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Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said: Arbitration ruled to be illegal invalid the so-called South China Sea

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Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said: Arbitration ruled to be illegal invalid the so-called South China Sea(杨洁篪受访:南海仲裁所谓裁决是非法无效的)

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Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said: the so-called Arbitration ruled to be illegal invalid | Yang of South China Sea South China Sea | Arbitration _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 15-July 14, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal ruling accepted the so-called central media, comprehensively expounding China position on that. Following is the full text:

Reporter: on July 12, the Philippine Sea Arbitration Tribunal of the so-called ruling attempted to negate China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. China then published has on should requests established of sea arbitration case Arbitration Chamber made ruling of statement, and on in sea of territory sovereignty and marine interests of statement and China insisted through negotiations solution China and Philippines in sea of about dispute white paper, showed that has China on Arbitration Chamber so-called ruling not accept, and not admitted of solemn position, and reiterated has China in sea of territory sovereignty and marine interests. What do you think about this so-called arbitral awards made in the South seas?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: a few days ago, the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal ruled the so-called. This decision is completely illegal and invalid. The Chinese Government has issued statements and white papers, show that we are firmly opposed to arbitration and do not accept, does not recognize the ruling stand. Community and the majority of the Chinese people is a strong advocate and support the position of the Central Government, have been in the press, TV and text messaging, micro-letter, Facebook platform published articles and opinions, expressed opposition to illegal striking attitudes of the arbitration, maintain sovereignty and interests.

South China Sea arbitration case from beginning to end is a covered with legal coat political farce, has a hidden agenda behind its plots. Some countries outside the pretext of arbitration cases denying China's sovereignty rights, even Messier, to isolate and tarnish the image of China in the international community, to contain China's peaceful development, but they are empty and can't harm against others. It must be noted that arbitration case was contrary to the spirit of international law and endanger regional peace and stability, and harm the interests of the international community, for which most countries in the world see it clearly. There are currently more than 70 countries and international and regional organizations issued a statement expressed understanding and support for China's position, this shows the international community's attitude towards this political farce, is enough to explain some countries contain, failed plot to tarnish the image of China.

The sovereignty issue is China's bottom line. China is big, but our ancestors left none of the Foundation one inch away. China in the South China Sea territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests were formed in more than 2000 years of history, has a full historical and legal basis, the so-called decision is not full of ridiculous statements can deny. Arbitration ruling can't erase the facts of history, denying the rights of China in the South China Sea claims more shake our determination to safeguard China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and will. China does not accept the position will not change, did not recognize the ruling at the same time, China will continue to firmly take the road of peaceful development, adhere to resolve the dispute in the South China Sea through negotiations, development of good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation with neighboring countries to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Reporter: why the Philippines to initiate an arbitration violation of international law?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: the basic requirements of the international rule of law is the law. Philip in the dispute is the core of the territorial and maritime delimitation issues. Territory, the United Nations Convention on the law of the underlying business. For the delimitation problems, as early as 2006, China made a declaration in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, preclude the application of the Convention's dispute settlement mechanism. Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines Government to initiate an Arbitration Act, violation of the Philippines over the years to reach bilateral agreements relating to the negotiated settlement of the South China Sea dispute, in violation of China and ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, in 2002 signed the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, in violation of international law, in violation of the Convention. This arbitration is illegal from start to finish, cannot be equated with the international law.

Reporter: why the Tribunal has lost its impartiality and legitimacy? Why Arbitration ruled to be illegal invalid?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: Judging from the composition of the Arbitration Tribunal, the majority of the members by right-wing partisanship and anxious to promote breakthrough system after the war of Japan origin specified by the then-President of the International Tribunal for the law of Yanai, Shunji. In addition, individual arbitrators and expert witnesses in proceedings to overturn its own previous long-term perspectives, lobbied for the Philippines. Any discerning eye can see the issue.

Expression of arbitral tribunal, regardless of China's solemn stance, any expansion of jurisdiction, in total disregard of the history and reality of the South China Sea, misinterpreted the relevant provisions of the Convention, this Convention from the outset by the study of evil, the unlawful decision that ultra vires acts and to enlarge the natural illegal and invalid. The arbitral tribunal can not represent international law, more representative of the international equity and justice.

