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PRD air pollution emergency plan: Government departments paid leave

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/1 2:15:44 Browse times: 241 Comment times: 0

PRD air pollution emergency plan: Government departments paid leave(珠三角大气污染应急预案:政府部门可带薪休假)

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PRD air pollution emergency plan: Government departments paid leave _ | | | Pearl River Delta of government departments emergency news

  Air pollution in the PRD, Guangdong emergency plans

Government sector enterprises paid leave

Express News reporter Liu Zhengxu reported yesterday, the express news reporters learned from the Guangdong Provincial Government website, the Pearl River Delta region air pollution emergency plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan) which was issued by the General Office of the provincial government and organize the implementation as of January 28. According to the document, when a regional level I started responding, central city motor vehicle imposed danshuanghao the limit line, party and Government organs and enterprises, corporate seal 30%-cent, and primary and secondary schools suspension of government departments, enterprises and institutions in light of the introduction of paid holidays or on flexitime system.

When the heavily polluted

Pearl River Delta 9 danshuanghao restrictions

The provisions of the plan, cross-grade municipal administrative division of atmospheric pollution, the provincial government set up a Pearl River Delta regional air pollution emergency response leading group (hereinafter referred to as provincial leading group), responsible for unified leadership and command of regional atmospheric pollution emergency response work.

The provisions of the plan, into serious pollution of urban air pollution and high levels of pollution levels. Among them, the city refers to severe pollution of urban air quality index (AQI) in 201-300, urban pollution refers to urban air quality index (AQI) is greater than 300.

The plan also provides, the Pearl River Delta area one-third area above the control stations, that lasts 72 hours the serious pollution, pollution (ⅱ) events, the Pearl River Delta area one-third area above the control stations, lasts 72 hours of severe pollution occurs, to severe pollution (level I) events. According to the range of hazards, atmospheric pollution events, emergency response level is divided into grade ⅰ, ⅱ class two grades.

Secondary response measures including measures of health protection measures and recommendations, advocacy unit of air pollutant emissions in the public and voluntary measures to reduce emissions, and recommended control measures.

I-level response measures include health protection and mandatory pollution reduction measures. Among them, the I health protection measures in primary and secondary schools suspension of government departments, enterprises and institutions in light of the introduction of paid holidays or on flexitime system. I-level mandatory pollution reduction measures include introduction of motor vehicles danshuanghao the limit line in central urban area, party and Government organs, enterprises and 30% per cent for car storage.

Serious pollution

Cessation of all decoration and painting

Key enterprise limiting emissions of atmospheric pollutants 15% per cent, focus on State-controlled, provincial control of air pollutant emissions dispatch supervisor in-factory supervision over enterprises. Increased cleaning cleaning job 2-4 times a day, watering not less than 6 times all construction stopped work to prohibit all kinds of non-metallic minerals mining and drilling; coal ash heap, heap, heap, 100% coverage of the mine, exposed sites to maintain humidification.

Strengthen the management of towns to ban open burning of wastes directly, no open flame Grill, complete prohibition of discharge of fireworks and firecrackers. All berthing in the port with shore power must use the shore power, prohibited the use of ships, marine crude oil washing, flooding gas operations. Stop all renovations, painting and other civil behavior of volatile organic compounds emission. Meteorological departments for timing of artificial weather modification based on conditions. And stop all the decoration, painting and other civil behavior of volatile organic compounds emission.

(Edit: SN091)February 01, 2014 Golden Goat excursions, Express News(珠三角大气污染应急预案:政府部门可带薪休假|政府部门|珠三角|应急预案_新闻资讯



  新快报讯 记者刘正旭报道 昨日,新快报记者从广东省政府网站获悉,《珠江三角洲区域大气重污染应急预案》(下称《预案》)已于今年1月28日起正式由省政府办公厅印发并组织实施。根据该文件,当启动区域I级响应时,中心城区实行机动车单双号限行,党政机关和企事业单位公务车封存30%-50%,并要求中小学停课,有关政府部门、企事业单位根据情况实行带薪休假或弹性工作制。













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