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ROK representative in the Security Council condemning Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/1 2:16:14 Browse times: 271 Comment times: 0

ROK representative in the Security Council condemning Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine(中韩两国代表在安理会谴责安倍参拜靖国神社)

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ROK representative at the Council condemned Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine | Abe worship ghosts | Yasukuni | representative _ in news

Original title: ROK representative at the Council condemns the Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine

International online reported (reporter Xu Lei Ying): local time January 29, China permanent United Nations representative Liu JIEYI Ambassador in United Nations Council of open debate will Shang, again condemned Japan Prime Minister Ann times Jin three visits shrine, put this a practices called "is attempts to challenge United Nations Charter under of purposes and principles of acts", and urged Japan leaders deep reflection aggression history, to actual action as soon as possible corrected errors.

29th, in the Presidency of the Council this month Jordan's initiative, the Council "the war and its lessons, to seek a permanent peace" as its theme, held a public debate. Permanent UN representative Liu JIEYI of China addressed the meeting, said that the outbreak of two world wars in the 20th century in just 30 years, brings an unprecedented calamity to peoples, has also brought us a lot of important and profound revelations. "The second world war has been over for nearly 70 years, but the human reflection of the Holocaust is far from over. Experience, if not forgotten. We are here today to reflect on the lessons of war, designed to take history as a mirror, and cherish peace. Only a correct attitude towards history, profound reflections and lessons of history can truly eliminate war trauma to achieve durable peace in the future. ”

Knot Liu said Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, despite international opposition, blatant Yasukuni Shrine called World War II class-a war criminals and other war criminals, to those who waged a war of aggression, and invaded countries blamed for people's blood on their hands to express so-called "tribute" and "respected". This is a victory of the world anti-fascist war and to the Charter of the United Nations for the challenges of the post-war international order based, of course, strongly opposed by the Chinese Government and people and the international community and strong condemnation. "The United Nations Charter clearly stipulates that United Nations Member States must be peace-loving, accepting the obligations of the Charter. Abe did in real terms to pave the way for the reopening of aggression, war criminals started propaganda centering. All people of conscience and justice never to accept. …… Japan's leaders must understand correctly and deeply reflect on its history of aggression and take concrete actions to correct the error as soon as possible, and really win the trust of the wider international community, including the neighbouring. ”

Korea Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Kim sook, said in his statement, Japan leaders to be distorted facts that occurred during the period of militarism "is the main cause of the escalation of the situation in Northeast Asia", while Japan leaders ' visits to the Yasukuni Shrine is "Japan direct challenge in rejoining the international community after the war."

(Edit: SN028)January 30, 2014, International online(中韩两国代表在安理会谴责安倍参拜靖国神社|安倍拜鬼|参拜靖国神社|中韩代表_新闻资讯


  国际在线报道(记者 徐蕾莹):当地时间1月29日,中国常驻联合国代表刘结一大使在联合国安理会的公开辩论会上,再次谴责日本首相安倍晋三参拜靖国神社,把这一做法称作“是企图挑战《联合国宪章》的宗旨与原则的行径”,并敦促日本领导人深刻反省侵略历史,以实际行动尽快纠正错误。





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