Reporter: ruling on South China impact broken line?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: history cannot be distorted, the law should not be abused. In the South China Sea sovereignty, rights and related claims are in the historical practice of the Chinese people for thousands of years gradually and continuously developed, and the Chinese Government has been maintained. As early as 1948, the Chinese Government published official Nanhai broken line plotted on a map, confirmed China's South China Sea Islands and their adjacent waters sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, which are indisputable historical fact. China is a party to the United Nations Convention on the law of course, in the enjoyment of the rights enshrined in the Convention. China's interests in the South China Sea stand much earlier than the time of the signing of the Convention, it could not be denied in the Convention, are less likely to be fallacies of the so-called ruling denying a paper. China's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea by the international law and the protections of the Convention.

Reporter: the South China Sea after the arbitration decision was released, how will China maintain territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: South China Sea is a sea of ancestors of the Chinese people, is carved out of wuzuwuzong with the wisdom and life Foundation. Safeguard territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of the Chinese Government's resolve is unwavering. Chinese people don't covet others not jealous of other countries in the development, but will not give up our legitimate interests, and no foreign country should expect us to do business with their core interests, don't expect us to swallow the damage China's sovereignty, security and development interests to swallow. The Chinese Government and people will continue to unite as one, United, with concrete actions determined to defend every inch of our territory, every sea.

Reporter: China does not accept, does not admit the Philippines sea arbitration ruling amid claims that the Chinese side does not comply with international rules, that China would change its policy of peaceful development. What do you think?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: Philippines sea arbitration violation of bilateral agreements China and the Philippines, in violation of the rules embodied in the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea area, in violation of international rules, including the United Nations Convention on the law of the. And China against the position taken by the arbitration case in full compliance with international law, the basic fact is exemplified in a series of position papers of the Chinese Government. That distorted the basic facts, and tried to discredit China once again exposes the nature of the arbitration, that certain countries in the name public international law, making farce of their desires.

China has always been international and regional order defenders, builders and contributors. More than 70 years ago, China's direct participation in the design of the postwar international order. More than 70 years, China has always maintained with the United Nations at the core, the Charter of the United Nations purposes and principles on the basis of the international order and the international system, determined to preserve and promote the international rule of law. China will work with States, continue to maintain and develop good international order and the international system.

Arbitration does not shake China's determination to walk the road of peaceful development. Choose the path of peaceful development, China is not an expedient measure, but in keeping with the times and their own fundamental interests to make strategic choices. China adheres to the five principles of peaceful coexistence on the basis of developing friendly relations with other countries, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and interconnection with neighboring countries, adhere to resolve issues relating to territory and maritime delimitation through negotiations, firmly defend peace and stability in the surrounding area.

Reporter: Sea Arbitration of China-ASEAN relations will be affected? You expecting on the development prospect of China-ASEAN relations?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: the South China Sea issue is not a problem between China and ASEAN. ASEAN has always been committed to in the South China Sea took a neutral stance on the issue, not involved in the dispute, so should not choose sides line up in arbitration-related issues. Always on South China Sea issues between China and ASEAN countries kept frank and friendly communication, full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, continue to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea through dialogue and consultation, and push "South China Sea code of conduct" consultative process aimed at an early date on the basis of consensus reached "guidelines". China directly concerned parties will continue to work with ASEAN to maintain communication and consultation and properly handle the dispute of South China Sea. China's wish is sincere, a consistent policy.

Development of good relations between China and ASEAN, and prospects. This year is the 25 anniversary of the China-ASEAN dialogue relations. In 25 years, China-ASEAN relations have withstood various tests, cooperation is fruitful. Bilateral trade rose from less than US $ 10 billion 25 years ago to nearly $ 500 billion. China and ASEAN are each other's important trading partner. The development of bilateral relations has brought tangible benefits to the peoples of the region, has set a successful example of national equality, seeking common development.

