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Henan gang Nissan heavy toxic Yuba, the principal was sentenced to 12 years

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/17 6:17:35 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

Henan gang Nissan heavy toxic Yuba, the principal was sentenced to 12 years(河南一团伙日产千斤毒腐竹,主犯被判刑12年)

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Henan gang Nissan Jack Yuba | prime culprit was sentenced to 12 years of dangerous drugs Yuba _ news

Zhengzhou, July 17 (reporters Liu Jinhui) Henan gangs misuse additives, daily average production of "HIV Yuba" 500 kg, involving nearly 2 million Yuan. Recently, the intermediate people's Court of Zhengzhou city, Henan province, make final rulings in the case, maintaining principal du sentenced to 12 years and fined 760,000 yuan's decision.

Between July 2012 and November 2014, du without business licenses, documents, such as availability of food production, a 7-person, inside a carpark in ruzhou, Henan province, which additives to produce qualified dried bean products.

In the production of dried bean milk cream in refining processes, the group added in the soy milk contain rongalite and other additives, to curdle milk easy to pinch the skin, improvement of dried bean milk cream in color and taste. Wash and use a foam base milk pot, heated milk non-stick bottom. Average daily production of Yuba 500 kg, involving nearly 2 million Yuan.

The investigation, these "HIV Yuba" mainly to lingbao, Henan province, Yang Ying, dengfeng, serious harm to public health and safety.

The end of 2015, dengfeng city people's Court for producing and selling toxic and harmful food sentenced du to 12 years of imprisonment, and fined 760,000 yuan, other gang members were sentenced to the corresponding penalties. After the verdict, du Pont brought an appeal in recent days by the Zhengzhou intermediate people's Court rejected the appeal and upheld the. (End)

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
HIV Yuba

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Xinhua News Agency
河南一团伙日产千斤毒腐竹 主犯被判刑12年|毒腐竹_新闻资讯

  新华社郑州7月17日专电(记者刘金辉) 河南一团伙滥用添加剂,日均生产“毒腐竹”500公斤,涉案金额近200万元。近日,河南省郑州市中级人民法院对此案作出终审裁定,维持对主犯杜某判处有期徒刑12年,并处罚金76万元的判决。





责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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