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Lianyungang gathered public opposition to nuclear cycle projects, Government: location undecided

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/7 17:10:07 Browse times: 146 Comment times: 0

Lianyungang gathered public opposition to nuclear cycle projects, Government: location undecided(连云港市民聚集反对核循环项目,政府:选址未定)

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Lianyungang Government gathered public opposition to nuclear cycle projects: location undecided | Lianyungang | people gathered _ news

August 5 day news network channels such as through letters have been circulated, called on members of the public on August 6 at the Middle Road and Tong Yu road, near the intersection of suning square, to boycott the project in Lianyungang city.

Police have prompted an unsanctioned procession an offence

People gathered on the street against the nuclear cycle projects settled in

People gathered on the street against the nuclear cycle projects settled in

"The night of August 6, a large number of people took to the streets in Lianyungang, against the total investment sum of the nuclear cycle projects located in Lianyungang. August 7, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Lianyungang City Government said currently the project is in the early stage research and site selection stage, have yet to determine whether it will settle in Lianyungang. ”


Investment of billions of nuclear programs has been to resist

In recent days, according to local news media quoted China's nuclear network, at a cost of over 100 billion nuclear waste reprocessing companies may settle in Lianyungang.

China published an article on July 28 with the total investment of more than 100 billion nuclear spent fuel reprocessing companies or settled in Lianyungang, on July 26, the nuclear group leadership and Defense Science and Industry Council went to Lianyungang to exchange the relevant cooperation projects, the investment of billions maker might settle in Lianyungang. After the completion of the project, China will form a commercial scale nuclear cycle, can not only ease around 2030 nuclear spent fuel in storage pressure, improve the level of safety of spent fuel management and match China fast reactor development program for commercial fast reactor fuel, effectively safeguard the sustainable development of China's nuclear science.

Related articles on August 5 before and after quickly in this circle of friends among the locals, many netizens expressed the "nucleus" of fear and resistance, worried that the project would run during abnormal problems, poses a threat to the lives and property of people living in Lianyungang.

August 5 day news network channels such as through letters have been circulated, called on members of the public on August 6 at the Middle Road and Tong Yu road, near the intersection of suning square, to boycott the project in Lianyungang city.


Police have prompted an unsanctioned procession an offence

August 5 23:52,, Lianyungang city, Public Security Bureau official micro-Bo released police tips said, according to People's Republic of China rally March demonstrations method and the about legal provides, without police organ license organization and for rally, and March, and demonstrations of, are is violations, "currently, I City police organ yet received any held rally, and March, and demonstrations of application, hope general public don't was Internet, and phone SMS, and micro-letter spread rally, and March, and demonstrations of information by Bewitched, not participate in illegal rally, and March, and The demonstrations. Do not believe in rumors, not transfer rumors, not watching. "

But there are still a large number of people gathered on the street. According to people shooting live video on August 6 at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon has been started at Hyde Road, Tong Yu road intersection, and gather more people rushed to the scene after dark, they shouted "opposition to nuclear waste." There are people who say, here for the commercial centre, a local main road intersections. Video showed police officers to maintain order at the scene, lights flashing, even sitting on the shoulders of the child shouted "opposition to nuclear waste."

According to local people, dispersed after a protest on August 7 at 0 o'clock in the morning.

On August 7 at about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the former street first (app: qianjieyihao) journalists found to have released the [scene] urban mass rallies! Lianyungang on "nuclear" is so afraid? And these Insider who knows? Micro letter public, "Lianyungang side 2" has been banned, because of irregularities cannot concern the content was deleted.


City: who will crack down on fabricated and spread rumors

Lianyungang city on August 7, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the Government held a press conference, said the project is in the early stage research and site selection stage has not yet been finalized.

According to reports, the nuclear recycling project is the greatest strategic cooperation projects, tremendous support from the Governments of the two countries. Since the beginning of 2015, nuclear-Swiss company in Shandong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other coastal provinces to more than more than 10 sites for a selection of census. In 2015, the nuclear method in the Swiss company Lianyungang has launched nuclear cycle project site preparation work, at present, in the early stage research and site selection phase of the project, has not yet been finalized.

, Lianyungang city, according to the Government, next to municipal government will make the disclosure, be open, timely, accurate, publicly available by law, and many ways to listen to the masses ' opinions, suggestions. Meanwhile, very few criminals made up and spread rumors, disturbs social order situation, relevant departments will crack down according to law.


Background: this project will enhance the utilization of uranium resources

According to the China National Nuclear Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary nuclear technology limited in article published September 30, 2015, Sino-French cooperation in the nuclear cycle projects is by far the largest cooperation project between China and France has received attention from the Governments on both sides, it is of great political and economic significance, the two Governments have signed a 4 paper.

The article nuclear cycle refers to the generation of nuclear reactors use fuel to extract uranium, plutonium, and then into the reactor, the key link is the second step of the nuclear energy. In the early 80 's, China had determined the "development of nuclear power must be developed and cycle" approach to development, insist that the closed nuclear fuel cycle technology.

The project reference Agger nuclear recycling plant, France AREVA to take overall responsibility for technology, the nuclear group is responsible for construction. The project covers an area of 3 square kilometers, investments by the State Special Fund, with a total investment scale, over 1 nuclear cluster, is planned for 2020 construction, built around 2030.

The article also said, France Areva in the nuclear cycle facilities design and operations for more than 45 years of experience, has not yet had any impact on residents or the environment of industrial accidents.

Another according to Guangming daily September 29, 2015 reported, the project has three aspects function: a is annual processing domestic plant unloading out fuel 800 tons, through nuclear cycle improve uranium resources utilization, basic meet China plant unloading out fuel of processing needs; II is construction spent fuel away from heap storage Center, a period storage capacity for 3000 tons, on plant unloading out of fuel for late management, let China of nuclear power more security; three is can will high-level waste glass curing, achieved high put waste long-term management of inherent security For China nuclear energy cleaner.


Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Lianyungang people gathered

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连云港市民聚集反对核循环项目 政府:选址未定|连云港|民众聚集_新闻资讯































责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

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