In September this year, China's leaders will attend the China-ASEAN dialogue relations held in Laos 25 anniversary Summit, along with leaders of ASEAN countries, sketch blueprint for future development of bilateral relations, strengthen strategic communication, deepen mutual political trust, strengthen pragmatic cooperation, promote cultural exchanges and achieve mutual benefit and win-win development.

Reporter: How do you see the future of Sino-Philippine relations?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: is across the sea from neighboring China and the Philippines, has a thousand-year history of friendly exchanges of the two countries. In recent years, due to the former Government of the Philippines in the South China Sea adopted a hostile policy toward China on the issue, determined unilaterally lift the sea arbitration case, so that Sino-Philippine relations in serious difficulties. Arbitration case contrary to the consensus reached by China and the Philippines and international law, contrary to the common interests of the two countries and their peoples, is a major political barrier hindering Sino-Philippine relations improved. We hope that the Government of feixin Sino-Philippines mutual interests and the overall interests of bilateral relations and properly handle relevant issues. As long as China and the Philippines will adhere to the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea principles and spirit, properly handle their differences through dialogue and consultation, and adhere to the mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation, we will be able to open up a better future for bilateral relations.

Reporter: how about foreign countries frequently interfere in this issue, how will China respond to this situation?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: arbitration case is outside the State getting involved in the problems of a typical negative cases. Problems between States bordering the South China Sea South China Sea should be resolved through peaceful negotiations by the parties. For a long time, the joint efforts of China and the ASEAN countries concerned, maintain the lasting peace and stability in the South China Sea, laid the Foundation for the development and prosperity of the region.

In recent years, some foreign countries for their own benefit, the banner of "freedom of navigation", "safeguarding regional peace" guise, frequent interventions, getting involved in the issue, resulting in the South China Sea have mounted. These practices are very irresponsible and affect peace and stability in the South China Sea has become a major source of risk.

We have always believed that China and the South China Sea neighboring States have wisdom and ability to manage their differences, the South China Sea into a sea of peace, cooperation and friendship. Of course, we never exclude the legitimate interests of foreign countries in the South China Sea. So we said, did the same. We hope relevant countries to respect China's South China Sea and surrounding countries to independently choose, do more to contribute to the maintenance of peace and stability in the South China Sea, and not the other way around.

Reporter: what ideas to solve South China Sea issue is in China?

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi: China adheres to the road of peaceful development, adhere to the "being a good neighbor and partner" of foreign policy, adhere to the peaceful settlement of dispute through negotiations. Thanks to this policy, since the founding of new China, China and 14 in 12 land neighbors based on historical facts and basic norms of international law, through bilateral consultations and negotiations, resolved the border issues left over by history, defined and assigned to a length of more than 20,000 kilometers of border, total length of more than 90%. In addition, China and Viet Nam through negotiation and consultation outlines bilateral maritime boundaries in Beibu Gulf, China and Korea have also started the yellow sea boundary negotiations.

As a regional power, aware of the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region and China's own responsibility. China has always been firmly opposed to the countries concerned on the part of the reef in the Nansha Islands, China's illegal occupation and infringement activities in sea areas under the jurisdiction of China. Meanwhile, China is willing to work with respect for historical facts on the basis of the parties directly, according to international law, including the Convention, through negotiating a peaceful settlement to the dispute. China is ready to work actively with the countries concerned negotiate interim arrangements before the dispute, including the joint development in South China Sea waters to realize mutual benefit and win-win, to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Yang Jiechi, South China Sea Arbitration

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Xinhua News Agency

  新华社北京7月15日电 7月14日,国务委员杨洁篪就南海仲裁案仲裁庭作出所谓裁决接受中央媒体采访,全面阐述中方有关立场主张。全文如下:

  记者:7月12日,菲律宾南海仲裁案仲裁庭作出所谓裁决,企图否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。中方随后发表了关于应菲律宾共和国请求建立 的南海仲裁案仲裁庭所作裁决的声明、关于在南海的领土主权和海洋权益的声明和《中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议》白皮书,表明了我国对 仲裁庭所谓裁决不接受、不承认的严正立场,并重申了中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。您如何看待这个所谓的南海仲裁庭作出的裁决?

