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Fangshan, Beijing in case of danger, the 38th group army in a mission rescue

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/21 8:35:01 Browse times: 167 Comment times: 0

Fangshan, Beijing in case of danger, the 38th group army in a mission rescue(北京房山多地遇险情,第38集团军某团驰援)

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Beijing Fangshan district to a rescue in case of danger the 38th group Army (photo) | | |38 rainstorm forces _ in Beijing News

Original title: Fangshan suffered as much danger, 38th Army Corps of speedy rescue

Chinese army network (special correspondent Liu Wei, Wang Lukuan)

In recent days, suffered as much sustained heavy rain, Fangshan district, over 200 mm of precipitation on average, many low-lying areas of stagnant water intrusion risk. July 20, 13:50, take Beijing flood the 38th Army Corps of emergency power after receiving the rescue command, quickly dispatched 200 soldiers, soldiers rushed rescue of two road, Changyang town, Fangshan in Beijing at the country park and the community, implementation of flood control and emergency rescue missions.

Windy, rain. Changyang town country garden residential underground garage the rain poured in ground drainage system paralyzed, first floor of the residential building partially housing a large number of water, the situation is very critical. Big hard play, emergency heroes. "Party members, to come to the front! "14:58, which after the first batch of 100 rescue personnel arrived at the community, Huo Shufeng, head of leading party members in the first key quickly to rescue them. They make full use of local stone and materials, artificial fillings pick sand bags, shoulder hand over more than 400, 4 most serious intrusion of the garages, flood the first floor of the residential building reinforcing, while sandbags covering piping hole cover. After several hours of continuous fighting, the effective control of danger, to protect people's life and property safety.

Meanwhile, Beijing Fangshan campus in four large areas were flooded, all power, playgrounds, basketball courts and other low-lying vast ocean. More serious is that surface water to the ground floor and the first floor classroom has poured in continually jump the water line, serious threat to the security of the whole school. 15:30, the second batch of 100 relief troops arrived under Commissar Guo Chuangli led in four campuses. Facing a serious danger, their science developed the first barrage, embankment, then draining after programme, and then embark on rescue, total shipping bag more than 3,200 square bags of soil and stone, built a protection Dam for a short time, effective control of the point. As of press time, the danger had been fully controlled, personal and public property of the whole school security has been guaranteed. "You're on my heart at ease, the key is to rely on our own army at the time! "Distress termination President Gu said excitedly.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Beijing storm 38

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北京房山多地遇险情 第38集团军某团驰援(图)|北京|暴雨|38军_新闻资讯



  近 日来,北京市房山区多地遭遇持续强降雨,平均降水量超过200毫米,多处低洼地段发生积水倒灌险情。7月20日中午13时50分,担负北京市抗洪抢险应急 力量的第38集团军某工兵团接到救援命令后,迅速出动200名官兵,兵分两路火速驰援长阳镇北京四中房山分校和碧桂园小区,执行防汛抢险应急救援任务。

  狂 风肆虐,大雨滂沱。长阳镇碧桂园小区地下车库被雨水倒灌,地上排水系统基本瘫痪,居民楼一楼部分房屋大量进水,情势十分危急。大事难事看担当,危急关头方 显英雄本色。“是党员的,都到前面来!”14时58分,该团第一批100名救援官兵抵达小区后,团长霍树锋第一时间带领党员骨干迅速展开救援。他们充分运 用就近的石料和器材,人工装填、肩扛手挑沙石袋400余个,对4处倒灌最严重的车库、居民楼一楼进行防洪加固,同时对发生管涌的井盖进行沙袋压覆。经过数 小时的连续奋战,险情得到有效控制,及时保护了人民群众的生命财产安全。

  与 此同时,北京四中房山分校大面积被淹,全校停电,操场、篮球场等低洼处汪洋一片。更为严峻的是,路面积水持续向地下一层和一楼教室倒灌,水位线不断跃升, 严重威胁全校师生的安全。15时30分,该团第二批100名救援官兵在政委郭创立带领下迅速抵达四中分校。面对严峻险情,他们科学制订了先拦坝、后筑堤、 再排水的方案,并随即展开救援,共装运土石沙袋3200余袋,短时间内筑起一条防护坝,有效控制了险情。截至发稿时,险情已得到全面控制,全校师生人身以 及公共财产安全得到了有力保证。“有你们在我们心里特别踏实,关键时候还是要靠我们的子弟兵!”险情解除后,顾校长激动地说。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

北京 暴雨 38军


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