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“Eat meat“ sign out the big, big gun smashed drug case

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“Eat meat“ sign out the big, big gun smashed drug case(“吃肉”暗号牵出大案,警方破获特大涉枪涉毒案)

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"Eat meat" sign out the big mega-drug-related cases involved with guns | the Police smashed | drug _ news

Original title: online "eat meat" sign out shooting renshou police across four provinces large gun-related drug case

Sichuan online Meishan Channel News (reporter Wang Qin) July 14, Sichuan online Meishan channel reporter from renshou Public Security Bureau was informed that, lasted near 1 years, renshou Public Security Bureau success detected with King involved gun involved HIV case, captured crime suspects 22 people, seized imitation 64 type pistol 9 support, and bullet 9 sent, single tube shotgun 2 support, and Airsoft 1 support, and shotgun play 3 sent, and lead play near 1000 star, ice HIV more than 160 more than grams, recovered was stolen Rob car 3 car.

Seized firearms and ammunition
Suspects identified

Online "eat meat" sign emerged holding a drug home "now"

"These two days have meat to eat? "Last April, often" eat meat "Word appears in the name, Sun Micro, QQ chat record, renshou police quickly lock this thread, set the target at 93, Sun, and found him a long-term connection with more than one last name, through the Sun holding a home more than a. In this drug line, Sun through the presentation, to traders, to eat the difference, and some hold out the home nicknamed the "youngest" of Zhang.

According to police introduced, Sun can be said to be anti-drug Brigade "old acquaintance", has several times because of drug abuse and drug trafficking were caught, but made it through "pregnant" escape from combat.

After months of preliminary investigation, on December 17, 2015, the renshou police immediately set up a task force, police investigators in the renshou tefo Mall will be captured, "he was driving with a licence for White River a the Chevrolet cars. "Police investigators recalled, after looking up this car for the theft of vehicles which were seized from a body 3 robbery with the Chevrolet sedan.

In capturing more than one process, police investigators found more than a drug-dealing with Wang, and Wang captured.

"Captured at that time, the expression of a wanted service. "The police said, was more than a body of more than more than 30 grams of methamphetamine, captured a few hours before, he had the drugs trade, to be caught, he would contact another family, and captured it in renshou hotel, methamphetamine was found 2 grams, drug tools were also found in the hotel scene.

Through mastery of clues, police continue to carry out investigations, in a district of renshou, found that more than one home, nicknamed the "youngest" home of Zhang, arrested on the spot, from a possession of 40 grams of methamphetamine, and 80 grams of methamphetamine was found in his home.

"When he returned to renshou opened a repair shop, business is bad, no money, just want to use drug trafficking to earn money. "According to police introduced, a big man in the case, Zhang Ziyang in anyue County, is people, parents ' divorce, the father in Chongqing, the mother in renshou, and prior to that had worked in Huizhou, Guangdong, 2014 back to Chongqing, occasionally renshou.

"The boss" for "his" accounts receivable issued on the spot first shot

"During the arrest, more than upon a mention of a gun. "It immediately attracted the attention of police in renshou.

One day in September 2015, Yu Chen a down home received drug money, Chen calls rejected due to no money, refuses to accept the one, on the so called "boss" Zhang to accounts receivable, the day a body with a type 64 pistol-like, with Chen during the negotiation, Zhang took out a handgun threats.

"No, I shoot. "During the negotiations, Chen accidentally bumped a right hand, which touch directly met with loaded pistols, opened the first shot on the spot, Chen was scared, said to be drug money to more than one.

Drug-related personnel captured during the renshou police found guns, a clue by gun Zhang body began its investigation, found in August 2015, Zhang Liu Mouping through intermediaries in Huizhou, Guangdong to 8000 Yuan to buy a type 64 pistol-like, 3 rounds of bullets, in September of the same year by Wang 9500 Yuan was sold to some.

October 2015, King a (1) contact good home generation a, and Dr a, on good each support gun 12000 Yuan, then King a and Zhang a with to Guangdong Huizhou find Liu a flat help its contact buy gun, Liu a flat and contact Liu a paper, Zhang a and King a through Liu Mouping in Liu a paper sentenced 21000 Yuan money of price bought 3 support imitation 64 type pistol, bullet 9 sent, Zhang a, and King a will 3 support gun to each support 12000 Yuan of price sold has generation a 2 support gun, bullet 6 sent, Dr a 1 support gun, and bullet 3 sent.

In October that year, and one of 12000 price, 2 rounds of bullets to Wang (2), subsequent generations to 12000 price other imitation type 64 pistol, 3 rounds of bullets to the bears.

To this, 4 imitation type 64 pistol respectively, Yang and Wang, bears a four hands.

Seizure of dangerous drugs and imitation type 64 pistol

Follow netted 22 all gun-related, drug-related personnel

According to police investigators recall, throughout the court process, Zhang was at first unwilling to police interrogation, also extremely uncooperative.

"I have nothing to say. "Captured the day in detention, more than when I saw one, a two, a very arrogant attitude about it. In the eyes of the police, Zhang is not tall, full trial has never been lower than has been looked up, or even threatening retaliation for civilian police, according to a survey in Guangzhou has been sentenced to two years for attempted robbery.

During his trial, Zhang has been giving no explanation, always with the police against each other, with a little looking back on his life, broke Zhang's personal bottom line, with affection his probation, also saw his softer side, during which Zhang Chen for half an hour or so, he said, "want to quietly. ”

Then, Zhang asked that his family be given once the phone, explain to the mothers a few things, eventually confessed for related characters and clues about the case. According to an account of his drugs and guns, came from a man named Liu Mouping, who has been working in Huizhou in Guangdong province for settlement, and on February 6, 2016, captured in his hometown of neijiang.

