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Corrupt officials in Chongqing Lei for 3 years after being reported, do you want some punishment?

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/4 8:03:26 Browse times: 254 Comment times: 0

Corrupt officials in Chongqing Lei for 3 years after being reported, do you want some punishment?(重庆贪官雷政富入狱3年多后再被举报,要加刑吗?)

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Corrupt officials in Chongqing Lei reported after more than 3 years ' imprisonment: punishment?

Office of Chongqing indecent videos at Lok Ma Lei, beibei district, Chongqing City, the original Secretary and waves.

Recently, former Secretary of hejiang County, Luzhou city, Sichuan province, Wei Li Bo, to stand trial in court reporting, said Lei received a few facades.

Li provided clues to the Court, that Lei was arrested for crime of leaking. Prosecutors said in a court hearing, Li Lei Zheng Fu reports should be verified by the Court, to transfer the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities for investigation.

Lei Zheng Fu is prison, repent had been commuted for 10 months.

The above "front doors" report the truth? If this is true, Lei will face sentence and punishment end?

  Lei, the fourth bribery?

Lei Zheng Fu indecent video occurred three years ago. On November 20, 2012, Chongqing Party Secretary Sun zhengcai as official that night, began to circulate online, beibei district, Chongqing City, the original Secretary Lei Zheng Fu indecent videos. Officials in 63 hours in Chongqing, after investigation and verification made the decision to remove Lei Zheng Fu Office. Due to the rapid response, Sun zhengcai and his leadership of Chongqing won unanimous praise.

After the dismissal, in Chongqing in June 2013, the verdict Lei bribery, bribes amount more than 3.16 million Yuan and sentenced to 13 years and 300,000 yuan of personal property confiscated. Lei appealed against the judgement appealed. In September 2013, the Chongqing High Court made final ruling, dismissing their appeal and the sentence was upheld.

"Political things," notes that the Court's judgments shows that Lei Zheng Fu amounts more than 3.16 million yuan of bribes, there are three sources.

First, the Chongqing indecent video case xiaoye (sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for extortion) to video threat, Lei Zheng Fu "borrowed" 3 million Yuan. To prevent video exposure, Lei to find a certain requirements specified by the legal representative of the company in Chongqing to help "borrowed" 3 million Yuan to xiaoye. The "loan" expire, xiaoye does not return, Lei Ming a return by himself, a particular meaning to return, Lei endorsed.

Second, the Lei used his position, supports funding for a company in Chongqing and other preferential policies to provide help, and receive the printed some of the legal representative of the company to give $ 10,000 yuan.

Third, the Lei as the Director of a hospital in Chongqing Fan Mou help promotion, fan by Lei Zheng Fu's wife transferred to thank after costs 100,000 yuan, Lei knew this to be accepted.

Three bribe, mentioned above, is not related to window dressing room. Then the "front room" reporting what is it?

According to media reports, former Secretary of hejiang County, Luzhou city, Sichuan province, Wei Li's trial process, witnesses testify against Li Luo had collected his bribe. Appl anti said, he has long been engaged in the construction and real estate development in Chongqing, 2013 for Lei-related cases under investigation, but the Chongqing authorities to ROM investigations, Luo hid bribe to Lei sets appearance room fact.

Appl report in court means, apart from three years ago, the Court found that three separate bribes, Lei has also received the fourth tranche of money-a few sets of window dressing room. After the incident, Lei and bribing people to hide these sets of white-washing room.

In response, prosecutors said in a court hearing, Li Lei Zheng Fu reports should be verified by the Court, to transfer the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities for investigation. In other words, Lei received the several sets of window dressing room, pending further findings of the judiciary.

  Constituting the fourth tranche of bribes, aggravating it?

"Political things," notes on May 26 this year, public judgments in China network award shows, Lei was given 10 months ' remission.

Lei Zheng Fu now Chongqing Kowloon prison. Kowloon on November 11 last year commuted the prison proposal, said Lei Zheng Fu sentence commuted, pipe clothing taught, compliance obedience, re-education through labour is good, serious study, repentance, drew the sentence for one year. Chongqing v intermediate people's Court found that Lei has been played 3 times in prison administrative reward ruled minus 10 months ' imprisonment.

