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The Dalai Lama wrote to France President has been questioned: plead for terror

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/21 8:35:24 Browse times: 200 Comment times: 0

The Dalai Lama wrote to France President has been questioned: plead for terror(达赖致函法国总统遭质疑:为恐怖势力求情)

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The Dalai Lama wrote to France President has been questioned: plead for terror | the Dalai Lama _ news

On July 16, France Nice, local people continue to mourn the victims of the terrorist attack in Nice.

China Tibet network, according to foreign media reports, the Dalai Lama's letter dated July 18, France President, said when faced with tragedy, the most important thing is to try and remain calm, calling for France public "don't let anger and hatred inside control". There are comments that, the Dalai Lama interceded with suspected terrorists.

July 14 France national day evening, the southern city of Nice when people gather in the streets to participate in ceremonies, being a card car collision attacks, killing more than 80 people were killed, more than 50 people dying, hundreds of people were injured. France authorities use this as a terrorist attack.

Reuters and Agence France-Presse reported that the extremist group ISIS claimed by France in Nice large truck attacks. After the incident, France's Prime Minister says Valls, France will be acting to terrorism France launched a war.

France China's Defence Minister ledeliang 18th, nice after the terrorist attacks, France forces of extremist groups in the Middle East "Islamic State" launched two air strikes. Ledeliang said the France army continued its crackdown by participation in the total eradication of the International Union of "Islamic State" cancer efforts.

Universal support of the international community France combat operations against extremist terrorist forces. United Nations, July 14 issued a media statement, condemns in the strongest terms, takes place in France in Nice barbaric and cowardly terrorist attack. The members of the Council reiterated that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is to international peace and security is one of the most serious threats. The perpetrators of terrorist acts must be brought to justice.

In December 2015, the Dalai Lama accepted Italy media interview declared: "with the ' Islamic State ' dialogue to achieve peace by terrorist organizations. "By netizens irony" on paper ". Arab comment: "I propose to communication, Dalai had better go. I wish he could come back. "" You and they (ISIS) to communicate with it, if you can call ' virtue ' rehabilitation would be better. ”

Zhu weiqun, Director of the ethnic and religious Committee of the CPPCC has told the media that, now the world of ISIS extreme violence, bloody cruel practices should have said a preliminary understanding, implement a more effective fight against, the Dalai Lama said "listening, understanding and respect" them, to show his sympathy for ISIS, or identity. (China Tibet online text/Fan Dengke)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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The Dalai Lama

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  中国西藏网讯 据外媒报道,达赖喇嘛7月18日致函法国总统,表示面对惨剧时,最重要的是努力保持平静,呼吁法国大众“不要让愤怒与仇恨控制内心”。有评论指出,达赖言论疑似为恐怖势力求情。






  全国政协民族和宗教委员会主任朱维群曾对媒体表示,现在全世界对ISIS极端暴力、血腥残忍的行径应该说形成了初步一致认识,主张实施更有效的打击,达赖说可以“倾听、理解和尊重”他们,暴露出他骨子里对ISIS的同情或认同。(中国西藏网 文/范登科)

责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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