By renshou police review, August 2015 yilai, Zhang a has times from Guangdong Huizhou to 28 Yuan or 30 yuan a grams of price bought ice HIV amounted to more than 600 more than grams, and with back renshou wenlinzhen city will ice HIV sold million a, and more than a, and King a, and Lee a, people, and million a and will Zhang a sold its of ice HIV respectively sold has Yu a, and Hu a, people.

Finally, a line of all drug-related personnel have been arrested.

While, Zhang a also account has 4 support gun of specific went, according to clues, December 24, 2015, project in renshou Zhongxiang town will King a (1), and generation a, and summer a captured, from generation a rent live in Leshan Naka a rental housing within found out imitation 64 type pistol 1 support, and bullet 2 sent, black ball gas pistol 1 support, black gunpowder 1.5 kg, and shotgun empty shells 23 Gold, and iron 19.65 kg, and shotgun play fill loaded tool 1 Deputy, and shotgun bullet 3 sent, Airsoft lead play 100 star.

The same day, bear a renshou County Public Security Bureau surrender, take the initiative to hand in imitation of the type 64 pistol 1, bullet 3.

On December 31 of that year, Wang (2) renshou police surrendered and turned over to the type 64 pistol-like 1, also at the Guangzhou checkpoint Yang captured, and, on January 7, 2016, Yang is located within the restaurant, Leshan seized imitation type 64 pistol 1, bullet 3.

Across the province of Guangdong, Guizhou, Sichuan, Zhejiang, 4 Final Smash "old ghosts" firearms factory

Throughout the handling process, through the complex relationships between the characters, drugs, guns, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guizhou, sources involved in 4 provinces.

According to the clues, renshou police follow found robbed, the source of HIV in Guangdong, then, the Panel sent its investigators to Huizhou in Guangdong Province, and the case for selling firearms and ammunition captured Liu Ping.

According to case police introduced, in captured Liu a flat zhiqian, on has master has "old ghost" Wu a, Wu a by rent live of housing is two layer floor of building, very hidden, through a night of squat keep, Yu second day take action, after carefully of search, in Wu a home II floor of balcony corner in found has bullet 15 sent, and in kitchen backyard of room beam within find has with plastic film package of 5 support new of guns, barrel 40 a, spring 20, and 30 a, site also found has large of manufacturing Rob, and bullet of processing tool.

Eventually, the cooperation of the police in Huizhou, despite twists and turns, but ultimately was arrested for trafficking in firearms, ammunition, Liu Wen, Wu captured and destroyed the "old ghosts" Wu robbed factory, seized 5 imitation Chinese-made type 64 pistol 5.

"Overall, the case is quite perfect, captured guns, drugs are the source of success. "Renshou Public Security Bureau official said that firearms and ammunition was strictly controlled by the State, the case relates to social stability, and national security of the people, must be strictly combated.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chenglei SN069

Article keywords:
Police drug

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“吃肉”暗号牵出大案 警方破获特大涉枪涉毒案|警方|涉毒_新闻资讯

  原标题:网上“吃肉”暗号牵出枪案 仁寿警方跨四省破特大涉枪涉毒案

  四川在线眉山频道讯(记者 王琴)7月14日,四川在线眉山频道记者从仁寿县公安局获悉,历时近1年,仁寿县公安局成功侦破一起特大涉枪涉毒案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人22人,缴获仿六四式手枪9支、子弹9发,单管猎枪2支、气枪1支、猎枪弹3发、铅弹近1000颗,冰毒160余克,追回被盗抢轿车3辆。


  网上“吃肉”暗号露端倪 牵出贩毒上家“老幺”


  据办案民警介绍,孙某可以说是禁毒大队的“老熟人”,曾先后多次因吸毒、贩毒被抓,但都侥幸通过 “怀孕”逃避打击。

  经过几个月的前期侦查,2015年12月17日,仁寿警方当即成立了专案组,办案民警在仁寿县泰福商城外将余某抓获,“当时他开的一辆牌照为白色川A牌照的雪佛兰轿车。”办案民警回忆,经查这辆车为盗抢车辆 ,意外从余某身上查获了3辆同为雪佛兰的盗抢轿车。




  “当时他回仁寿开了一家修理厂,生意不景气,没有钱用,就想着用贩毒来挣钱。”据办案民警介绍, 张某为本案的重要人物,张某是资阳安岳县人,父母离异,父亲在重庆,母亲在仁寿,在此之前一直在广东 惠州打工,2014年回到重庆,偶尔回仁寿。

  “老板”替“手下”收账 当场开出第一枪



  “不给,老子开枪了。”在交涉期间,陈某不小心碰到了张某右手,这一碰直接碰到了已上膛的手枪, 当场开出了第一枪,陈某被吓到,表示要还毒资给余某。






  顺藤摸瓜 22名涉枪、涉毒人员悉数落网


  “老子什么都没有说。”在抓获当天,在看守所内,当见到余某、万某两人时,张某态度极其嚣张地说 。在办案民警眼中,张某个子不高,审讯全程头从未低过,一直是抬头状,甚至扬言要报复民警,据调查张某在广州期间曾因抢劫未遂被判了两年。

  在审讯过程中,张某一直不交代,始终与民警针锋相对,通过一点点的回顾他的人生经历,突破了张某 的个人底线,用亲情感化他,也看到了他内心柔弱的一面,期间张某陈某了半小时左右,他说,“想要静静 。”











  最终,在惠州警方的配合下,虽一波三折,但最终将涉嫌贩卖枪支弹药的刘某文、吴某抓获,并捣毁了 “老鬼”吴某的制抢工厂,缴获了5支仿中国国产六四式手枪5支。


责任编辑:张承磊 SN069

警方 涉毒


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