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China’s “triple“ back sea arbitration, two new ships the same day service

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/7/14 10:56:40 Browse times: 177 Comment times: 0

China’s “triple“ back sea arbitration, two new ships the same day service(中国“三连击”回敬南海仲裁,同一天两艘新舰服役)

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China's "triple" served back at arbitration on the same day two new South China Sea destroyers | mod | South China Sea Arbitration _ news

Original title: China's "triple" returned the arbitration on the same day two new South China Sea destroyers in service

"Global network of military July 12 world times, Guo Yuan Dan" 12th sea arbitration case results. Parties are concerned about the reaction of the Chinese military and other relevant institutions. China's Defense Ministry said that day, PLA xishajun, held shortly before the speech was a "routine arrangements", but the Chinese military and related agencies on 12th, 13th series of combo moves are believed to be in the South China Sea Arbitration results show that China's firm stance.

12th at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, unilateral arbitration results ahead of the South China Sea in the Philippines, China's Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said in answering reporters ' questions in the form, July 5-11th of large-scale military exercises in the South China Sea is a regular arrangement. But Yang Yujun also mentioned that this exercise was for winning the information war the military inspection training at sea; and States that China's armed forces will unswervingly defend the country's sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests, and firmly safeguarding regional peace and stability, to address threats challenges. Media Yang Yujun and the Chinese military during this external declarations made by video images of China in the South China Sea exercise advanced warships, fighter planes, submarines and missile firing shock images.

Apart from the Chinese Defense Ministry's external declarations, the Chinese military has two principal subjects of action the same day. On July 12, yinchuan, China's most advanced type 052D destroyer ships in a naval base in Sanya into the South China Sea fleet, added for the Trump forces "shotgun". South Sea fleet located in the South China Sea Frontier, keeping perennial war patrols in the South China Sea waters. As of now, already into row 4 type 052D destroyer ship in Kunming, Changsha ship, yinchuan, Hefei ships and ship all deployed in the fleet. Some analysts believe, it is out of the fleet in the South China Sea to assume a major role in consideration. Type 052D destroyer is the Chinese Navy's most advanced guided-missile destroyer, armed with several types of independent research and development of new weapons and equipment, and high degree of information, good stealth performance, either alone or in conjunction with the Navy, other forces against enemy surface ships, submarines, has a strong air defense, anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare capability.

New destroyer into the same day, China's new generation of ocean-going space tracking ship YuanWang seventh ship into the China satellite maritime control Department. YuanWang seventh ship was independently designed and developed, with international advanced level of large oceangoing ships. YuanWang seventh row reflects China's rapid military developments and breakthroughs. Li Jie, a military expert on 13th reporter for global times said apart from space Ocean measurement and control tasks, YuanWang seventh but also across the base missile and strategic nuclear submarine missile impact point for observation and fishing.

(Source: the global times)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
China's Defense Ministry of South China Sea Arbitration

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China NET
中国“三连击”回敬南海仲裁 同一天两艘新舰服役|中国国防部|南海仲裁_新闻资讯

  原标题:中国“三连击”回敬南海仲裁 同一天两艘新舰服役

  【环球网军事7月12日报道 环球时报记者 郭媛丹】12日,南海仲裁案结果出炉。各方都在关注中国军方以及其他相关机构的反应。中国国防部当天表示,前不久举行的解放军西沙军演是一次“例行性安排”,不过中国军方以及相关机构12日、13日的一系列组合动作被外界认为是在对南海仲裁案的结果表明中方的坚定立场。





责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

中国国防部 南海仲裁


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