not only because doubt the authenticity of these wartime history, but also the 1945 trial Japan questioned the legal basis of the main war criminals to the International Tribunal. The controversy surrounding the new Minister in the last week. On the same day, a Japan-funded "comfort women" Fund in Korea started, with a view to seeking solutions to poison bilateral relations for decades this problem. So, another opportunity for reconciliation was replaced by another day of hatred.

Japan is without a doubt the strategic challenges facing: weekend wandering accompanied by Chinese maritime police vessels entering Japan over more than 200 mainland Chinese fishing boats near disputed waters "flotilla", a perfect reminder of what is at stake, as well as how in an instant a sudden outbreak of conflict between the two countries.

But despite its position on the defense white paper, Japan distance themselves can or should be on what security challenges do still have some. Abe has not yet reached the necessary national consensus on the matter. (Compile/Cao Weiguo)

Source: references

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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China and Japan relations capability comparison

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China News Network
外媒:日本与中国对抗终将处下风 中国军队庞大|中国和日本关系|军力对比_新闻资讯

  参考消息网8月9日报道 新加坡《海峡时报》网站8月7日发表题为《日本的中国困境》的文章,该报驻欧洲记者乔纳森·埃亚尔在文章中称,现实的情况是:尽管日本似乎决意与中国对 抗,但是日本人仍然在跌跌撞撞地步入与中国人的战略竞争中——他们看起来一点都不了解这种竞争,而且安倍首相在日本国内也并没有就这种竞争获得必要的政治 共识。

  文章称,日本重新武装的野心不再存在疑问。不过,纯粹从数据上看,日本军队与其潜在对手的军队相比仍然微不足道:日本 只有24.3万士兵,是中国的1/10。日本空军的装备数量也不到中国空军的1/3。因此在每一个层面上,日本都寻求以质量弥补数量。他们暂时取得了成 功。因为尽管围绕钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的争端出现了这样那样的战争叫嚣,但北京的军事计划人员知道,中国海军仍然无法与日本海军抗衡。尽管日本的技术领先得 到了维持,但是中国军队的庞大规模意味着日本迟早会在亚洲退居边缘和次级地位,并永远处于中国的下风。


  适 应这种次级地位将最终要求日本在思维和行动方面做出巨大的心理改变,没有迹象表明东京甚至思考过这种适应过程。由于多半可以理解的外交原因,最新的日本防 务白皮书几乎没有谈及这个议题。但是即便在私下里,日本领导人和战略思想家们也更愿意寻找每一个借口来避免回答这个更为重大的问题。



  但 是正如东京的每一个决策者所知道的,这样的宪法修订没有任何可能,而且也并非必需。因为尽管安倍拥有启动修宪程序必需的议会多数支持,但作为他执政联盟一 部分的公明党在宪法哪些地方需要修改的问题上不同意他的观点。日本的大多数公众也不同意,他们中的许多人仍然热爱宪法的“和平”条款。但是尽管这会给日本 在未来的对抗中派遣部队援助盟国的手段构成某些限制,宪法本身仍然给予了日本政府充分余地来捍卫国家。


  文 章称,日本对当前安全困境的回避取决于与具有类似想法的国家构建联盟——此举不是为了遏制中国,而是为了提高中国决策者在考虑任何颠覆地区战略平衡的最后 较量的情况下将不得不面临的风险。日本人在这方面一直干得相当出色。他们加强了与美国的联盟,扩大了与印度、澳大利亚和许多东盟国家的安全联系。他们甚至 改善了与韩国的安全联系,部分原因是首尔本身也对中国的地区行为感到失望,但也是因为朝鲜持续的好战态度。


  文 章称,不过,日本现在任命这样一位新的防务大臣是否真的明智?此人不仅因为怀疑上述战时历史的真实性而著称,而且还对1945年审判日本主要战犯的国际法 庭的法律依据提出质疑。围绕这位新任大臣的争议在上周爆发。而就在同一天,一个由日本资助的“慰安妇”基金会在韩国启动,以期寻求解决毒害两国关系几十年 的这个问题。于是,又一个和解的机遇被又一个仇恨的日子所替代。




责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

中国和日本关系 军力对比


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