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China’s high-speed rail profits map: make a lot of money in the East, Central, West

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/2 10:00:04 Browse times: 300 Comment times: 0

China’s high-speed rail profits map: make a lot of money in the East, Central, West(中国高铁盈利地图:东部赚大钱,中部、西部亏)

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China's high-speed rail profits map: make a lot of money in Eastern, Central, Western | high-speed rail _ news

The Chief Photographer of the Visual Center of the China economic weekly Xiaoyi photography

Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed trains, and Ning-Hang Gaotie net profit reached 641 million Yuan and 101 million yuan in 2015. CFP

The China economic weekly reported Xinhua Shanghai Lao Jiadi |

(Article published in the China economic weekly, 2016, 30th)

Even in the "first nation" United States, high-speed rail has been a sensitive topic. Soon after taking office in his State of the Union address, Obama throw allocated tens of billions of dollars of good faith, macerated by Republicans and private owners of land who voted, one of the important reasons is to keep up--until 2015, America first Gao Tiecai broke ground in California.

The same time, because of high costs led to losses controversial high-speed rail in China has entered a profit-making period. Officially secret operations report card for a long time horizon in recent days: last year the Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Nanjing, Nanjing-Hangzhou, Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong, Shanghai-Hangzhou and Beijing-Tianjin-6 high-speed railway profit is positive, except for Beijing-Tianjin high-speed lines, the remaining lines are running within 5 years to achieve profitability, last year's net profit of 6.58 billion yuan of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway also known as the world's most profitable high-speed rail.

In fact, the recognized break-even or profitable high-speed rail line in the world there are only two articles: traffic in 1964 Japan Tokaido Shinkansen and the Paris-Lyon TGV South-East line opened in 1981. France high-speed rail in 1995, is still mired in losses, arrears of wages for up to 3 weeks even the railway workers ' strike.

However, although domestic high-speed rail comparable to the rate of profit only by Tokaido Shinkansen, but there are still many high speed rail to break loss-making situation. According to the China economic weekly reporter, zhengxi, your Canton, LAN, Cheng Gui, South Canton, Lan-Yu and other high-speed rail lines in the Midwest are losing money, and some even from profits in sight.

  The "demographic dividend" into a profitable key

East Coast high speed rail line is to become the largest profits in the area of "cow". Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail once expected is that 5-year construction period, plus operating 5 years, gradually to reach break-even, 14 years after repayment. After two years in a row in 1 billion after taking into account losses, 2013 or even market rumors say, second to third-largest shareholder in Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, ping an asset management company and the National Council for Social Security Fund also has suggested withdrawal request.

But in 2014, daily sending more than 290,000 visitors of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, high-speed rail ticket revenues of about 30 billion yuan has been approaching break-even point last year, which brings together the national rail passenger routes are one-eighth of a major breakthrough, reaped nearly 6.6 billion yuan in net profit for the year, become a railway company in the hands of the most valuable, high quality assets.

High speed rail generally profitable highlights in the Yangtze River Delta region. The China economic weekly reporter held 17% shares of Jiangsu Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed rail transportation holding company earnings, Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed rail connecting Shanghai and Nanjing also in 2014 to profit Net profit of 142 million Yuan profits last year expanded, reaching 641 million; Ning-Hang Gaotie in 2014 after a loss of 380 million Yuan, the same profit inflection points in last year, 101 million yuan in net profit, while according to the original Hu yadong, Deputy General Manager of the railways Corporation said, building the shorter length of the Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway have been profitable.

This is closely related to the above-mentioned population density along the high-speed rail. Such as the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway runs through the three municipalities of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Hebei, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, connecting Bohai rim and the Yangtze River Delta, two most developed and urbanization's fastest-growing economic region, along the 26.7% of the total population of the country's population, accounted for 11 million population city. Shanghai-Nanjing and Shanghai-Hangzhou, Nanjing and Hangzhou line is running through the urban agglomerations in China's most populated, the productivity of the most developed Yangtze River Delta region.

Two other first profitable high speed rail lines the same interpretation of the "demographic dividend" of logic. The Canton-Shenzhen-Hong Kong rail profit of 177 million Yuan last year, for example, Hong Kong had not yet been built, but already the backbone connects two souls in the PRD cities line, Shenzhen and Dongguan station along the population flows. The sixth population census results show that the net inflow of Guangdong province 10 years about 20.62 million, ranking first in the country, is the most attractive cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

2008 opening of the Beijing-Tianjin high-speed rail line was the first high-speed rail passenger line, 120-km-long railway line connecting Beijing and Tianjin, two pivotal northern cities, radiation of the economic population amount to billions. Although there is no advantage of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway that low debt ratio, according to the China railway tunnel Group Deputy Chief Engineer Wang mengshu introduced, the current "star line" is also profitable.

  Midwest high speed rail operations generally bleak

Than with the developed eastern areas, countries in building high-speed rail lines in the Midwest is fire ice days. The China economic weekly notes, put into operation as early as January 2010 zhengxigaotie (Zhengzhou-Xian) compared to the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway early launch, profitability is always worrying. According to the feasibility study for the zhengxigaotie, in busy sectors 2010 day for lines 59 to high-speed rail emus, 2018, 125 in 2028 177 a day every day. Now, however, zhengxigaotie a day driving about 30 pairs of high-speed emus, far from increasing, even 6 years ago plans were watered down, attendance is less than 50%. Two years later, iron total were disclosed, due to the high iron loss of 1.4 billion yuan, was a drag on earnings of 400 million Yuan loss of 1 billion yuan in Zhengzhou Railway Administration.

