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Guangdong, China health family planning Commission: launch pilot solution of antibiotics abuse

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/3 23:21:44 Browse times: 149 Comment times: 0

Guangdong, China health family planning Commission: launch pilot solution of antibiotics abuse(广东中国卫生计划生育委员会:启动试点解决抗生素滥用)

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Guangdong, China health family planning Commission: launch pilot address the overuse of antibiotics antibiotics | | health family planning Commission of China _ news

Throat discomfort, five hospitals, three antibiotics injections ... ... Yesterday, the health and family planning Commission Director Duan Yufei, Guangdong Province, led the line in Guangdong "hotline", in response to abuse of antibiotics, fluids and other hot issues. It is revealed that comprehensive health care reform of Guangdong Province will start in December this year, provincial family planning Commission of China are developing programmes to address the abuse of antibiotics, infusion.

Tang Nan/Guangzhou daily news correspondent Hu Zhihui

  Throat discomfort three of five hospitals prescribing antibiotics

Recently, Jiangsu halted more than two outpatient infusions, renewing concern about overuse of antibiotics and "limited resistance" discussion. In recent years, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other restricted outpatient infusion. However, Guangdong has no specific restrictive measures.

Last week, the "hotline" reporter throat discomfort, in 5 hospitals internal medicine clinic, diagnosis respectively, pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis, acute bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infection 4. Medical costs ranges from 25 to 125, maximum 5 times times.

Costs in the first three of which 3 hospitals namely yongping Street Dongping road, Baiyun district, Guangzhou East hospital, yongtai Baiyun district community health service station, Baiyun Avenue North Zhongshan hospital boji (Baiyun) Hospital (Note: all three are public, Dong Nhon is Street), is used by doctor's prescription antibiotic or hormone injections.

Chinese medicine prescribing antibiotics is not uncommon. The reporter visited the hospital in yuexiu district hospital in the province and found that transfusion room at the hospital in the same lively. A Guangzhou hospital doctors said when interviewed, "notifications have been received, but said restricted antibiotics, said limiting the number of injections. ”

Statistics show that only two large public hospitals in Shenzhen in Guangdong province to stop outpatient adult intravenous fluids, infusion nurses in a hospital in Guangzhou said that one hundred or two hundred people a day injections or infusions, increase in the number of outpatient transfusion.

Launched comprehensive reform pilot solution of antibiotics abuse

"On this problem must be solved in antibiotic abuse. "Duan Yu Fei replied, what method is used, or through research programmes. "Cannot be made across the Board, gave tomorrow, all second-level hospitals cannot be transfusion, not reality." Duan Yufei said the transfusion and antibiotics before why do so actively, because a shot down, Hospital 15% of bonuses. State control since the hospital addition has been cancelled, medication for hospitals, there is no benefit can be had. According to the percentage of drug data, Guangdong has been relatively good.

It is reported that the comprehensive reform of Guangdong Province will start in December this year, "we will go through integrated pilot schemes included in the reform of Guangdong Province, taken into account this, hospitals must first norm," Duan Yufei said, "the ultimate objective is to effectively solve the antibiotic abuse, we are research and development programme, Guangdong, more in line with reality. Move is certainly in the next year, we hope this process as short as possible. "" At the same time, through three medical (medical, health care, medicine) linkage, the settlement of the problem in good effect. "Duan Yufei said.

Director of Medical Affairs, Zhang added, about drug use, each doctor's thinking different, different doctors may not prescribe the same medicine, subject to principles of diagnosis, treatment and antibiotic use. "Transfusion and antibiotics do exist too many conditions, provincial health family planning had also been strengthened Regulation in this area", said Zhang Wei, if the transfusion because of a pay-per-item issue, through health care reform, Cap and paid by the people to a certain effect.

In addition, the principles of the use of antibiotics has been a focus of national regulation, provincial family planning Commission of China, and the hospital is also in focus. "Because of illness and treatment, antibiotic use, medical quality control of integrated means to strengthen, there are certain effects. "Zhang Wei examples: last year's daily average of provincial people's hospital outpatient amount is 10,000 people, daily infusions is 250, through hospitals initiative to strengthen supervision, take the initiative to reduce transfusion, infusion has now dropped to 55 people, a decline of 78%.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Antibiotics health family planning Commission of China

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  文/广州日报记者汤南 通讯员胡志慧








  “关于抗生素滥用这个问题一定要解决。”段宇飞回应道,究竟用什么方法,还需经过调研制定方案。“不能搞一刀切,明天就一声令下,所有二级甲等以上医院 都不能输液,这不现实”。段宇飞透露,以前输液和打抗生素为什么那么积极,因为打一针下去,医院有15%的加成。国家实行控制以来,医院加成已经取消,用 药对医院来说没有任何利可得。根据药占比数据来看,广东已经比较好了。

  据悉,广东省将在今年12月份启动综合医改,“我们将通过广东列入医改综合试点省,把这个考虑进去,三甲医院肯定首先要规范,”段宇飞说,“最终目的就 是把抗生素滥用问题有效解决,我们正在调研并制定方案,看如何更符合广东实际。动起来肯定是在明年了,我们希望这个过程尽可能短些。”“同时,通过三医 (医疗、医保、医药)联动,使解决这个问题达到比较好的效果。”段宇飞说。

  医政处处长张伟补充道,关于药物使用,每个医生的诊疗思维不同,不同的医生不一定开一模一样的药,只要符合诊疗及抗生素使用原则即可。“输液及抗生素使 用确实存在过多过滥的情况,省卫生计生委也一直在加强这方面的监管”,张伟称,如果输液多的原因是按项目付费的问题,通过医改、总量控制以及按人付费会起 到一定效果。

  此外,抗生素的使用原则一直 是国家的整治重点,省中国卫生计划生育委员会及各家医院也在重点抓。“因病施治,抗菌药的使用比例、医疗质量控制等综合手段都要加强,也有一定的效果。”张伟举例说明:省 人民医院去年日均门诊量是1万人,日输液量是250人,通过医院主动加强监管,主动减少门诊输液,现在日输液量已经下降到55人,降幅达78%。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

抗生素 中国卫生计划生育委员会


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