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China productivity benefits, coal and steel industries the full implementation of “supply side reform“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/5 10:41:25 Browse times: 164 Comment times: 0

China productivity benefits, coal and steel industries the full implementation of “supply side reform“(中国去产能提效益,煤炭钢铁行业全面实行“供给侧改革”)

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Productivity benefits to coal and steel industry in China full implementation of "supply side reform" | | | resource capacity of China national development and Reform Commission _ news

Original title: [reform research] began to capacity reduction quality battle

Capacity is a priority for supply side structural reform this year. General Secretary XI Jinping pointed out: to increase the supply side structural reform efforts, focusing on the promotion of excess capacity effectively. Six months later, how this is called crack a hard nut? Coal and steel industry suffers from overcapacity in industries with serious losses and what's new? Research on today's reform.

A 58-year history of bucun coal mine on May 30 this year fully shut down. Empty mining area through the jiaoji railway line, one can faintly see mines "golden decade" brought glory to here. From 2004, the production cost per ton of coal mine straight up.

  Due to the high water content of coal seam, pumping out the coal and to drainage, pumping some 10 million a year to water, the equivalent of a medium sized reservoir.

Energy, Shandong Zibo mining group Deputy Director Ding Shouchen of bucun coal mine: one year down drainage fee down by 40 million Yuan a year, one-third of the total cost.

Not only that, and more and more thin, mechanization couldn't get in at all, a lot of labor is pushing mining costs high, 2009 417 tons of coal costs, 651 of soared to the year 2015. While the market price of bucun coal mine, but Cliff-falls, 605 drop in price per ton of coal from 2009 to 2015 280 Yuan.

Shandong Zibo mining group of bucun coal mine of Energy Secretary of the Zou Meiyuan: biggest customers huangtai power plant came all the way from the Shanxi coal, than dozens of kilometers arrived huangtai power plant prices are cheaper.

  Facing the loss of bucun coal mine close, but mine is from top to bottom has been trying to make up deficits that lasted for 11 years.  

Behind the shed, and unutterable anguish, coal mines closed, more than 8,000 workers where to go? The debt accumulated over the years to do? In order to mine maintenance, superior Zibo mining group of bucun coal mine has been to give them "blood transfusion", but a three-year subsidy loss of 120 million Yuan indices, and spent a year of bucun coal mine.

Survival of bucun coal mine by blood transfusion is not the case, data shows that in 2015, China's excess capacity by as much as 1.7 billion tons of coal, 90% of coal enterprises are losing money, which many of them rely on blood transfusions or borrowing.

Not only is coal, China mainly industrial products such as steel, cement capacity close to or more than half of the global total, overcapacity, occupies a lot of social resources, social resources reduce the overall efficiency, become way to China's economic and social development.

First half of this year, the State established dissolve 250 million tons of coal production and 45 million tons of steel capacity goals, implemented in 27 provinces, autonomous regions, and even specific to each device, each occurrence.

Accumulated debts, how to resolve? Which is exactly what local government and enterprise to reduce overcapacity are not enthusiastic about the main reason. Resolve the overcapacity problems and pain points, first half of the year, Ministry of national development and Reform Commission, people Club, CBRC 8 major departments around financial support, research on issues such as resettlement workers developed 8 special policy paper, the Ministry of finance said recently that the adjustment of industrial structure regulation on special awards and subsidies, 100 billion yuan of capital encourages enterprises to scale capacity.

With policy support, Zibo mining group completely shut the mind of bucun coal mine, 900,000 tons of capacity completely disappears from the Shandong coal capacity statistics. China coal enterprises above the designated size of raw coal production in the first half of this year fell 9.7%, and coal business conditions improved.

But in another area---to resolve the overcapacity in the steel industry this year, crude steel production fell 1--6 month 1.1%. But due to the rebound in steel prices, from April to June, Hebei, Jiangsu, Hubei, Henan and other provinces in steel production output rebounded. Current situation of overcapacity in the steel industry did not change case, just pick up the steel industry will benefit once again dragged into the mire of heavy losses.

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
China's national development and Reform Commission resource capacity

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中国去产能提效益 煤炭钢铁行业全面实行“供给侧改革”|中国国家发展改革委员会|资源|产能_新闻资讯

  原标题:[改革调研行]去产能 打响减量提质攻坚战




  山东能源淄矿集团埠村煤矿副矿长 丁守臣:一年下来排水费一年下来得4000万元,占成本的三分之一。

  不仅如此,煤层越挖越薄,机械化设备根本进不去,大量的人工更是将采煤成本推向了新高, 从2009年的吨煤成本417元,一下飙升到了2015年的651元。而此时的埠村煤矿面对的市场价格,却是断崖式的下跌,每吨煤价格从2009年的 605下跌到2015年280元。




  靠输血存活的埠村煤矿并不是个例,数据显示: 2015年,中国煤炭产能过剩多达17亿吨,90%的煤炭企业都在亏损,这其中不少是靠输血或者是借债度日的。



  而积累的债权债务,如何化解?而这些又恰恰是地方政府和企业化解过剩产能积极性不高的主要原因。针对化解过剩产能的难点和痛点,今年上半年,发 改委、人社部、银监会等8大部门,围绕财税金融支持、职工安置等问题研究制定了8个专项配套政策文件,财政部不久前公布的《工业企业结构调整专项奖补资金 管理办法》,1000亿元的资金规模鼓励企业去产能。

  有了政策的支持,淄矿集团下决心对埠村煤矿进行彻底关停,90万吨的产能也从山东的煤炭产能统计表中彻底消失。 今年上半年中国规模以上煤炭企业原煤产量同比下降9.7%,煤炭企业经营状况有所改善。



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