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More than more than 230 political parties in more than 90 countries declare their support to the South China Sea stand

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More than more than 230 political parties in more than 90 countries declare their support to the South China Sea stand(90余国的230多个政党表态支持中国南海立场)

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Over more than 230 political parties in more than 90 countries to endorse positions | | a political party _ the South China Sea, South China Sea news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 12 (reporter Zang Xiaocheng)-12th reporters learned from the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, there are more than 90 countries over more than 230 political parties and political organizations said public support for China's stand on the issue of the South China Sea.

Philippine Sea Arbitration Tribunal illegal invalid the so-called 12th final. The Chinese side has repeatedly said does not accept, does not recognize the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal of any decision.

Recently, some Asian political parties said in a statement, submitted by the Philippines unilaterally violated the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea arbitration cases and the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, resolving the South China Sea issue in line with the interests of all parties in bilateral consultations.

Kyrgyzstan President Masaliyev said in a statement the party of Communists, arbitration case against the South China Sea between China and ASEAN countries, including the Philippines adopted the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, also violated Philippines solve the Islands dispute through bilateral negotiations to reach a consensus.

Mongolia National President Enkhsaikhan of the Democratic Party said in a statement the relevant sensitive issues submitted to arbitration not conducive to the final settlement of the problem, but further escalate the risk. "Problem solving through consultation in line with the common interests of international and regional parties. ”

In addition, Mongolia a new ruling Mongolia people's Party President, Chairman of the State Great Hural MI·enhe Ganbold, with another opposition party Mongolia citizen will, Chairman of the Greens gang called Jager said in a statement published in their respective, advocated by peaceful means and ways of direct negotiations the parties resolve disputes in South China Sea area.

"In the Philippines should sit down and resolve the issue through peaceful bilateral negotiations, do not need to suffer the effects of the arbitral tribunal. "Sri Lankan Tamil National Alliance members of the provincial Council in the Northern silayiwa·suosailatena said in an interview," the decision of the arbitral tribunal is not required to comply with. ”

Masaliyev said, the United Nations Convention on law of the sea allows countries without going through arbitration, the peaceful settlement of disputes. "Using the right solution-Philippine dispute, in line with the interests of both sides, help to eliminate the interference of external forces on the regional situation. ”

"The United States tries to set off conflict in the South, which is not conducive to the maintenance of peace and stability of South China Sea. "The Pakistan justice movement party congressmen Walter mazzarri a Standing Committee, the parliamentary Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said in a statement, countries have the right to independently resolve problems and disputes in the region, outside powers should not interfere.

The Pakistan Muslim League (Sharif) hasang·yikebaer, Minister of planning and development, Deputy Secretary-General, the Government believes that foreign countries should fully respect China's and ASEAN's efforts to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role in this regard.

Bangladesh Communist Party (Leninist) General Secretary, the former Industry Minister, dilipu·balua issued a statement in support of China's position in the South China Sea dispute.

"To safeguard China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and the Philippines should settle their disputes through negotiations and consultations, based on rules and mechanisms for management and control differences. "He said," the only way to the South China Sea a sea of peace, cooperation sea, the sea of friendship, and to contribute to peace in the region. ”

Responsible editor: Gao Yuying

Article keywords:
South China Sea party

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  新华社北京7月12日电(记者 臧晓程)记者12日从中共中央对外联络部获悉,目前已有90多个国家的230多个政党和政治组织表示公开支持中国在南海问题上的立场。













南海 政党


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