  杨洁篪:日前,南海仲裁案仲裁庭作出所谓裁决。这一裁决完全是非法的、无效的。中国政府已经发表了有关声明和白皮书,表明了我们坚决反对仲裁和 不接受、不承认裁决的严正立场。中国社会各界和广大民众坚决拥护和支持中央政府的立场,纷纷在报刊、电视以及短信、微信、微博等网络平台发表文章和观点, 表达了反对非法仲裁、维护主权权益的鲜明态度。

  南海仲裁案由始至终就是一场披着法律外衣的政治闹剧,其背后有着不可告人的图谋。某些域外国家妄图借仲裁案否定中国的南海主权权益,甚至拉帮结 派,要在国际社会孤立、抹黑中国,牵制中国的和平发展,但他们是竹篮打水一场空,害人不成反害己。必须指出,仲裁案违反国际法治精神,危及地区和平稳定, 损害国际社会利益,对此世界上大多数国家都看得很清楚。目前有70多个国家和国际、地区组织发表声明,对中国的立场表示理解和支持,这足以说明国际社会对 这场政治闹剧的态度,也足以说明某些国家围堵、抹黑中国的阴谋失败了。

  主权问题是中国的底线。中国虽大,但老祖宗留下来的基业一寸都不能丢。中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益是在两千多年的历史实践中形成的,有着充 分的历史和法理依据,绝不是满纸荒唐言的所谓裁决所能否定的。仲裁裁决抹杀不了历史事实,否定不了中国在南海的权益主张,更动摇不了我们维护领土主权和海 洋权益的决心和意志。中国不接受、不承认裁决的立场不会改变,同时,中国将继续坚定走和平发展道路,坚持通过谈判协商解决在南海的有关争议,坚持发展与周 边国家的睦邻友好和互利合作,共同维护南海地区的和平稳定。


  杨洁篪:国际法治的基本要求是依法行事。中菲南海争议的核心是领土问题和海域划界问题。对于领土问题,《联合国海洋法公约》根本管不着。对于海 域划界问题,中国早在2006年就根据《公约》规定作出声明,排除适用《公约》争端解决机制。菲律宾阿基诺三世政府单方面提起仲裁的行为,违反中菲多年来 达成的通过谈判解决南海有关争议的双边协议,违反中国与包括菲律宾在内的东盟国家于2002年签署的《南海各方行为宣言》,违反国际法,违反《公约》。这 一仲裁自始至终都是非法的,不能同国际法划等号。





  杨洁篪:历史不容篡改,法律不容滥用。中国在南海的主权、权利及相关主张是在中国人民千百年来的历史实践中逐渐形成和不断发展起来的,并且一直 为历届中国政府所坚持。早在1948年,中国政府就在公开发行的官方地图上标绘了南海断续线,确认了中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域的主权和相关海洋权益,这 是不容置疑的历史事实。中国是《联合国海洋法公约》的缔约国,中国当然享有《公约》规定的权利。中国在南海权益主张远早于《公约》签署的时代,它不可能被 《公约》所否定,更不可能被一纸谬误百出的所谓裁决所否定。中国在南海的主权和海洋权益受到国际法和《公约》的双重保护。


  杨洁篪:南海是中国人民的祖宗海,是吾祖吾宗用智慧和生命开拓出来的基业。中国政府捍卫南海领土主权和海洋权益的决心是坚定不移的。中国人民不 觊觎他国利益,不嫉妒他国发展,但绝对不会放弃我们的正当利益,任何外国不要指望我们会拿自己的核心利益做交易,不要指望我们会吞下损害我国主权、安全和 发展利益的苦果。中国政府和人民将继续团结一心,众志成城,以实实在在的行动坚定捍卫属于我们的每一寸领土、每一片海域。


  杨洁篪:菲律宾南海仲裁案违反中菲双边协议,违反《南海各方行为宣言》所体现的地区规则,违反包括《联合国海洋法公约》在内的国际规则。而中国 针对仲裁案采取的立场完全符合国际法,这个基本事实在中国政府的一系列立场文件中已充分说明。对这一基本事实进行歪曲,并以此竭力对中国进行抹黑,再次暴 露了仲裁的本质,那就是某些国家假国际法之公名,谋取其私欲的闹剧。