Through the longest karst landscape of Guizhou-Guangdong high-speed railway profitability is not optimistic. It is understood that the Guizhou-Guangdong high-speed railway with a total investment of 91.819 billion yuan, 50% principal, 50% for 10-year loans. Cheung Kin-GUI-Guang railway company Board Chairman and General Manager had publicly admitted, even with 6.6% of the basic interest rate, interest on mortgage repayments will be 3 billion yuan a year. Guizhou-Guangdong high-speed railway opened, ticket revenues to 1 billion yuan a year, not counting loss of utilities, labor services, parts, maintenance and other costs, operating loss is expected.

, Probably the same struggle has cost lanxingaotie of 143.5 billion yuan (Lanzhou-Urumqi), although all have 39 points, but diminishing population density from Lanzhou to Urumqi, in Xinjiang through the Gobi wind is a world famous inland's four zones, maximum wind speed of 60 m/s, which makes construction costs to increase. Lanzhou to Urumqi each day, now only open 5 on the EMU, Lanzhou to Xining, only this time the short line for more than an hour driving more on the EMU, cost recovery is in sight.

Wide study on railway network of people believes that high-speed rail along the most critical Fulcrum profit or not, is urban population density, economic development is brought about by the traffic increase. Reporter note to, 2014 World Bank had has survey displayed, 2013 China high-speed rail passengers travel purpose more is business and leisure, in long JI city inter (Changchun-Jilin) high-speed rail Shang, passengers average months into 4300 Yuan, General train only for 3200 Yuan; Tianjin-Jinan Duan Gaotie of passengers earning 6700 Yuan, above General train of 4500 Yuan, description high-speed rail passengers more is income high of crowd.

The geographical imbalance in the urbanization rate of more than 90% of Japan also set up. China economic weekly reporter had took new route roaming Japan, found except TRANS-Kanto, and Kansai, connection Tokyo and Osaka of East Road new route passenger has guarantees outside, other as Sanyo, and Northeast, and Shang more, and North land, Hou built line attendance are very low, often a car within only has one or two bit passengers, fare slightly high of "retained seats" seat more is needy wanted.

  Construction cost down?

Due to the high speed rail itself can stimulate local economic development, promoting the balanced geographical pattern, which belongs to the State strategic planning, although high speed rail in the Midwest were made at a loss for the time being, but on July 20, issued by China's national development and Reform Commission of the medium-and long-term railway network plan (2016-2025), China's high-speed rail network is "four vertical and four horizontal" upgrade to "eight longitudinal and eight lateral".

It is reported that by 2020, the mileage is expected to reach 30,000 kilometers of high-speed rail lines by 2025, mileage will reach 38,000 km of high-speed rail lines by 2030, high-speed rail network connecting provincial capitals and other cities of more than 500,000 people, achieve 1-4 hours between the adjacent cities of City Circle, became a top priority in the Midwest.

Behind the high loss of nature there is a high input of account. Then, over the next 10 years, is it possible to change high-speed rail projects often exceeds the situation? According to the reporter, had built the line, capital cost often exceeds initial projections. 2004 China approved by the State Council in the Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger dedicated railway feasibility report shows, when the construction of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway will cost 93 billion yuan. Coordination of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway early preparations for the meeting, said investment had risen to 116.6 billion yuan, not including actual capital chasing parts.

Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail project proposals in the budget of 160 billion yuan, is overweight in the feasibility study to the 220.9 billion yuan. Beijing-Tianjin high-speed rail investment, after up to 300 km/h, the original budget rose eventually exceeded 20 billion yuan.

"From the world-wide, high-speed rail has little precedent of absolute profits, actually from the aspects of civil engineering and vehicle cost estimates has been low by international standards, foreign high-speed rail cost of domestic high-speed rail cost 2 to 3 times. "In this regard, the railway Ministry official told the China economic weekly reporter said.

According to the source, compared to Germany Cologne Frankfurt line/km about 300 million yuan of the cost and Korea opened in 2004 high-speed railway subgrade/km cost 250 million Yuan, the cost of high-speed rail in China has a great competitive advantage,/km only 150 million Yuan.

But reporters also noted that high speed rail projects in the past a grey area of corruption, is an unavoidable reality. Audit had has official audit results displayed, Beijing Shanghai high-speed rail 1, and 4 standard paragraph, and Shanghai HongQiao station, and Tianjin West station for exists not by provides adjustable reduction engineering pricing, and Super range adjustable increased since purchased material price, problem, more meter engineering paragraph total 137 million Yuan; Beijing Shanghai company will railways economic planning Institute is responsible for of general reference figure dynamic track and technology service work in the of part content, repeat delegate to in the iron design Advisory Group Limited, increased has engineering cost 22 million Yuan.

According to statistics, at present there are 25 companies listed on the a-share market the company's main business areas involved in high-speed rail, its executives often comes from direct railway, and some also have positions in the railway system.

As anti-corruption storm sweeps, future high-speed rail construction costs might also become more "economic", which would source for high-speed rail "burden" to improve its profitability.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
High speed rail

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责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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