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Li keqiang: China and global economic growth

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Li keqiang: China and global economic growth(李克强:促进中国和全球经济共同增长)

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Li keqiang: China and the global economic growth | the World Bank _ news
News Agency, Cheng Jiapeng

China State Prime Minister Li keqiang 22nd morning in here Shi with World Bank President Kim, and international currency Fund Organization President Lagarde, and World Trade Organization total officer Azevedo, and International Labour Organization total officer Ryder, and economic cooperation and Development Organization Secretary-General Gurria, and financial stable Council President Carney held "1+6" roundtable dialogue will, around "global economic situation and challenge" and "China economic transformation in the of growth new kinetic energy" in-depth discussion, common meets reporter and answered questions.

Li said despite the current global economic instability and increased uncertainty, but conquer world market potential and human wisdom. The parties confidence, develop economy, improve people's livelihood a priority, to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth as a concerted effort to objective. The steady recovery of the world economy to address both the symptoms and balance short-and long-term problems, a modest expansion of aggregate demand, under deregulation, supports innovation, improving employment opportunities, promoting inclusive growth direction of structural reforms. Financial flexibility, played the supporting role of monetary policies on the real economy.

News Agency, Cheng Jiapeng

Li noted that promoting the steady recovery of the world economy is the shared responsibility of the parties. Should cherish and strive to maintain a peaceful and stable international environment, firmly supports the process of globalization, and played the main role of the multilateral trading system, oppose all forms of protectionism, prudent use of restrictive trade measures. All major economies should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, improve the transparency and predictability of policy, full account of spillover effects of policies. International organizations should play a leading and coordinating role in this regard. Hangzhou, China is willing to work with the parties to promote the Group of 20 Summit a success, achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.

News Agency, Cheng Jiapeng

Li stressed that China's current economic volatility potential is still steady, continued to hold up well. We expand aggregate demand and supply side to advance structural reforms as the main line, to rise in increments, stock adjustment and restructuring. But we also see that the world economic situation remains complicated and grim, downward pressure on the domestic economy are still large, face many challenges. We will strive to overcome difficulties, and adhere to a comprehensive reform, further streamlining of administrative procedures, stimulate creativity and vitality of the market, through innovation-driven development strategy and public entrepreneurship much innovation, develop new energy, transforming and upgrading traditional energy, maintain stable economic performance, promote structural optimization. China's economy is the world's economic "stability anchor". We run China's Affairs well is itself a contribution to world development.

Xinhua News Agency, Yao Dawei

Participating in international economic and financial institutions said that this dialogue be timelier, Parties responding to global challenges and promote world economic recovery, such as extensive exchanges, reaching consensus on many issues, also show that China is willing to work with the international community to strengthen communication, commitment to international cooperation and positive attitude. China in the world trading system is an important partner, advocate of globalization and multilateralism, as this year's Chairman of the Group of 20 countries has played an important leadership. Cut world economic growth forecasts of the International Monetary Fund at the same time, the increase in China's economic growth is expected, is optimistic about Government adhere to the reform and opening up, China's commitment and implement policies for sustainable growth and success. Parties are willing to work together with the Chinese side to boost world trade, advancing the 2030 sustainability agenda, to establish an open, flexible system of international financial and trade to achieve better development results for all human beings share.

After the meeting, the parties issued a joint press release.

Editor: Sue is imperative

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Chinese Government NET
中新社 盛佳鹏

中国国务院总理李克强 22日上午在钓鱼台芳华苑同世界银行行长金墉、国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德、世界贸易组织总干事阿泽维多、国际劳工组织总干事莱德、经济合作与发展组织秘 书长古里亚、金融稳定理事会主席卡尼举行“1+6”圆桌对话会,围绕“全球经济形势和挑战”与“中国经济转型中的增长新动能”深入讨论,共同会见记者并回 答提问。

李克强表示,尽管当 前全球经济面临的不稳定和不确定因素增多,但世界市场有潜力、人类有智慧攻坚克难。各方要坚定信心,把发展经济、改善民生放在优先位置,把实现强劲、可持 续、平衡增长作为一致努力的目标。世界经济稳定复苏要标本兼治,统筹兼顾短期和中长期问题,适度扩大总需求,按照放松管制、支持创新、改善就业、促进包容 性增长的方向推动结构性改革。保持财政政策灵活性,发挥货币政策对实体经济的支持作用。

中新社 盛佳鹏

李克强指出,促进世 界经济稳定复苏是各方的共同责任。应当倍加珍惜和努力维护和平稳定的国际环境,坚定支持全球化进程和多边贸易体制发挥主渠道作用,反对各种形式的保护主 义,审慎使用限制性贸易措施。各主要经济体要加强宏观经济政策协调,提高政策透明度和可预见性,充分考虑政策的外溢性影响。国际组织应为此发挥更大引领和 协调作用。中方愿同各方共同推动二十国集团杭州峰会取得成功,促进世界经济实现强劲、可持续、平衡增长。

中新社 盛佳鹏

李克强强调,当前中 国经济形有波动,势仍平稳,继续向好。我们适度扩大总需求,以推进供给侧结构性改革为主线,实现增量崛起,存量调整,结构转型。但我们也看到,世界经济形 势仍然复杂严峻,国内经济下行压力依然较大,面临诸多挑战。我们将努力攻坚克难,坚持全面深化改革,进一步简化行政程序,更大激发社会创造力和市场活力, 通过实施创新驱动发展战略和大众创业万众创新,壮大新动能,改造和提升传统动能,保持经济平稳运行,促进结构不断优化。中国经济是世界经济的“稳定锚”。 我们把中国的事情办好本身就是对世界发展的贡献。

新华社 姚大伟

与会国际经济金融机 构负责人表示,本次对话会恰逢其时,各方就应对全球挑战、推动世界经济复苏等广泛深入交流,达成许多共识,也展现出中国愿同国际社会加强沟通、致力于国际 合作的积极姿态。中国是世界贸易体系中的重要伙伴、全球化和多边主义的积极倡导者,作为今年二十国集团主席国发挥了重要领导力。国际货币基金组织下调世界 经济增长预期的同时,调高中国经济增长预期,是看好中国政府坚持改革开放的决心和实施可持续增长的政策取向及成效。各方愿与中方共同努力,提振世界贸易, 推进2030年可持续发展议程,建立开放、有韧性的国际金融和贸易体系,实现发展成果更好为全人类共享。





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