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South Sudan peacekeeping wounded warriors rescue details: saw a series of fire

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South Sudan peacekeeping wounded warriors rescue details: saw a series of fire(南苏丹维和受伤战士抢救细节:一路遇到多次交火)

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South Sudan peacekeeping wounded warriors rescue details: the road exchanged fire several times (photo) | | South Sudan peacekeeping soldiers _ news

I to South Sudan peacekeeping battalion hurt Chen ying was successfully transferred to United Nations level-III hospital in Kampala, Uganda.

  China military online in Entebbe, Uganda, July 16 (reporter Luo Zheng) will not forget any of the children of the motherland! People's army will not neglect any one soldier!

July 14 at 16 o'clock local time, Kampala, Uganda the rescue from the tertiary hospital outside of the United Nations, and the Chinese army team anxiously waiting reporters, mind couldn't help flashing out of this sentence.

Rescue room, Chinese health experts and local medical staff, is where I go to South Sudan peacekeeping battalion injured Chen Ying. About 40 minutes later, the doctor informed us: patients are in stable condition, has not life-threatening.

At the moment, we are hanging heart, at least slightly down.

On July 10, I went to South Sudan peacekeeping infantry battalions, an armoured vehicle was hit by a shell, Li Lei, Yang Shupeng two soldiers killed, de la Hoya, and Chen Ying, injuries, Yao Daoxiang and Kuregaku and the Song Xiaohui slightly injured. Chen ying was the last one out of life-threatening injuries.

18:39 from July 10 attack occurred July 14 16:40 the last wounded through 94 hours, Chinese army, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a number of departments working together, ceaselessly, staged a reality version of "speed".

After the July 10 attack, configured in first time camp medics inside the ambulance rushed to the scene to treat the injured.

At that time, the fighting was fierce, shells exploded in from time to time, stray bullets flying overhead. Within 5 minutes, 2 field ambulance were rushed, the wounded rushed to hospital United Nations UN House level. Meanwhile, my peacekeeping battalion to quickly enter the emergency State, strengthening defense and ensure my safety.

19:03 and casualty service. Medical personnel assisted breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, operative and other means to rescue the 7 wounded. However, Li Lei, Yang Shupeng two martyrs because his injuries killed. Despite the heart wrenching, but with tears I force military, continued to rescue other wounded.

After the attack for the first time, related to joint military operations command center immediately into emergency duty parts, continuous tracking, real time guidance body emergency actions to rescue the wounded, informed the air force to send transport planes to southern Sudan's preparation, and immediately study the Chinese army before the formation of the Working Group and the programme.

Head of Central Military Commission in accordance with the instructions and the heads of the military joint chiefs requested, China's Defense Ministry in conjunction with the Bureau of the Office of Peacekeeping Affairs, quickly thinning programmes, preparation of plans, coordination of military and social forces, prepared before the working group. Active coordination of the United Nations Department of peacekeeping operations, the Mission of South Sioux related departments and our Embassy in South Sudan, to rescue the wounded.

The night of July 10, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies in South Sudan is also quickly launched the emergency mechanism. The Chinese army team members, Counsellor, Department of international SUN, Xiaobo China's Foreign Ministry said, after the incident, Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambassador Wu Haitao, China met with relevant officials of the United Nations Under Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations Sue, demanding on rescue and rehabilitation issues in full support of the United Nations, and to take practical measures to protect me to the safety of peacekeeping personnel in South Sudan.

Armed conflict resulting in ground and air traffic disruption in the area of South Sudan Juba, the wounded to evacuations to hospitals with better conditions at this time. 11th, at 3 o'clock in the morning, relevant units of the army integration linkage, quickly organized China's peacekeeping battalion with military medical tele-consultation of experts.

UN House was informed that the United Nations level-I hospitals lack medicines, I attache William Lim in South Sudan, according to the Party Committee and Ambassador of the Embassy majiang instructions, leading China's assistance to southern Sudanese medical team of two doctors, and lacking medical supplies rushed rescue.

