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Diaoyu Islands, Chinese maritime police vessels increased to 14, said Abe will work with United States collaboration

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/8 16:09:20 Browse times: 296 Comment times: 0

Diaoyu Islands, Chinese maritime police vessels increased to 14, said Abe will work with United States collaboration(钓鱼岛中国海警船增至14艘,安倍称将与美国合作)

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Diaoyu Islands, Chinese maritime police vessels increased from 14 to Abe said it would ship with United States cooperation | Diaoyu Islands _ news

Original title: Diaoyu Islands near China's coast guard boat up to 14 Abe responded with the United States to meet

Japan's coast guard released on August 8, said, there are 14 Chinese Maritime Police Bureau and other corporate ships once sailed into the Diaoyu Islands (Japan called Senkaku) contiguous zone in the vicinity. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga 8th said at a press conference after a cabinet meeting, 6th Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe issued instructions that "relevant departments should cooperate, in accordance with international law and domestic law, calmly and resolutely to deal with."

Reference News reported, citing the Japan economic news, August 8, Abe also indicates that, with the United States and other relevant countries to co-operate closely, while providing accurate information to the national and the international community.

According to Kyodo, the number set in number of Chinese corporate boats fishing around the island while sailing up to record, previous record was 7th, 13. Prime Minister Abe 6th instructed related ministries in accordance with international law and national law a calmly and firmly, simultaneously with the United States and other relevant countries to work closely together.

Saturday in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands fishery protection vessel of which 2 of the Chinese maritime police vessel.

Reports that China ships and fishing vessels from 5th frequent in Japan or contiguous zone navigation entering territorial waters, which has continued for 4 days.

Yoshihide Suga, the Chief Cabinet Secretary said at a press conference in the 8th, at 10 o'clock in the morning the same day, 12 Chinese civil ships entering Japan contiguous zone and remain therein. In view of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sugiyama has assured the Chinese Ambassador Cheng yonghua lodged a stern protest, he said, "will continue to urge the Chinese side to avoid escalation. Relevant ministries led by the Coast Guard will work closely together to deal with. ”

Japan 8th began to study the possibility of the Government by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Foreign Secretary, Kishida Fumio to open dialogue with the Chinese leadership. Japan Government believes that only by the intersectoral negotiations to ease tensions as soon as possible, plans to fumble at the political level. Government official revealed the news.

Japan Foreign Ministry Secretary Shi Jiangong comprehensive foreign policy blog the evening of 7th protested to Chinese Ambassador Guo yan 2, saying "despite repeated strong protests, but China continues to take unilateral action to further exacerbate tensions and cannot accept." In addition, the Asia Oceania Director Jin Shanxian treatment on the same day and night to protest against Guo yan.

Japan's coast guard said 14 public service ship while sailing in the contiguous zone of China, the Japan Government in September 2012, the fishing island "nationalisation", the record largest in number. Sailed around there seems to be a large number of Chinese fishing boats.

Japan's Prime Minister Abe

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Web site, Hua Chunying, a spokesman responded by saying that the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory and China is to take measures relating to the proper management events in the area. But Japan says this is the first time that a Chinese official vessels and fishing vessels also appear in Islands 24 nautical miles.

According to relevant sources, Japan will explore the Bank held telephone talks with the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Furthermore, Abe will visit China in early September to attend an International Conference, the Government will step up coordination, strive to meet Abe talks with XI Jinping, China's President. Japan Government through political dialogue, including the Summit, find avoid deterioration in common.

Kyodo News Agency reports that enhance in activities around the Senkaku island since China 5th, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sugiyama has repeatedly protested to the Chinese Ambassador Cheng yonghua. Cheng yonghua retort against liability in Japan. When Japan protested Chinese public service ship deployed to near the Senkaku Islands, increasingly tough attitude.

Abe and XI Jinping held its first meeting in Beijing in November 2014, avoid accidents near the Senkaku Islands reached a consensus.

Comprehensive Japan common network, Singapore Straits Times, Chinese Foreign Ministry's website, reference news

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
The Diaoyu Islands

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钓鱼岛中国海警船增至14艘 安倍称将与美国合作|钓鱼岛_新闻资讯

  原标题:钓鱼岛附近中国海警船增至14艘 安倍回应称将与美国合作应对

  日本海上保安厅8月8日发布消息称,有14艘中国海警局等的公务船一度驶入 钓鱼岛(日本称尖阁诸岛)附近毗连区。日内阁官房长官菅义伟在8日内阁会议后的记者会上透露称,6日日本首相安倍晋三发出指示称,“相关部门要展开合作, 根据国际法和国内法令,冷静而毅然地加以应对”。


















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