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Japan’s new Defence Minister denied the existence of the Nanjing massacre killing game, the Chinese military rejects

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/5 10:41:30 Browse times: 157 Comment times: 0

Japan’s new Defence Minister denied the existence of the Nanjing massacre killing game, the Chinese military rejects(日本新任防卫大臣否认存在南京大屠杀杀人比赛,中国军方驳斥)

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Japan's new Defence Minister denied the existence of the Nanjing massacre killings match the Chinese military rejects

Beijing, August 5, the Chinese Defense Ministry on Japan's new Defense Minister denied the existence of the Nanjing massacre "hundred chopped" killing game related question and answer session.

A reporter's question, according to Japanese media reports, Japan's new Defense Minister Peng Mei 4th several media interviews in paddy fields. When asked about the Nanjing massacre, said she "does not believe there is" hundred chopped "(kill the game)". China's Defense Ministry had any response?

China's Defense Ministry press office responded by saying that Japan's new Defence Minister rice remarks the beauty of friends was outrage. More than 70 years ago, the Japanese army during the second world war made appalling "Nanjing massacre" inhuman "killing game" concrete evidences, is beyond doubt.

Japan's Defense Minister disregarded the history, has denied this fact publicly, was simply trying to beautify its history of aggression and challenge to international order, for the "militarism" necromancy. "Taking history as a mirror, and the future." We must point out that face up to history and is the basis for solving historical problems; distorting history will only repeat the mistakes of history; historical China and Japan relations have no future.

(Editors: Xu Zhiwen UN643)
2016-08-05 17:45:30
China News Network
日本新任防卫大臣否认存在南京大屠杀杀人比赛 中国军方驳斥

  中新网8月5日电 中国国防部新闻局就日本新任防卫大臣否认存在南京大屠杀“百人斩”杀人比赛有关言论答问。




(责任编辑:徐志文 UN643)
2016-08-05 17:45:30

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