11th 13:50, William Lim and his party arrived at the UN House camp outside the North Gate of the United Nations. While armed factions were fighting, North door closed, there are stray bullets hit the door from time to time. Peacekeeping battalion is responsible for supporting me after three men arrived at the door, immediately shouted him off, warning, infantry fighting vehicle-mounted side by side cover of machine gun fire, the Commander Peng led several Army soldiers risked quickly opened the door, William Lim and his party escorted to the UN hospital at the House level.

After treatment, minor Song Xiaohui is no big deal, offered to return to war. While the other 4 injured people still need evacuation. But this time, local forces fighting was going on, the United Nations can be heard the sound of gunfire outside the camp.

Lucky was I in South Sudan Embassy and Deputy Commander Yang Chaoying, who repeated the South Sioux, coordinated by South Sudan's Government agreed to open a safe passage and provide armed escort, escort wounded soldiers to United Nations level-II hospital in Juba near the airport.

From UN United Nations House to the level-II hospital in the camp, a distance of approximately 20 km, usually, it takes about 30 minutes by car. But this time, because the road exchanged fire many times, but also through more than 10 checkpoints, convoys took 1.5 hours.

United Nations level-II hospital for 4 injured after diagnostic tests, concluded that further evacuation to United Nations level-III hospital in Kampala, Uganda.

This is easier said than done? Coordination before the Government opened land access to South Sudan, had been tried, blistered mouth, this time to coordinate plane, open air, difficulty can be imagined.

"For the safety of lives, to their fellow comrades, we avoid at all costs. "Comrade and fought several conversations, they said these words to reporters.

On July 13, through unremitting efforts, a Germany military transport plane carrying Oscar de la Hoya, Yao Daoxiang, Kuregaku 3 wounded went to Uganda, and Chen Ying, unstable injury, needs further observation after treatment of transit.

The day before 13 o'clock, transport 3 injured the plane to a safe landing at Entebbe airport in Uganda. Meanwhile, air force planes carrying Chinese army team from Xijiao airport roared on.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Comrade is waiting in front of us. "It is the common aspiration of all the staff of the working group.

Diversion of the plane just flying, Chair of the Working Group, Defence Ministry peacekeeping Affairs Office Director Su Guanghui couldn't wait to come back and check to pick up wounded soldiers prepared stretchers and other supplies.

Along the way, in the engine room, on the ground, Su Guanghui convened several times to different forms of working, studying and visiting martyrs of the condolences to the wounded, and then shipped the body, guiding peacekeeping camp to strengthen security and other matters.

After an 18-hour flight, the plane on July 14 at 7 o'clock local time, landing at Entebbe airport in Uganda.

"From Beijing to Entebbe, flying over 9 countries, stop come on 3 times, 14000 km. We expect that at least more than 20 hours, didn't expect 18-hour arrived, had never so fast. "At the Entebbe airport, members of the unit, Deputy Director of air staff operational Bureau xutao laments. He said factors that determine our speed is not only the flight itself, route permits, as well as all the way through the efficiency of airport security and so on, if there are no armies to work together, 18-hour speeds cannot be achieved.

This reminded journalists of the SUN, Xiaobo said many times: "for this task, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the army as a whole, all is common. ”

Reporter was surprised, at the Entebbe meeting a number from my military attache stationed in other countries. By understanding and working groups before their departure, I was stationed in Egypt, and Israel, and South Africa, and Iran and 5 countries such as Cote d ' Ivoire military personnel dispatched to Uganda to help work.

14th, arrange for aircraft of the United Nations to send Chen Ying to Entebbe airport in Uganda. Earlier, the wounded safely from the airport in order to be served on United Nations level-III hospital, Ambassador Zhao Yali and embassy personnel in Uganda I do a lot of work. Not only that, they come and of the Working Group, and have done a lot of work.

