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Zhang Hai prisons meritorious service is revoked, the prison police to assist them in prison,

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/1 5:44:36 Browse times: 319 Comment times: 0

Zhang Hai prisons meritorious service is revoked, the prison police to assist them in prison,(张海狱中立功被撤销,监狱请公安协助将其收监,)

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Zhang Hai prison those repealed prison security to assist in its custody | Zhang Hai | remove | prison _ news

Wujiang prison official in Guangdong Province sent a letter

Express News reporter-piao reported recently, Takee prisons official sent a letter, Sanshui district, Foshan City, Guangdong province public security authorities, asking for the assistance of Zhang Hai Executive in prison.

According to reports, Zhang Hai, Chairman of jianlibao former connection with the Commission of crime of crime of official embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, was arrested on April 30, 2005, September 12, 2008 by the Guangdong provincial high people's Court of second instance was sentenced to 10 years. After November 2008, Zhang Hai prison reform in Guangdong. In June 2010, December, Zhang Hai reporting for exposing crimes committed more than invention and "auto front and rear mirrors" utility patents for meritorious service and major for meritorious service award, and therefore gets the sentence 4 years 1 month and 28 days, on January 26, 2011, prison serving their sentences.

The investigation, Zhang Hai bribery investigation leads information get used to meritorious service. Foshan prison staff, his lawyer bribe on his behalf to get clue, prosecutors revealed. The so-called national patent, and Zhang Hai "imposters defraud". Zhang Hai was behind his original company the patent engineers design, and operate through patent agents declare.

At present, the prison authorities have revoked the Zhang Hai's rendering meritorious service and major for meritorious service, twice of the Shaoguan intermediate people's Court to withdraw accordingly Zhang Hai commutation decision. In accordance with the law, Zhang Hai has more than 4 years 1 month and 28 days imprisonment.

It is reported that the provincial discipline Inspection Commission and other relevant departments last year, has set out to Zhang Hai offending sentence case in the prison system, people involved in the investigation. Personnel involved has already been sentenced, some still in the course of the investigation. After identifying the case constitutes a crime, will be referred to judicial authorities for trial, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; a disciplinary violation, will seriously investigate the relevant responsibilities of party and Government disciplines to punishment.

Zhang Hai cases, lesson. Prison authorities are to carry out "radical" activities, in order to strictly regulate the commutation and parole and medical parole work, make full use of portals, platforms and carriers, such as the prison Tribunal, continually expanding the breadth and depth of public prisons, public commutation and parole and medical parole cases handled the situation of offenders, strengthening regulation and supervision, to create "Sun prisons", subject to public supervision.

(Edit: SN091)January 31, 2014 Golden Goat excursions, Express News(张海狱中立功被撤销 监狱请公安协助将其收监 |监狱|张海|撤销_新闻资讯


  新快报讯 记者黄琼报道 近日,广东省武江监狱正式发函佛山市三水区公安机关,请求协助对张海执行收监。

  据介绍,张海系健力宝原董事长,因犯职务侵占罪、挪用资金罪, 于2005年4月30日被逮捕,2008年9月12日经广东省高院二审判处有期徒刑10年。2008年11月后,张海在广东监狱服刑改造。2010年6月、12月,张海因检举揭发他犯余罪和发明“汽车前后双视镜”实用新型专利分获立功和重大立功奖励,并因此获取减刑4年1个月28天,于2011年1月26日刑满出狱。






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