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Jiangsu confirmed 8th H7N9 avian flu cases

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/1 2:11:22 Browse times: 282 Comment times: 0

Jiangsu confirmed 8th H7N9 avian flu cases(江苏确诊第8例H7N9禽流感病例)

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Jiangsu 8th H7N9 avian flu cases confirmed avian flu cases | | H7N9| bird flu epidemic _ news

Jinling evening news (press flower) yesterday, the Jiangsu Provincial Health Department announced again, added 1 new case of human infection in Jiangsu Province H7N9 avian flu confirmed cases.??Patient, female, aged 75. On January 30 confirmed human infection H7N9 avian influenza cases in Nanjing city. Now at Nanjing hospital, in critical condition. It is Jiangsu H7N9 confirmed the eighth case of human infection of bird flu cases this year, is also a fourth case in Nanjing.

According to reports, these 8 cases, 4 were from Nanjing, 2 cases of Suzhou, Wuxi, 1 from, 1 from Huaian, only two were in stable condition, other 6 people in critical or heavy.

Spring Festival Qian, Jiangsu province health office held province people infection H7N9 avian influenza outbreak control TV teleconference, Wang Yonghong Director said, practical to will control work mark Qian moved, and gravity Xia moved, real do "early found, and early report, and early diagnosis, and early treatment"; according to clinic programme, implementation "concentrated patients, and concentrated expert, and concentrated resources, and concentrated treatment" of principles, full treatment patients, do maximum efforts reduced death; do material reserves and personnel training, focus strengthened up Philip, and detection reagents, and N95 masks and other materials stocks to ensure that epidemic prevention needs.

Also, national David Planning Commission issued has latest of people infection H7N9 avian influenza outbreak control programme under (following abbreviation programme under), programme under pointed out that, suspected gathered sexual cases is refers to 7 days within in small range (as a family, and a community,) found 1 cases confirmed cases, and while found 1 cases and the above suspected cases, tips may exists interpersonal spread or due to common exposed and infection. Under the above conditions, 2 confirmed cases, convicted as a cluster of cases.

Requirements of medical institutions at all levels of the programme for the treatment of influenza, to ask their poultry or live bird market exposure history, focusing in live-poultry farming, slaughtering, sale, transportation and other industries people. After discovering infected H7N9 avian flu cases, shall, within 24 hours of completing the report card, and direct network report of infectious diseases. Selected reportable diseases category "b class infectious diseases", "human infection H7N9 avian influenza".

  Nanjing shut down all

Non-targeted live poultry business

The (Jiang Xiaojun correspondent reporter Lin Qiaofen) recently, after the bird flu outbreak, according to the Nanjing H7N9 avian flu infection defense mechanisms control Office requirements and spirit of the municipal party Committee and municipal government instructions, Nanjing municipal Bureau met on several occasions deployment of prevention and control work. Currently, the downtown farmers ' market for all non-Sentinel live poultry trading, as well as the outside facade fixed live poultry trading outlets were shut down. Farmers ' market on the outskirts of live poultry business and waihuo poultry operation shall be determined by the District Government, in principle, of a primary urban area standard.

January 31, 2014 Jinling evening news(江苏确诊第8例H7N9禽流感病例|禽流感病例|H7N9|禽流感疫情_新闻资讯

  金陵晚报讯 (记者 李花)昨天,江苏省卫生厅再次公布,江苏省新增1例人感染H7N9禽流感确诊病例。患者钱某,女,75岁。 1月30日下午被南京市确诊为人感染H7N9禽流感病例。目前在南京某医院治疗,病情危重。这是江苏今年确诊的第八例人感染H7N9禽流感病例,也是南京的第四例。


  春节前,江苏省卫生厅召开全省人感染H7N9禽流感疫情防控电视电话会议,王咏红厅长说,切实要将防控工作关口前移、重心下移,真正做到 “早发现、早报告、早诊断、早治疗”;按照诊疗方案,落实“集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治”的原则,全力救治患者,尽最大努力减少死亡;做好物资储备和人员培训,重点加强达菲、检测试剂、N95口罩等物资的储备,确保疫情防治需要。





  又讯(通讯员 江晓峻 记者 林巧芬)近期,禽流感疫情发生后,根据南京市人感染H7N9禽流感联防联控机制办公室要求和市委、市政府领导批示的精神,南京市工商局多次召开会议部署防控工作。目前,对主城区所有的非定点活禽交易的农贸市场,以及市场以外有门面房固定的活禽交易的网点及时进行了关停。郊区的农贸市场活禽经营及场外活禽经营由各区政府自行决定,原则上参照主城区标准执行。


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