From Entebbe airport to Kampala the United Nations level-III hospital, about 50 km, only a two-lane road, and the traffic is great, congestion levels may refer to the late-morning rush hour in Beijing's second ring road. By the Uganda police escorting fleet Gallop all the way, less than 50 minutes United Nations level-III hospital.

Chen ying was promoting emergency room, met reporters at the gate of several local Chinese enterprises.

"After getting the news of the wounded have been sent to, we'll catch up. Except fruit, and nutrition, we also for wounded prepared has several Taiwan phone, easy they and family contact, adjustment mood, while we arrangements personnel duty, turns care...... "China three gorges group Uganda Yi Xinba hydropower station project Department General Manager Assistant Zhao Xiaochao said:" soldiers for country effectiveness, was sacrifice and injured, do a copies bit of force is in the funding enterprise of responsibility is compatriots brotherhood due to. ”

At the United Nations level-III hospital 3 319/f Ward, reporters saw Yao Daoxiang, Kuregaku two wounded.

"I feel much better now, the best thing is to go back to the mission area, to complete the course. "Discourse, Kuregaku back to his unit's eagerness was palpable.

"Thank the Chairman of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission and learned, please rest assured that country, relatives, Chinese soldiers stronger! "Bed, look Yao Daoxiang said firmly. In recent days, Yao Daoxiang lover to childbirth, a reporter asked him if he wanted to say something with your lover, Yao Daoxiang replied: "mother, I am here very well, don't worry! ”

Walked out of the room, back to the emergency room, good news – Chen Ying, there is no danger to life!

At night, the journalists with staff travel back to Entebbe. No motorcades, we nearly 3 hours to get to.

Traffic jams, will naturally bring irritation. Along the way, everyone's in a good mood, the reason was obvious.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Peacekeepers in South Sudan

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  中国军网乌干达恩德培7月16日电 (记者 罗铮)祖国不会忘记任何一个儿女!人民军队不会忽视任何一名士兵!







  当时,交火异常激烈,不时有炮弹在附近爆炸,流弹从头顶飞过。5分钟内,另2辆野战救护车陆续赶到事发地,将伤员急速送往联合国UN House一级医院。与此同时,我维和步兵营迅速进入应急状态,加强防御部署,最大限度保证我人员安全。






  获悉联合国UN House一级医院缺少药品,我驻南苏丹使馆武官林伟,根据使馆党委和大使马强指示,带领中国援助南苏丹医疗队两名医生,携急缺医药物资火速驰援。

  11日13时50分,林伟一行赶到联合国UN House营区北门外。当时武装派别正在交火,北门紧闭,不时有流弹打在门上。负责接应的我维和步兵营三连官兵赶到门口后,立即进行喊话劝离、鸣枪示警、 步战车车载并列机枪射击掩护,连长彭参军带领几名战士冒着危险快速打开大门,将林伟一行护送至UN House一级医院。



  从联合国UN House营区到二级医院,距离大概20公里,平时需要大概30分钟车程。可这一次,由于路上多次遇到交火,还要经过十几个检查站,车队足足走了一个半小时。










  “从北京到恩德培,飞越9个国家,经停加油3次,全程14000公里。我们预计至少要20多个小时,没想到18个小时就到了,以前从来没这样快 过。”在恩德培机场,机组成员、空军参谋部作战局副局长徐涛感慨道。他说,决定我们速度的因素不仅是飞行本身,还有一路的航线许可以及经停机场的保障效率 等,如果没有军地的共同努力,18个小时的速度不可能实现。






  “得到伤员被送来的消息后,我们立刻就赶了过来。除了水果、营养品,我们还为伤员准备了几台手机,便于他们和家人联系,调整心情,同时我们安排 人员值班,轮流看护……”中国长江三峡集团公司乌干达伊辛巴水电站项目部总经理助理赵小超说:“军人为国效力,有人牺牲和受伤,尽一份绵薄之力是中资企业 的责任也是同胞手足之情使然。”







责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

维和战士 南苏丹


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