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Beijing rescue workers crawling in the water drainage, face away from the dirty water a few millimeters

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/21 8:34:34 Browse times: 146 Comment times: 0

Beijing rescue workers crawling in the water drainage, face away from the dirty water a few millimeters(北京抢险人员匍匐积水中排水,脸离脏水几毫米)

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Beijing rescue workers crawling few mm away from dirty water drainage face Beijing, rainstorm | | | rescue _ news

Yesterday, a draining rescue workers crawling on the orange-red color in the water touched a lot of people (pictured). In this photo, Zhou Xiaohui whole body lying in the water drainage and rescue personnel, and deep gullies in the whole right arm, struggling to digging. In yesterday's storm emergency, there are innumerable Zhou Xiaohui, drainage flood control of group a total of 3,102 people, 260 people patrol the fishing group hold jobs.

Photographer: heart took a picture

Yesterday, the Beijing morning news reporter contacted the photographer of this photo--Beijing drainage group emergency team of the Israeli-Palestinian war-British in gaobeidian wastewater treatment plant. BA English said yesterday morning, drainage launches premium response, he and Zhou Xiaohui and another team inspected. In gaobeidian Bridge Road, they found poor road water, opened after the rain Olivier, Zhou Xiaohui didn't hesitate to kneel, and digs his hand into the gully blockage. "I saw him lying down, moved, took the phone took a picture. ”

Since then, the reporters delayed contact Zhou Xiaohui, until 19:50, reporter called Zhou Xiaohui phone, the phone rang and the loud background noise. He is still under cover of night, without leaving work. "Xiao Jiao Ting has just finished dealing with a stagnant water. "He told reporters.

From 6:30 A.M. arrived in gaobeidian bridge, Xiao Jiao Ting 19:50 finished with danger, Zhou Xiaohui has been going on for 13 hours. Them to inspect, discover reported rescue points, if simple and easy to handle on his own hand. They opened the manhole cover to speed up rain water to drain away, but it will be a long time standing next to the manhole cover to prevent pedestrians and vehicles into the water. Yesterday at noon and in the evening, they eat simple meals.

Photographed by: flood everyone doing

To describe their movements over the photo, $literal Zhou Xiaohui feels this is "weird", "is the gullies were blocked, that it is necessary to lay down, to dig by hand, determine if a foreign body blocking. Might be junk, probably leaves may be long alluvial mud. There's nothing to tell, we flood control and everyone is going to do, doing the right thing this post. ”

Sometimes, hand cut out debris, water will go down, but if it is over the mud and pumping on that need, and human use. Today, Zhou Xiaohui Tao for a long time, found to be "slam" mud, he for a moment, no, still pumping, and restore the flow of rain water to drain away.

Body lying on the ground, one arm into the gullies in the sewage, seen from the photos, face only a few millimeters from the dirty water almost, Zhou Xiaohui said: "it was quite deep, so only. "Bare hands to dig, they get injured? He said, can't wear gloves, easy operation, even if difficult, also ignored, the most important was the first time most quickly to clear gullies or water on the up and up in a Flash.

There is a saying, forwarded by many people yesterday, "even if rain makes the whole city upside down, they'll give you a hug. ”

Beijing morning news reporters Wang Hailiang/text

BA British/photo

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Beijing heavy rain disaster

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The Beijing morning post
北京抢险人员匍匐积水中排水 脸离脏水几毫米|北京|暴雨|抢险_新闻资讯

  昨天,一位排水抢险人员匍匐于积水中的桔红色身影感动了许多人(如图)。这张照片里,排水抢险人员周晓辉整个身子趴伏在积水里,整条右手臂深入雨 水口里,在奋力掏挖。在昨天的暴雨抢险中,有无数的周晓辉,排水集团共有3102名防汛人员,260组人巡打捞组坚守工作岗位。


  昨天,北京晨报记者联系上了这张照片的拍摄者——北京排水集团高碑店污水处理厂抢险队的巴战英。巴战英说,昨天一大早,排水集团启动了特级响应,他和周 晓辉以及另一个队员就一起出发巡查了。在高碑店桥下辅路,他们发现道路流水不畅,掀开雨水篦子后,周晓辉没犹豫,就地跪下,把手伸进雨水口掏挖堵塞物。 “我看到他趴下来的模样,心里感动,就拿手机拍了一张。”


  从清晨6时30分抵达高碑店桥下,到19时50分处理完小郊亭险情,周晓辉已经持续工作了13个多小时。他们巡查、发现抢险点、上报,如果简单易处理, 就自己上手。他们打开井盖,以加速雨水排走,但这就要长时间站在井盖边,防止行人和车辆误入水区。昨儿中午和晚上,他们都吃的简单工作餐。




  身体整个趴在地上,一只手臂没入雨水口的污水中,从照片上看,脸离脏水几乎只有几毫米,周晓辉说:“井很深,所以只能这样。”裸手去掏,会不会受伤?他 说,这没法戴手套,容易误操作,就算扎手,也顾不上,最紧要的是第一时间最快速地疏通雨水口,否则积水一瞬间就起来了。


  北京晨报记者 王海亮/文


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

北京 暴雨 抢险


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