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“Red rice source“-making red rice product in full industrial chain _ news

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“Red rice source“-making red rice product in full industrial chain _ news(“红米源”——打造红米单品全产业链_新闻资讯)

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"Red rice source"-making red rice product in full industrial chain _ news

Plant production research and development marketing

"Red rice sources", making red rice product in full industrial chain

As people increasingly more attention to food safety, organic farming is developing at an unprecedented rate. But how to achieve true organic products, safe and nutritious, and full control? Springs Road (Beijing) agricultural development company, from the date of birth, it is committed to creating a single product of organic farming industry-wide chain. Yesterday, with sales gradually improved the layout of the Terminal, its "red rice source" brand products in full industrial chain has been formed.

  One. Why choose red rice

"Select the entire value chain a red rice, this is a coincidence. "Spring road of agriculture development company Chairman Zhao Jingen said that" before this and I do experience of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases have a huge Association. "This Association is from that experience of 6 years ago, he said.

In 2010, cultural, health and sports of the CPPCC National Committee Ministry of health, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State administration of traditional Chinese medicine, 5 departments launched community chronic disease prevention and control campaigns. The following 6 years, as organizers of the project, Zhao Jingen's company has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to do a lot of work for chronic disease prevention and control.

From then on, Zhao Jingen gradually learned that patients with chronic diseases in China is how big of a group, there are 200 million people suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic diseases, and the upward trend. From then on, Zhao Jingen understand the old saying "the mouth" meaning, because many chronic diseases are food insecure, unhealthy, not scientific cause. Along with "milk," "paper stuffed dumplings", "black bean" "aged grain rice of cancer" and other dramatic events have occurred, in order to make people eat science, health and safety, Zhao Jingen germination ecology idea of organic agriculture, health and nutrition of food.

  Zhao Jingen's hometown is located in the Anhui dabie mountain area, where mountain peaks, beautiful scenery, but there also a number of State-level poverty-stricken counties. Serving home for home a little contribution to the development of power, Zhao Jingen's wish.

2013 Spring Festival, Zhao Jingen went home to visit relatives, when you get together with a friend in Taihu County Government, said his investment ideas of organic farming concerns here at home. The friend immediately thought of the red rice. Friends said that a red rice in the mountains, very high nutritional value, can prolong life and ate red rice aged a lot in the mountains.

Thus, year not over, friends took him into the mountains, looking for plant red and rice families. A two-day visit, get them excited. Originally, this red rice without chemical fertilizer, because of the high rice stalks, grow higher after fertilization, lodging is easy. Without pesticides, natural micro-climate of the mountains, pests can hardly lay their eggs. Irrigated with spring water, is a true natural crops.

To confirm the nutritional value of red rice, and after the Spring Festival, Zhao Jingen brought two large bags of rice back to Beijing. He quickly found the China Agricultural University, food science and nutritional Engineering College Professor He Jiguo. He is an expert in food and nutrition. Detection of Professor he once again confirms the nutritional value of red rice. They found the red rice is rich in dietary fiber, lysine, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium and other trace elements. These nutrient for the prevention and control of chronic diseases have a very important role, and this seemed to turn back to Zhao Jingen on the trajectories of chronic disease prevention and control.

After 3 years, Zhao Jingen flew into the red rice grown in the formation team, scale cultivation, commercial negotiation, product development, sales, channel development, and so on, is busy.

  Two. Why choose red rice breakfast

"Stayed in the mountains for a long time in the countryside, and farmers working long, go back to the city, especially in big cities like Beijing, you will be uncomfortable. "Zhao Jingen said," whether it be in the subway, is driving down the street, you can see forever is a rushing stream, long shadow, morning and evening peak is even more so. ”

  Zhao Jingen said that when he was sitting in the fields, often come to city commuters travel in mind while casually eating the breakfast scene.

"A lot of people overtime, got up late mornings are often makeshift roadside stalls or temporary roadside shop to buy something to eat. To tell the truth, roadside breakfast absolutely difficult to guarantee health and nutrition, the health damage is cumulative. "Zhao Jingen said.