  中国始终是国际和地区秩序的维护者、建设者、贡献者。70多年前,中国直接参与设计建立了战后国际秩序。70多年来,中国始终维护以联合国为核 心、以《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则为基础的国际秩序和国际体系,坚定维护和促进国际法治。中国将与各国一道,继续维护好、建设好国际秩序和国际体系。

  仲裁案丝毫不会动摇中国走和平发展道路的决心。中国选择走和平发展道路不是权宜之计,而是顺应时代潮流和自身根本利益作出的战略抉择。中国坚持 在和平共处五项原则基础上发展同世界各国的友好关系,不断深化与周边国家的互利合作和互联互通,坚持通过谈判协商解决有关领土和海洋划界问题,坚定捍卫周 边地区和平与稳定。


  杨洁篪:南海问题不是中国和东盟之间的问题。东盟一向承诺在南海问题上持中立立场,不介入具体争议,因此不应该在仲裁有关问题上选边站队。中国 和东盟国家始终就南海问题保持着坦诚友好的沟通,愿意全面、有效落实《南海各方行为宣言》,继续通过对话协商保持南海的和平稳定,同时稳妥推进“南海行为 准则”磋商进程,争取在协商一致基础上早日达成“准则”。中国将继续与东盟有关直接当事国保持沟通和磋商,妥善处理南海有关争议。中国的愿望是真诚的,政 策是一贯的。

  中国和东盟关系发展良好,前景广阔。今年是中国-东盟建立对话关系的25周年。25年来,中国-东盟关系经受了各种考验,合作硕果累累。双方贸 易额从25年前的不足100亿美元上升至近5000亿美元。中国和东盟互为重要贸易伙伴。双方关系的发展给地区各国人民带来了实实在在的利益,树立了大小 国家平等相待、共谋发展的成功典范。



  杨洁篪:中菲是隔海相望的近邻,两国有着上千年的友好交往历史。近年,由于菲律宾前政府在南海问题上对华采取敌视政策,执意单方面提起南海仲裁 案,使中菲关系遭遇严重困难。仲裁案违背中菲达成的共识和国际法,违背两国和两国人民共同利益,是阻碍中菲关系改善的主要政治障碍。我们希望菲新政府从中 菲共同利益和两国关系大局出发,妥善处理有关问题。只要中菲都坚持《南海各方行为宣言》的原则和精神,通过对话协商妥善处理分歧,坚持互利友好合作,就一 定能为两国关系开辟美好未来。




  我们始终认为,中国和南海周边国家完全有智慧、有能力管控好分歧,将南海建设成为和平、合作、友谊之海。当然,我们也从来不排斥域外国家在南海 地区的合法权益。我们是这么讲的,也是这么做的。希望有关国家尊重中国和南海周边国家的自主选择,多做有利于维护南海和平稳定的事情,而不是相反。


  杨洁篪:中国坚持走和平发展道路,坚持“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的周边外交政策,坚持通过谈判磋商和平解决争议。得益于这一政策,新中国成立以 来,中国与14个陆地邻国中的12个依据历史事实和国际法的基本准则,通过双边磋商与谈判,解决了历史遗留的边界问题,划定和勘定长度达2万多公里的边界 线,占总长度的90%以上。此外,中国和越南通过谈判协商划定了两国在北部湾的海洋界线,中国和韩国也已启动黄海海域划界谈判。

  作为地区大国,中国深知维护地区和平稳定的重要意义和自身责任担当。中国一向坚决反对有关国家对中国南沙群岛部分岛礁的非法侵占及在中国相关管 辖海域的侵权行为。同时,中国愿与直接当事国在尊重历史事实基础上,依据包括《公约》在内的国际法,通过谈判和平解决有关争议。中国愿同有关国家积极商谈 争议解决前的临时安排,包括在南海相关海域进行共同开发,实现互利共赢,共同维护南海的和平稳定。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

杨洁篪 南海仲裁


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