Lei Zheng Fu's original sentence from February 1, 2013 and ending on January 31, 2026. After 10 months ' remission, sentence changed to February 1, 2013 to March 31, 2025. If the "front room" report is verified, then the sentence would have changed?

Professor, China University of Ruan qilin, Director of the Institute of criminal law to accept "political things," said in an interview, Lei received several front rooms, which need to be judicial authorities. However, China's criminal law for crimes of leaking, new crimes are clearly defined.

Criminal law article 69th, 70th, after judgement, execution of punishment prior to the completion of found that convicted criminals in the judgment there are other crimes there is no decision to be declared should be judgement on the crime of newly discovered, both before and after the sentence imposed in the judgment, and punished.

For example, the suspected theft of 50,000 yuan, sentencing recommends that the basis for calculation of penalty is imprisonment for three years and six months. After the judgement, there is new evidence, the suspects actually stole 100,000 yuan, in addition to the original judgment of 50,000 yuan, 50,000 new. Then this situation belongs to the same crime of leaking (original sin, a new crime is theft), after the original sin, new crimes punished, benchmark penalty was about to be sentenced to five years and seven months to seven years.

Bribery and the same. A Lok Ma official for taking bribes of more than 3 million Yuan, was sentenced to more than 10 years. After the judgment is pronounced, the judiciary has found new clues, identify the Lok Ma property concealed millions of Yuan of bribes from officials, then punished the crime of leaking the same principles on which, according to new crime – concealing millions of Yuan of bribes property, as well as the official plot, the extent of the crime, guilt, and punishment.

Ruan qilin "governance" saying, in short, as long as the crime of identifying missing, so will definitely catch up with in the end.

Consideration of Lei case out of court when the public

  "The crime of leaking official" is how to deal with it?

"Political things," notes that in judicial practice after repeated "crime of leaking official" punishment will be imposed.

In January 2007, the retirement business after former Party Secretary Wang Yachen, Fuxin city, Liaoning province, found guilty of making a false report of registered capital crimes, embezzlement, sentenced to 8 years. Two years later, the judicial authority found that Wang Yachen also have left the crime, Wang Yachen embezzlement embezzlement of company funds, in which 7 of crime of official embezzlement amounting to more than 4.3002 million Yuan, and Wang Yachen misappropriates funds crime, in the amount of 30,000 yuan.

Finally, the Court found that Wang Yachen committed embezzlement, sentenced to 6 years and 6 months, 1.2 million Yuan and confiscation of property; make the crime of misappropriation of funds, and sentenced to one year. Joinder of decisions the Executive sentenced to 15 years and confiscation of property of 1.2 million Yuan, a fine of 400,000 yuan.

In 2011, the land Bureau, Shishou, Hubei Province, the former Party Secretary, Mr Joseph WONG, the Secretary for taking bribes has been sentenced to 5 years imprisonment last February released after commutation.

Late last year, procuratorial organs finding Mr WONG also had crime, and Joseph WONG again on suspicion of bribery investigation and coercive measures. 10 months of his release from prison, Mr Joseph WONG, was detained again.

End of the previous year, two Lok officials in Xinzhou district of Wuhan for punishment of the crime of leaking. The two Lok Ma Xinzhou district officials are the former Vice Director of China's national development and Reform Commission process, the former economic reform chief Lin, guilty of taking bribes, the crime of neglect, was sentenced to 6 years and 5.5 years respectively.

After the verdict, prosecutors deal with other persons in connection with the clues, crimes discovered that Cheng, Lin may have leakage, after verification, two people take the initiative to explain the facts of the crime of abuse. The two "assist" corporate fraud, so that the company has received 1 million yuan of special funds. Court found the two guilty of the crime of abuse, after joinder, Cheng's imprisonment is from 6 years of "extended" for 6 years and 9 months, Lin's sentence from 5.5 "extended" for 6 years.

"Political things," written by Beijing News reporter Wang Shu proofreading: Lu Aiying

(Editors: Xu Zhiwen UN643)
2016-08-04 20:06:17
The Beijing News
重庆贪官雷政富入狱3年多后再被举报 要加刑吗?



































  “政事儿”撰稿:新京报记者王姝 校对:陆爱英

(责任编辑:徐志文 UN643)
2016-08-04 20:06:17

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