Survey shows nearly 95% people think that eating breakfast is important, 47% of people cannot stick to breakfast. In March 2015, Zhao Jingen decided to develop a suitable for Office workers eating breakfast, convenient nutrition. His idea received strong support from the Professor He Jiguo.

The old saying goes, eat breakfast, lunch to eat, eat less dinner. Foreign law is, eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a gentleman, and dinner like a pauper. This explanation is Professor He Jiguo, breakfast the day's nutrient intake to 30%, who eats breakfast, energy and are less than those who do not eat breakfast, and will lower the risk of developing high cholesterol and diabetes.

Red rice for breakfast, there is a second reason is that rice belongs to the wild rice coarse grain crop, hard texture, directly to Cook rice or porridge, need to be heated for a long time, food taste bad so, processed into food for breakfast, not only changed the food taste, while ensuring that the nutrition, serve two purposes.

Now, as a "source of red rice" nutrition nutritional formula, Chief expert, Professor He Jiguo series of red rice is leading a team to develop more products, such as germination Mi Lou red rice, red rice, red rice pudding cake.

  Three. Why are what carry the whole industry chain

"Now, some organic food companies or organic agriculture companies, only sales company, not involved in the cultivation of their own production, cannot be truly process monitoring , making it difficult to source products is absolutely organic and pollution-free. "Zhao Jingen said," in order to ensure that, from the source to the Terminal the whole control, starting from the establishment of our company, strong one: only agricultural items, do deep, so fine, vertical operation. ”

At present, the road to spring (Beijing) agricultural development co in Taihu, Anhui's own base has more than 3,000 acres, but because it is a pure natural wild rice grows, so production is not high, annual output of only 300 pounds per acre. To expand production, the company plans next year to extend its base of 10000 acres, future, plan their expansion into the neighbouring mountains, and ultimately achieve the expected scale of 100,000 acres.

"We are in the production plant, research and development have independently controllable, and are currently expanding their online and offline sales channels. The future, we will have our own product line, will open its own branded stores, ' the source of red rice ' whole industrial chain real strong, so that more people eat organic breakfast. "Zhao Jingen said it was his dream. (Kathleen Gail Jensen)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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  随着人们对食品安全重视程度越来越高,有机生态农 业得到空前的发展。但如何做到产品真正的有机、安全和营养,且全程可控呢?泉之道(北京)农业开发有限公司从诞生之日起,就致力于打造有机农业的单品全产业链。昨天,随着销售终端的布局逐步完善,旗下“红米源”品牌单品全产业链已经形成。




  就是从那时起,赵金根逐渐了解到慢性病患者在中国是多么巨大的一个群体,全国有2亿多 人患上了高血压、糖尿病等慢性疾病,且有年轻化趋势。也是从那时起,赵金根理解了古语“病从口入”的含义,因为很多慢性病都是饮食不安全、不健康、不科学 造成的。随着“毒奶粉”、“纸馅包子”、“黑心豆芽”“陈化粮致癌大米”等触目惊心的事件相继发生,为了让国人吃得科学、健康与安全,赵金根萌发了做生态 有机农业、健康营养食品的念头。



  于是,年还没有过完,朋友就带着他走进了大山,寻找种植红稻米的人家。两天的走访,让他们兴奋不已。原来,种植这种红稻不用施化肥,因为稻杆很高,施肥 后会长得更高,很容易倒伏。也不用打农药,因为山里天然的小气候,害虫几乎不能在那里产卵。用山泉水灌溉,是真正的纯天然的农作物。

  为 印证红米的营养价值,春节过后,赵金根带了两大袋红米回到了北京。他迅速找到了中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院的何计国教授。何教授是食品营养方面的 专家。何教授的检测,再次印证了红米的营养价值。他们检测发现该红米中富含膳食纤维、赖氨酸及钙、锌、硒、铁、钠等多种微量元素。恰恰这些营养元素对于慢 性病的防治有很大的作用,这似乎又轮回到了赵金根慢性病防治的轨迹上。














责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146


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