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Shanghai’s largest in “underground banks“ cracked the case, involving tens of billions

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/19 10:32:45 Browse times: 163 Comment times: 0

Shanghai’s largest in “underground banks“ cracked the case, involving tens of billions(上海近年最大“地下钱庄”案告破,案值上百亿)

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Shanghai's largest in "underground banks" case involving billions | underground _ breaking news

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, July 19-fraud case "black gold," flow of clues, dragged out across the territory of a large "underground" network, always involving billions of Yuan.

Recently, the battle of Shanghai police reported to the Ministry of public security launched a cluster, five police uniform arrested, will this destroy crime gangs. Among them, Shanghai police arrested more than 30 suspects over, seized the money involved is equivalent to 6.25 million Yuan to freeze funds involved more than 81 million Yuan, verified accounts for nearly 2 years in connection with the transaction flow more than 2 billion yuan.

Last August, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau economic investigation Corps of seven team uncovered a "discounted" fraud, tax evasion, 10.86 million Yuan. After a project to recover booty, units for victims to save nearly 10 million yuan in losses. Recover booty in the process of solving crimes, investigators found that some money go to over more than 50 individual accounts were turned away, in connection with the account with an obvious "underground banks" nature of money-laundering.

After relentless investigation by the police in March of this year, Sohn (female), led by "underground banks" gang in Shanghai "Division" surfaced. Sun is the "underground banks" in Shanghai's highest levels, she is in charge of Shanghai "business" and that her home was made by the Chinese Ministry of public security to combat, and the resurgence of "Ma" group.

Seven teams of Shanghai economic investigation Corps investigator Wang Xiaowen told reporters, because the fight against severe, Shanghai at present, there is no company "underground banks" are basically personal "Exchange of cattle" in the form of business. The "ox" circle each other, help each other "adjustment position" over time formed a chain of varying sizes. Sun through with "Ma" group can mobilize large amounts of money, become the chain's "Summit".

"As a business, if the exchange rate on his own ' eat '; If you can't, call home more banks. "According to Wang Xiaowen said, Sun capital every day" throughput "tens of millions of Yuan, if there is another big business, she turned to" Ma "group.

It is worth mentioning that, case detection, the police also found a lot of Bank staff were involved, their needs are not met formal channels introduce customers to "underground banks" operators, and splitting the profits from it.

Well equipped with the members of the group structure, and fix the relevant evidence, catching the Shanghai police reported to the Ministry of public security. On July 10, the Shanghai police station had just returned from Hong Kong, Shanghai, captured Sohn. The morning of July 11, Shanghai police is divided into more than 30 number of capture groups, while Shanghai implemented over more than 30 suspects arrested in the region.

Detection in the case June 2016 the Department of China's Ministry of public security, people's Bank of China, State administration of foreign exchange Department decided to continue combat in the country using offshore companies and underground banks transfer money since the initiative, launched by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau's first national battle of clusters. While the case is international pursuit recover booty against corruption "SkyNet" action carried out in Shanghai have uncovered similar cases so far organized the largest, involved the widest area of the case.

At present, the Sun, who has been detained by police, the case is still under investigation in the process.

Editors: in Yang SN185

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上海近年最大“地下钱庄”案告破 案值上百亿|地下钱庄_新闻资讯

  新华社上海7月19日电 一起诈骗案的“黑金”流向线索,牵扯出一个横跨境内外的庞大“地下钱庄”网络,总案值上百亿元人民币。




  上海经侦总队七支队侦查员汪晓文告诉记者,因为打击严厉,上海目前还没有出现公司形式的“地下钱庄”,基本都是个人以“外汇黄牛”的形式经营。 这些“黄牛”互相各有圈子,互相帮着“调头寸”,久而久之形成了规模大小不一的链条。孙某借着与“马氏”集团的关系能够调动大笔资金,成为这一链条的“首 脑”。




  该案的成功侦破系2016年6月中国公安部、中国人民银行、国家外汇管理局等部门决定继续在全国开展打击利用离岸公司和地下钱庄转移赃款专项行动以 来,由上海公安发起的首场全国集群战役。同时该案也是反腐败国际追逃追赃“天网”行动开展至今上海所破获同类型案件中打击团伙规模最大、涉案区域最广的案 件。


责任编辑:于越杨 SN185



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