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Official suicide female cashier beating detainees without special identity

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/3 23:37:51 Browse times: 189 Comment times: 0

Official suicide female cashier beating detainees without special identity(官方通报女收银员自杀:打人者被拘无特殊身份)

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Official suicide female cashier beating detainees without special identity | special | Gyan | cashiers _ news

Original title: JI an informed "female cashier suicide": the attacker was arrested without special identity

Beijing News newsletter (reporter Wang Yu) today (3rd), Beijing news reporters learned from the outside jiangxijian the County propaganda Office, the County "after the female cashier was playing suicide", a police investigation was completed. Implementation of beating two customers, but one still in the identification of mental performance, another person punished by administrative detention. JI an County propaganda Office said customers concerned parties "did not have the special status of network".

On July 23 this year, Jiangxi County East supermarket, in the course of a female cashier at the cash register, was beaten by a few customers. Surveillance video shows, 19:53 the same day, three adults with a child to a cashier's check. Suddenly, an old lady took down the cashier, female cashier with your fingers. Shortly thereafter, another employee of the supermarket came to discourage, she played the female cashier's ears. Play female cashier was resisting, and walk with the old lady of a middle-aged female customer a blow on the head, followed by the old lady had a face. In the video, female cashiers altogether was struck 3 times, then she threw a packet of toilet paper to the other side, the old lady then picked up and threw him into the female cashier.

Then things turn out unexpectedly. On July 25 at about 11 o'clock, in the supermarket in a mediation organization, female cashier out of the mediation room, used a fruit knife to commit suicide.

Because supermarket surveillance video footage handed to the network, "the female cashier suicide" was a much public attention. Local police to intervene.

Around 12 o'clock last evening, County propaganda Office releases outsourcing briefing, declaring the case investigation is completed. Communications, on July 23, 2016, County employees Zhao Zishuang was xiaojinyu because of disputes over red, Luo Hujun assault. On July 25, the supermarket manager called Zhao Zishuang, xiaojinyu mediation, failed to reach an agreement. Later, Zhao Zi double suicide. "At the moment, xiaojinyu County Public Security Bureau, Luo Hujun beating Zhao Zi has investigated the case of double, and on August 2 to beat others to administrative detention to xiaojinyu 10th, fined 500 Yuan for administrative penalties".

NET customers and mediator status, County Committee publicity followed release note, denied "special status said", calling it "ordinary business".

Beijing News reporter learned that punishment day, xiaojinyu County, have been sent to detention centres the implementation of administrative detention. Luo Hujun due to suffering from mental illness, criminal responsibility in judicial expertise is still in progress, need to be made after the expert opinion accordingly.

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Special status of JI an cashier

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The Beijing News

  原标题:吉安通报“女收银员自杀”:打人者被行拘 无特殊身份

  新京报快讯(记者王煜) 今日(3日)上午,新京报记者从江西吉安县委外宣办了解到,该县“女收银员被打后自杀”一事,公安机关已调查完毕。实施殴打的两名顾客中,除一人仍在鉴定精神状况外,另一人被处行政拘留的处罚。吉安县委外宣办称,涉事顾客方“并无网传的特殊身份”。






  新京报 记者了解到,处罚作出当天,肖金玉已被送往吉安县拘留所执行行政拘留。罗呼君因患精神病,作案时责任能力的司法鉴定仍在进行当中,需待鉴定意见作出后再作相应处理。


特殊身份 吉安 收银员


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